Marin Fandor, in the marshal’s office.

Steel Bone Empty stood by the window, looking at the sea in the distance, and his brows did not relax for a moment.

Ever since the warship left its headquarters and headed for the New World, he knew that the pirates there would not just sit idly by.

More than ten years ago, the pirates could join hands to ambush once, and today they can come a second time more than ten years later.

Not to mention, this time the fleet has not been led by a general.

“The only good news may be that those top monsters are heading towards those guys in the Warring States, and only some medium guys are intercepting.”

Steel Bone murmured softly.

“Oh, Oh~~~”

In the blue sky, several seagulls suddenly flew from afar, slowly disappearing after leaving a high-pitched and loud call in the headquarters.

Steel Bone Kong kept watching the figure of the seagull and did not move for a long time.


The next day.

Bulu Bru Bru …

The phone worm suddenly rang.

The steel bone, who was burying his head in the desk to correct the document, paused for a while, and then immediately raised his hand to pick it up without saying a word.

“Talk!” Steel Bone Kong said solemnly.

“Air Marshal, I am in charge of monitoring the New World, and I currently have intelligence to report to you. Several groups of pirates form an alliance and sail towards the outskirts of the New World in order to block the fleet of Vice Admiral Kelly who is bound to meet the Brigadier General of the Sengoku. ”

On the other end of the phone worm, the anxious voice of the detective rang.

The steel bone’s empty eyes drooped slightly, and a cold light flashed out, but he had expected this situation, so he just nodded lightly: “I know, continue to pay attention to all the movements of the new world, and report any results to me immediately.” ”

“Yes, subordinates understand.”

Phone bug hangs up.

Steel bone held his chin with empty hands, and after thinking for a while with his eyes flickering, he picked up the phone worm and sowed it.

Bulu Bru Bru …

“Hey, I’m Lieutenant General Kelly, please tell me something.” Kelly’s voice came out.

“Me, Empty!” Steel Bone Kong immediately said in a deep voice, “Just received a report from the New World spies here, a group of pirates has formed an alliance and passed towards your side, you can discuss with your colleagues, you can slow down appropriately, even if you wait for the Warring States to come to you.” ”

“Huh? But isn’t the Sengoku governor fighting the Rocks Pirates? He needs our support, and we should converge as quickly as possible. ”

The phone worm simulated Kelly’s startle, followed by a puzzled look.

He was indeed puzzled, and the news that the Navy Iron Four Horns were currently being pursued by the Rocks Pirates in the hinterland of the New World had been known to everyone.

Originally, their attack was to aid the brigadier general Sengoku, and cooperate with him to destroy the entire army of the Rocks Pirates, and then attack to subdue the New World.

In this case, even if there is a pirate alliance to block it, they should break through regardless of casualties.

But the Air Marshal let them take care of themselves and waited for the Brigadier General Sengoku to come to them.

In this way, the order of aid is reversed, and it becomes that they hold on to resist the attack of the pirates, waiting for the help of Sengoku and others.

“Is there anyone next to you?”


“Very good, listen carefully. There is no need to worry about the Warring States side, I have specifically understood, as long as they are not in full war, Rocks will not be able to help the Warring States. ”

Steel Bone Kong took a deep breath, facing his old subordinates, he didn’t have to care about any art of speaking, and asked directly: “Point: Do you know what your main purpose was in the past?” ”

“You know, help the Sengoku Chief drag the middle and low-level monster pirates of the Lokes Pirates, so that they can have the opportunity to fight alone.”

“That’s right, what he asks of you is only that, you are the most useful only if you are alive, once you encounter the pirates head-on, no matter how much you lose, it is meaningless, understand?”


Kelly was silent for a long time before nodding, “I see, I’ll see the opportunity here.” ”

“Well, remember to preserve your own strength, don’t be impulsive, fight safely, retreat if you can’t fight, and when the Warring States arrives, he will naturally take you to revenge.”

“Well, I see, I’m going to convey what you mean to the other colleagues.”

“Remember to put it mildly, if there is a guy with a hot personality who has an opinion, let him come to me directly.”


After confirming that Kelly had fully understood what he meant, Steel Bone ended the conversation.

He looked at the phone worm, let out a long breath, and sighed: “There is still a lack of top experts!” ”

Although the current strength of these six lieutenant generals in the headquarters is enough to deal with any pirates that appear in the Great Voyage, they are also masters of the two-color domineering and six-style masters.

But there is no way, the pirates in the new world are not very strong, only stronger and strongest.

