Walking out of the office, Sengoku headed for the staff office downstairs.

“Warring States General, you have worked hard!”

“Hello Sengoku-sama!”

“Good evening, is the Sengoku General going to have two drinks?” The subordinates were about to gather at the newly opened izakaya in the Chambord Islands. ”


When it was time to leave work, the officers who were sitting and waiting in the office also packed up their things on time and came out, and when they saw the first time they saw the Warring States, they quickly said hello.

One of the lieutenant generals just came out with a few major generals and took the initiative to invite.

“If you have something to do in the evening, just go to the gathering by yourself!”

Sengoku waved his hand and refused with a light smile.

The lieutenant general naturally did not dare to say anything, and quickly let him go first: “Then you are busy first, and when there is time for your subordinates to invite you another day.” ”

“Hmm!” Sengoku nodded and left past everyone.

All the way unimpeded, finally came to the place of the office of the staff headquarters.

The staff office is different from the lieutenant general’s office, which is similar to the work building of the previous life, and the hall is neatly arranged with many individual seats, and at this time, many officers who look like civilian staff are busy talking in low voices.

In the deepest part of the office belonging to the Grand Staff Officer, Tsuru was in a meeting with some group leaders.

“Good General Sengoku!”

“Good evening to the Sengoku General!”

“Lord General has worked hard!”


As soon as Sengoku stepped in, he was seen by the sharp-eyed staff officer, and immediately stood up to salute and greet.

The others were also reminded and all stood up.

After Sengoku nodded lightly to them, he then walked towards the office.

Looking at the cloak of justice swinging in their sight, the staff officers’ hearts beat and their faces turned red with excitement.

“Is this the Warring States General? It was the first time I’d seen him up close! A young officer at the front of the position, his eyes followed the back of the Warring States, and his tone was excited.

“Is the Sengoku Grand Admiral here to pick up Chief Tsuru? Wow, this is also too warm for men, I envy it! A female official had red eyes, covered her cheeks with her hands full of envy.

“It should be, the whole world knows that Lord Sengoku and Chief Tsuru are partners, ah~~ I also envy ah, handsome men and beautiful women.”

“So handsome, Sister Tsuru really found a good partner.”

“I heard that the Warring States General and Chief Crane gave birth to a child outside, I don’t know if it’s true?”

“Listen less to the incongruous gossip news, if there are children, Chief Crane should be a good wife and mother at home now.”

“In other words, I have the latest version of the Mary Sue romance novel based on the lingering love between the two, do you want to read it?”


Ignoring the conversation of the officers behind him, Sengoku went straight to the office door and knocked lightly.


The door was opened, and the group leaders who were deliberating in the office also saw Sengoku and quickly got up.

“No need to be polite, just come here to ask your commander for a word.”

Sengoku raised his hand and pressed down, signaling that the soldiers did not need to salute, raised his eyebrows to look at the crane in the front, and asked with a chuckle: “Do you want to go to dinner together?” ”

“No, I’ve already called the logistics department and asked them to bring dinner over.”

Tsuru’s originally serious face showed a warm smile like a spring day, she tucked the hair next to her cheek behind her ear, pursed her lips and said softly: “You go to eat with Karp and Zefa yourself, we still need to discuss a lot of details of the expedition.” ”

“Well, don’t be too tired, anything can happen in the new world, more often than not, just improvisation.”

Sengoku shrugged his shoulders, and did not force it, tomorrow the soldiers will go to war, time is still a little tight for their staff, tonight it is estimated that they will have to stay up late and work overtime to deduce many accidents.

“You guys go on.” Sengoku smiled at everyone, and then closed the door.

After the Warring States left, the quiet conference room was lively again, and many group leaders exclaimed:

“The Warring States General is so gentle, I thought he should be very macho.”

“This is the first time I have spoken to the Warring States General, not only is he really handsome and strong, but his temper is also great.”

“Sister Tsuru, can I ask you how to find a husband like the Warring States General?”


The chattering voices of the group leaders sounded in her ears, and Tsuru was very happy in her heart while she was amused, and someone cared about the taste of three meals a day that made her very warm.

However, she still shook her head and interrupted the gossip of her subordinates: “Okay, okay, let’s continue the meeting first, and there will be time contact later.” ”


Walking out of the conference office, Sengoku found Zefa and Karp in another general’s office, and the three of them left work together and walked towards the large cafeteria of Marin Fandor.

There is no need to queue up for meals like many ordinary soldiers, as a general, there is a special private room, and all kinds of nutritious big fish and meat are placed on the dining table for the first time.

In the era of feudal kingdoms, it was already very common for special / right / rank / rank to enjoy treatment.

After dinner, it was already dark, and Sengoku waved away from Karp and Zefa, stopping in a small unoccupied corner.

