[Ding, experience +50.] 】

[Ding, experience +20.] 】

[Ding, experience +50.] 】


In the distance, the battle on the pirate ship became louder and louder, and the shrill and ghost-like howling cat whistles resounded all around.

When the battleship approached the pirate ship and the soldiers jumped on it with their weapons, the battle was just over.

Russell Russell the night owl was held in the air by Sengoku by the neck.

The position of his heart was blasted out of a hole by the fist, and he could not die again.

“Gee, it’s miserable.”

Karp walked over, circled around the night owl’s corpse a few times, pinched his chin and said with emotion.

“When you fought with a mad corpse with a bounty of 30 million four years ago, I remember that your entire former Hun was injured at that time.”

Tsuru took out a hand towel from his pocket and handed it to Sengoku, looking at his strong chest, his cheeks were slightly hot: “Now I actually fought with a night owl with a bounty of 50 million, but I was unharmed.” ”

“This shows that studying in the academy is not useless.” Sengoku took the hand towel and nodded at Tsuru.

No one is born omniscient and all-powerful, even Luffy, the son of luck more than fifty years later, who was trained in hell by Karp before going to sea.

Therefore, it is necessary to study at the Naval Academy for four years, not only to train physical fitness in all aspects, but also to learn the secret of the six forms of the navy, and to have the time to develop the Great Buddha Fruit to close to the third form.

The current Warring States are many times stronger than they were four years ago.

If the mad corpse of that year appeared in front of him at this moment, he would be directly killed with one move.

“Sengoku, why kill him, arrest him and take him to Justice Island for trial, and then whether to impose the death penalty or imprison him in Jin City and let the judge decide, is this bad?”

Zefa also walked over, but after seeing that the ship full of pirates had all been killed, he was a little unacceptable.

“I don’t like pirates.”

Sengoku threw down the corpse of the night owl, wiped his hands stained with blood and saliva, and said lightly.

“No one likes pirates, but we, as the navy, can’t take the lives of others at will, which is not justice.”

“I think that justice, the object of service should be civilians, not pirates.”

“I still can’t accept that in the future, I will carry out my mission and absolutely not kill anyone, and their crimes should be judged by the law.”

Is the idea of “not killing” already manifested now?

Sengoku looked up at him, in the original Rizenfa’s life to fight countless pirates, but never killed any enemy, so he earned the name of “not killing”.

But because of his kindness, although he was already a general admiral of the navy headquarters at that time, none of the pirates were in awe of him, and finally his family was killed in retaliation.

Zefa, who is eighteen years old and has fixed his thinking, is a bit difficult to change from “no killing” to “all killing”.

“If you can’t change his mind, then change that bleak fate.”

Warring States secretly said in his heart that he was not a cold-blooded person, and the love of classmates for four years was not something that could be ignored casually.

“I, I’m right.”

Zefa was a little weak-hearted by the Warring States looking at him like this, but after thinking about it, he still gritted his teeth and insisted.

Tsuru also thought that Sengoku was angry, quickly grabbed his arm, and said urgently: “Zefa is still young, I haven’t seen many tragic things done by pirates, and when I know more in the future, he will change it, don’t be angry.” ”

Karp didn’t speak, he knew Sengoku better, and knew that he would never be angry about such a meaningless thing.

“I’m not angry, everyone has the right to uphold their own justice, I’m not a dictator, I don’t influence your thoughts.”

Sengoku shrugged and explained to the two.

However, after the words fell, he stepped forward and patted Zefa’s shoulder, and said solemnly: “In the future, when you get married and have children, remember to tell me.” ”

“Oh… That’s for sure, how could it not tell you. ”

Zefa was a little confused, I don’t know why the Warring States suddenly said this, but he still nodded with a red face and agreed, he is still a small / virgin / man, and it is strange to say that marriage and children are said in public.

Karp and Crane were also confused.

“Sir, find a large amount of wine and high-end cigars in the warehouse, and eighty million Baileys.”

At this time, the soldiers skillfully turned over the entire pirate ship, carried out many boxes and reported to the Warring States.


Warring States raised his eyebrows, he was a senior smoking gun in his previous life, to be honest, he has been in this world for so long, he hasn’t smoked one yet, if he doesn’t mention it, it’s okay, it’s very nostalgic to mention it.

He strode to the front of the box, opened the lid, and suddenly a familiar smell of smoke came to his nose, and the Warring States took a big sip of enjoyment.

“It’s really the most upscale.”

Sengoku lit one, felt the taste in his mouth, nodded and said to the soldiers: “Move all the cigars to my bedroom.” ”

“Yes.” The soldier hurriedly saluted.

“Honest use of power for personal gain, too arrogant Warring States, give me a try.”

“Me too.”

“Zefa, you are still young, don’t learn badly with Sengoku and Karp, smoking too much is not good for the lungs.”

“Sister He, I’m eighteen years old and an adult.”


After the entire pirate ship was completely looted and the head of the night cat was also made of lime powder by the soldiers, the battleship continued to set off towards its destination.

“By the way, Tsuru, have you collected intelligence?”

“Well, the nearest is the poisonous spider Jonfei, and his location has also been found, over there in the Lantosha Islands.”

“Then go there next, and this time we will all do it together.”


On the deck, the conversation of Sengoku and Tsuru echoed in the wind.

Behind him, the broken ship of the Black Cat Pirate Group was drifting away in the distance.


Late at night, on a small island on the Great Voyage.

A group of pirates was stationed above, and under the flames, a young man as tall as a small giant was lying on the ground, holding a wine gourd in his hand and pouring it into his mouth.

The pirate minions not far away shivered, looking at the obviously drunken and hazy-eyed youth in horror.

“Boss Kaido, it’s not good, it’s not good, Captain Night Cat has been killed.”

At this moment, a small crew member quickly ran over and said breathlessly: “Just now Brother Dog went to the sea to look for it along the smell, and found the body of the night cat.” ”

“Oh! Hiccup ~~~ If you die, you will die. ”

Kaido opened his eyes, searched for a long time before finding the small crew, and asked, “What about the wine of labor and management?” ”

“Snatched away.”



Kaido roared, stood up abruptly, and a powerful momentum was generated, blowing the bonfire faintly out.

“Which bastard robbed the wine of labor and management, labor and management will kill you.”

“Everyone got up and chased labor and management overnight.”

Kaido’s roar resounded over the island like the roar of a beast.

Everyone immediately got up and quickly responded.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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