Although the Navy has the most systematic cultivation methods, the number of strong monsters is ultimately not comparable to the endless guys in the new world.

In the era of the empty throne, there can be four people from Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa and Tsuru, and he secretly rejoiced for a long time for countless nights.

Therefore, for the fleet of vice admirals led by Kaili, he really did not have much confidence that they could play the records of the Warring States and be able to run amok in the New World.


Day 4.

Bulu Bru Bru …

The phone worm rang again in the silent office, and Steel Bone Empty quickly picked it up.

“I’m Marshal Kong, what’s the matter?”

“Air Marshal, I am an intelligence officer in the New World, just a few hours ago the Pirate Alliance fought with Vice Admiral Kelly and the others’ fleet!”

“How’s it going?” Steel Bone’s empty eyes froze, and he immediately asked.

“Vice Admiral Kelly and others did not step forward to fight without authorization, but engaged with shells from a distance, and after finding out the details of the other party, Vice Admiral Matsuura led the warship to kill an alliance member with a bounty of 400 million at a very fast speed and immediately retreated, not to engage other sea pirates head-on.”

“That’s good!”

Cyborg let out a breath, so it seemed that Kelly’s lieutenant generals were indeed doing what he instructed.

“Yes, but at the moment the fleet is retreating, although the shells are not stopping, but there is no rush to the aid of the brigadier general of the Sengoku.” The detective said suspiciously.

“This is not something you should worry about, keep paying attention.”


The phone worm hung up, and the steel bone collapsed on the back of the chair, rubbing his eyebrows.

“If the Warring States led the team, I would definitely not have to worry so much.” He said helplessly.


On the seventh day,

The phone worm rang again, reporting that Kelly’s fleet had finally repelled the Alliance and continued on to the next location.


On the eighth day,

The spies came to report, and another group of pirates appeared, blocking the advance of the fleet.


Day 9,

This time, it was Kelly who took the initiative to call over, saying that the fleet had been completely blocked in the sea area fifteen days away from Sengoku and the others.

And they were not prepared to venture into it any longer to be on the safe side, and after contacting Sengoku and obtaining his consent, they camped in a town and waited.


On the tenth day, the intelligence officers of the New World called, saying that the Warring States had completely dumped the Rocks Pirates.

On the eleventh day, a group of unknown pirates suddenly appeared, trying to attack the Brigadier General of the Warring States halfway, but was directly killed by half, and many other monsters were seriously injured and jumped into the sea to escape.

On the twelfth day,

On the thirteenth day,

Day 14.

The next few days were unusually quiet, there was no news from the fleet on Kelly’s side, and no special events occurred on the Sengoku side.

Until the fifteenth day.

Bulu Bru Bru …

“I don’t know what the news is again this time.”

Steel Bone Kong, who has been on the phone, looked at the ringing phone, his eyes flashed slightly, but he answered it very quickly: “I am Steel Bone Kong, say something directly!” ”

“Yes, Marshal, I am a soldier of the Brigadier General Fleet of the Warring States, and I am here to inform you of the latest information. When Brigadier General Sengoku led us through an island, we suddenly encountered a pirate blocking the way, and currently Brigadier General Sengoku, Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Zefa and Lieutenant General Tsuru are all fighting against him. ”


Steel Bone Empty gasped, and could actually lead the four corners of the iron to besiege the same person at the same time, which has not happened for many years, even Lockes at this time does not have this kind of treatment.

How powerful is this guy who suddenly met?

Steel Bone Kong hurriedly asked, “Do you know which pirate it is?” When did the New World have this figure stronger than Lokes? ”

“I don’t know, the other party is wearing a mask and obviously doesn’t want to be recognized, but according to Lieutenant General Tsuru who went to support, the energy rays shot by that person are a bit like the ability of the superhuman system and the dull fruit, so he instructed us to surround the surroundings without going to the island.”

“Got it, pay attention at any time, and notify me as soon as there is a change.” The steel bone is hollow.

“Yes!” The soldier quickly answered.

After hanging up the phone, Steel Bone frowned.

“Dull fruit? The guy who ate this fruit last time has died with the general more than ten years ago, is this the new owner now? ”

“However, if it can trigger the siege of the four Warring States, it seems that the fruit ability should be developed to an extremely deep point.”

“That’s a tricky ability.”


[The sixth is more offered, and there is a more likely to be later, to be updated after writing at 1 or 2 o’clock, readers can read it tomorrow, thank you for your subscription support, thank you! ] 】

[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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