“But this matter should be kept secret, and it is better not to let people know.”

Looking at the pure gold in his hand, the crane suddenly spoke, and said seriously: “You should also know the value of this kind of thing, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can buy the whole world, once it is known by others, everyone will absolutely go crazy, even the Draco.” ”

“Hmm! We know! Karp and Zefa were not stupid, obviously aware of this situation, and nodded solemnly.

“But if we haven’t changed in decades, others will think about it.” Zefa asked.

“This…” When the crane heard this, he suddenly groaned, this is indeed a problem, if someone comes to knock on the side, they really can’t explain it.

“Crane, how many abilities are there in the Devil Fruit that can make people immortal?” Sengoku has long had a solution and asked.

“I want to think that there are no less than ten abilities, among which the more famous are surgical fruit, childlike fruit, bat fruit… Oh yes, and the dull fruit! ”

Tsuru carefully recalled the fruit guidebook and said the ability to record them one by one: “The dull fruit emits a ray that can make people move slowly, and it is said that it has been developed to a very extreme extent, which can make human body cells become extremely slow, or even stop growing, the effect is similar to the light of pure gold!” ”

Sengoku smiled: “Did someone appear on the sea who ate this fruit?” ”

“The last one with a record died in the process of killing the general thirteen years ago!”

“Well, that means that someone may also eat it now, that’s good, after a while we will meet a sea thief with a dull ability comparable to Locks!” At that time, the four of us worked together to fight him for ten days and ten nights, and finally he made a deal with us in order to survive, but in the end he was killed by my “total killing”! ”

In the end, Sengoku raised an eyebrow at the three and said, “Do you understand?” ”

Karp, Zefa, and Tsuru instantly understood the meaning of the Warring States words, and the three pairs of eyes looked directly at him.

“Sengoku, you… Forget it, for the first time I admit that you are smarter than me! ”

“Brother Warring States, it’s good that you are my eldest brother.”

“I think it’s very good, huh, just use such a statement to deal with it then.”

“Strength is king, improve it well, even if the world government and the Draco people know about it, it doesn’t matter!”

Sengoku patted Karp and Zefa’s shoulders and said meaningfully: “We are strong, even if the five old stars want to, it depends on whether we give it or not.” ”

Karp and Zefa nodded approvingly.

As long as they are strong, the terrifying five old stars will fall out with them because of pure gold unless they lose their minds, after all, there are so many abilities that this world can live forever.

“When things are done, then go back!” Sengoku said.

It didn’t take long for the four to appear again from the sea and return to shore.

Sengoku looked at the oversized sea king class and ordered it: “Take that lantern octopus to the windless belt, don’t let it die, I will be useful when I go back!” ”

“Yes, master!” The oversized sea king slowly sinks and shallows into the deep sea.

Sengoku stood on the shore until the oversized sea king disappeared into perception before turning away.

The two men in the lantern octopus, one of them is a scientist who can make pure gold, and his value is immeasurable.

After freeing up his hand, go and talk to him, now there is no need to rush, anyway, before leaving, the Warring States also left a piece of pure gold for the other party.


Great Route, Navy Headquarters.

At the beginning of a new day, Marin Fandor became lively again, the soldiers exercised and busy, sorted out the equipment and set sail.

And in the conference room of the office building, at this time, it was already filled with six vice admirals and dozens of rear admiral officers in the Navy headquarters.

“Did something big happen? How did the marshal suddenly gather us? ”

“I don’t know, wait, it stands to reason that there should be no major turmoil now.”

“Well, the number of pirates has decreased sharply, the four seas and the great shipping route have also returned to tranquility, and there have been no pirates recently.”

“Did something happen in the New World?” The Sengoku Brigadier General is still fighting there! ”

“I don’t know, and there is no such content in the newspapers!”


As they waited, the officers bowed their heads and whispered.

At the front, the six lieutenant generals of the headquarters closed their eyes and did not participate in the discussion.

The six lieutenant generals are Kelly and Matsuura, two veteran lieutenant generals who have fought alongside Sengoku in the Owa Lake Kingdom, and two younger ones, who were promoted by Steelbone.


At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the steel bone wearing the cloak of justice walked in.

“Good marshal!”

“Good marshal!”


Everyone stood up and asked him.

Steel Bone nodded empty, walked straight to the podium, glanced at everyone, did not say too much nonsense, and went straight to the topic: “Last night, the headquarters received a call from the brigadier general Sengoku, and after two years, he found the Rocks Pirates, and the two sides began fighting yesterday. ”

“During the battle, there were no casualties between the four Warring States and Karp, but the soldiers below have been lost by half in the past two years.”