“Brush experience points at night and sleep in the office during the day, huh! Work and life exercise are combined, such a life is very fulfilling! ”

Sengoku looked up at the sky, the corners of his mouth upturned.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the moon and rushed straight into the sky, until he reached 10,000 meters above, and several floating islands appeared in front of him.

“Rulai, your sparring character tonight has been brought out.”

The golden lion, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came over and pointed behind him when the Warring States had just landed, and said respectfully.

Sengoku looked, Roger, Reilly… And so the sea pirates are already ready there, although the expressions on their faces are very resistant.

“Come on, don’t waste time, give your all.”

Sengoku took off the cloak of justice, threw it at the branch in the distance, twisted his neck and walked forward.


The powerful momentum suddenly burst out, and Roger and the others did not hesitate and rushed over with all their strength.

As soon as the Sengoku calf stepped on it, his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Bang bang bang…

The battle opened instantly, more than a dozen figures were difficult to see with the naked eye, and the terrifying collision momentum resounded in the sky.

The golden lion pulled out his two knives and flew in mid-air to be vigilant to prevent other sea thieves from taking the opportunity to escape.

[Ding, experience points +1200.] 】

[Ding, experience points +500.] 】

[Ding, experience points +600.] 】

[Ding, experience points +800.] 】



Time passed slowly, and the moon in the sky has gradually been replaced by the sun.

[Ding, experience +1200.] 】

As Roger was completely knocked to the ground, he couldn’t get up for a long time, and the island that had been shaking all night finally stopped.


The sweaty Warring States appeared, and he let out a long breath and ordered the golden lion: “Give them something good to eat.” ”

“Yes, don’t worry!” The golden lion flew over, answered the sentence, and re-chained most of the pirates who were already unconscious, and brought them back to the prison for detention.

Sengoku walked to the edge of the island and jumped directly.

Back on Marin Fandor, Sengoku first went to the mansion to take a hot bath, and then pinched the point to work in the officer building to clock in.

“Sir, all the lieutenant generals, major generals, brigadier generals and other officers are already waiting in the conference room.”

At the door of the office, Matsuura waited there early in the morning, and immediately stepped forward as soon as he saw Sengoku.

Sengoku nodded to show that he understood, picked up yesterday’s list from the table, and walked towards the conference room.

All the way unobstructed, soon pushed open the door, the originally lively conference room instantly fell silent, and all the officers immediately got up.

“Good morning General Sengoku!”

“Good morning General Sengoku!”


A neat greeting sounded in the conference room, and Matsuura immediately returned to the front row of seats.

Sengoku calmly walked to the podium, slapped the list in his hand on the table, and swept around the many officers before nodding to them.

After receiving the response, the officers sat down and waited for the meeting to begin.


Sengoku took out a cigar from his arms, lit it and let out a long puff of smoke, and had no intention of saying anything about the scene, and went straight to the subject.

“The main purpose of convening this meeting today is to recover the hinterland and deep seas of the New World.”

“The headquarters has decided to lead the team by Brigadier General Karp and lead the fleet to the New World.”

“Staff, send them the plan documents.”

The officers of the staff quickly got up and distributed a large stack of printed documents to many officers one by one.

No one spoke again, and everyone watched intently.

After a full ten minutes, everyone put the documents down, looked at each other, and looked at the colleagues next to them, their eyes flickering and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

“Sengoku General, may I ask if this operation was voluntarily signed up or assigned by the headquarters?”

A brigadier general in his twenties raised his hand and got up to ask, his expression very excited and filled with deep longing.

Above the brigadier general, there are major generals and lieutenant generals, and at an age full of vigor like him, he is definitely not satisfied with the current rank of small brigadier general.

If he can enter the new world together, it is foreseeable that when he returns, he will definitely move upwards from his current position.

The other officers who had the same thoughts also breathed sharply/shortly, waiting for Sengoku’s answer with wide eyes.

Some of those who had already stood in line cast their eyes on the back of the lieutenant general in the front, expecting that their subordinates would make arrangements.

Matsuura sat there calmly with his hands around his hands, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked. No way, people with a background are calm.

Kelly’s brows frowned slightly, looked back at the people in his camp, shook his head slightly, and some brigadier generals and major generals saw this, their eyes were disappointed.

The other lieutenant general was a little restless, he had just learned this news, and he didn’t have time to go through the door and arrange for his subordinates.

Sengoku took a deep puff of his cigarette and opened the list prepared yesterday under everyone’s expectant gaze.

He glanced at everyone from left to right, and looked at the officers who were also radicals with deep meaning before he spoke:

“Appointed by the Ministry, it is now up to me to announce the list of people involved in this incident.”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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