“This is the list of pirates that Rocks recruited.”

The steel bone empty words fell, and the screen behind him suddenly reflected all the photos of the named and surnamed pirate crew of the Rocks Pirate Group and the bounty order.

The officers looked at the pirates who were placed on the great route enough to cause great turmoil, and their pupils constricted one by one.

It was a long time before the screen became dark again, and they came back to their senses.

“This guy Rocks is really shameless, he actually netted so many sea thieves, and the whole regiment sniped the commander of the Warring States.”

“Yes, except for the three commanders of Karp, Zefa and Tsuru, the warships of the Warring States Lord can resist those monsters, there are no soldiers at all.”

“No wonder why Sengoku-sama called, so there is no chance to fight Lokes alone.”


The officers looked at the completely disproportionate mid-to-high-end combat power of the two, and each of them cursed with indignation.

“So Marshal, do you mean to want us to attack the New World?”

Kelly and Lieutenant General Matsuura looked at each other and immediately stood up and asked.

“Hmm! I have decided to let all six lieutenant generals of the headquarters set out into the new world to help the Sengoku fight against the Loks Pirates, and your task is to contain those sea pirates and create conditions for the battle between the Sengoku and Loks. ”

Steel Bone nodded and said in a deep voice: “And after one night of consideration, I decided to take this opportunity to completely put the new world in the hands of the world government, and let the light of justice shine there.” ”


The steel bone said nothing, his gaze swept to the major generals and officers who had already guessed the decision, and their faces were red with excitement at this time, and said: “Now that the great shipping route is no longer in much turmoil, it can be completely handled by handing it over to the branch base, and the headquarters only needs to leave three rear generals, and everyone else will take the warship and head towards the new world, completely controlling the sea area.” ”

“Who wants to go?”

As soon as the words fell, the conference room became noisy again, countless pairs of arms were immediately stretched out in the next second, and the officers expressed their positions one after another.

“Marshal, I am willing to go and help the Brigadier General of the Warring States.”

“The old man is also willing to go to the new world and sacrifice this remnant body for justice.”

“Since Lord Sengoku swept away the great shipping route, I haven’t met a decent pirate for a long time, and I must go to this trip to the new world.”

“Great, to be able to sweep away evil with my idol Sengoku, me me me, marshal I’m going.”


Looking at the way everyone in front of him scrambled, Gang Bone’s empty face showed a satisfied look.

In the past, when the two generals were killed by the Pirate Alliance in the New World, everyone at that time heard about the New World and their faces changed greatly, and no one wanted to or dare to step into it for half a step.

But now, everyone’s fear of the new world has completely disappeared, and they can’t wait to enter and fight.

This big change made him feel very happy as a marshal.

Only when officers lead the way, soldiers will not fear death, and justice can protect the people of the world.

Bang bang.

Steel Bone slapped the podium, calmed the conference room again, and under everyone’s expectant gaze, took a deep breath and announced:

“Then so be it, no need to waste any more time, everyone will gather the soldiers under their command, and in an hour they will leave for the new world and rush to the aid of the brigadier general Sengoku!”

“Oh yes, is there also some seedlings in the Naval Academy that are going to be in actual combat?” Speaking of this, Steel Bone turned his head to look at an officer in the corner and asked.

“Yes! It was originally decided three days later that we would take it out for the first actual battle with the pirates. The officer got up and quickly replied.

“Are there any good seedlings?”

“There are some!”

“Okay, let’s take it to the new world together, and let them follow the Warring States to do miscellaneous work and study.” Steel Bone waved empty-handed and said.

A smile appeared on the officer’s face: “Yes, I think those smelly boys will be so excited that they can’t sleep for days.” ”

Today’s headquarters iron four corners can be said to be the idol of the whole navy, in recent years many recruits have come in enthusiastically, all in their name.

Being able to fight alongside their idols is definitely the biggest dream in their hearts.


Before long, the port of Marin Fandor was crowded with numerous warships.

Led by six lieutenant generals, he headed towards the Red Earth Continent.

“How long will it take to join the Brigadier General of the Sengoku?”

On the warship, Vice Admiral Kelly asked the soldiers.

“Lord Hui Lieutenant General, because Lord Warring States’ warship has penetrated deep into the hinterland of the New World, it is expected to take a month!”

“A month, got it!”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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