“The Outlaw Island, Lelais, is an exclusive carnival place for many criminals/crimes/parts/children.”

“There are fierce and vicious people who have come from the four seas and the great voyage here, including killers, gangsters/gangsters, veteran pirates, bounty hunters, and wanted criminals by the kingdom.”

“After they swept through the vast sea, most of them consumed, enjoyed and replenished the lost troops here.”

“This is also the cradle of pirates, and many people who want to go to sea but do not find a satisfactory crew, or want to join the pirate group, will take the initiative to look for targets here.”

“Over the years, this island has become a small and prosperous country, and the rule-makers of this country are the Marauders Yabu.”


On the crowded road, Sengoku and Kelly walked forward side by side, followed by only twenty elite soldiers.

At this time, they did not wear navy uniforms, they all appeared in order to pretend.

Because there were too many pirates on Lelai Island, in order not to be noticed, the remaining hundreds of soldiers scattered according to the order and mixed in with the surrounding people.

Sengoku listened calmly to Kelly’s explanation.

Of the four objectives of the personal mission, the last three have no fixed location, and they still don’t know which horn is waiting in the boundless sea.

Only the marauder followed this guy’s high-profile and unusually built a gathering place.

Therefore, this guy is the first person he chooses.

After listening, the Warring States also had a preliminary impression of this island, but he was still a little puzzled: “This is a great shipping route, and the navy has nothing to say?” ”

Kelly raised his hand and lowered the brim of the cowboy hat he was wearing, and replied helplessly: “Since the headquarters lost two generals and ten lieutenant generals, the marshal has been bent on stability and does not dare to lose any more combat power, so he can only let this thief’s den go unchecked.” ”

“How many years did the island take?”

“Five years.”

The Warring States were clear, he nodded and didn’t say anything more.

At this stage, the degree of naval weakness is unprecedented, high-end combat power is killed, morale at the bottom is low, and the people lack trust, and it is foreseeable that pirates will be rampant in this situation.

For now, the Navy can only stick to the existing places, train recruits to grow rapidly, and replenish combat strength to reverse this situation.

Otherwise, Steel Bone Void would not be so anxious to release them and provide unconditional support.

If it were a different era, even a newborn soldier who really had great potential might have deployed a warship to let them play and trial and error at the beginning.

For a general to make such a gamble, the embarrassing position of the navy can be imagined.

However, the situation has improved in the past two years, and the Sengoku and Karp navy iron four corners have also saved some dignity for the navy on the way to growth, and the soldiers believe that one day justice will shine again, and the people have slightly restored confidence in the navy.

Sengoku then asked, “What is the specific ability of the jacket fruit, and does the intelligence department have a record?” ”

“Yes, the owner of the Jacket Devil Fruit will turn itself into a jacket-like thin body before using the ability, just like a coat that can be worn on the body. Any creature, animal, or even monster, as long as they wear the jacket that the Capable One has turned into, the Capable One can dominate everything about the possessed creature, including the possessed person’s strength, size, and personality. ”

Sengoku stopped, looked at Kelly with a slight raised eyebrow, and asked, “Including the fruit ability?” ”

Kelly nodded heavily: “Yes, there are many abilities and monsters in the marauder’s castle, waiting to be possessed by him to fight enemies at any time, and there are many strange abilities in the crew he recruits.” ”

“Does his subordinate have any abilities that need attention?”

“There is a cadre who is a superhuman sect fruit, and he usually follows Yabu all the time, mainly to help him at certain critical moments.”

Superman is a doorman fruit.

Having an impression of this ability, Sengoku can open a door in the air and let yourself and your partners into it, which is a practical function whether it is fighting or fleeing.

The island is large and crowded, and if a fight really starts, it’s easy for the marauders to take advantage of the chaos.

Therefore, you have to solve the door ability first.

Sengoku thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment….

“Hey, handsome guy, do you recruit the crew?”

A clear and beautiful voice sounded nearby, and at the same time, a beautiful figure trotted towards him.

Kelly’s brows furrowed, his palm subconsciously gripped the long knife at his waist, and the twenty soldiers behind him also tensed their muscles.

Sengoku stopped, did not react much, and turned his head to look at the woman who was already standing beside him.

The woman is not old, looks to be in her twenties, wears a flower hat, hot pants and shorts, and is tall and perfect.

She was carrying a large bag, her expression was obviously a little anxious, and she was panting breathlessly.

“Why don’t you talk? If you can’t recruit the crew, if you recruit me, I will be on it. ”

“Crew? Do we look like pirates? ”

“Don’t make trouble big brother, how can you come here if you are not a pirate?”


The Warring States were speechless, and there was really nothing wrong with this.

If the weak navy is not surprised, it is impossible to come here, and generally there are either pirates or villains who are about to become pirates.

“We don’t recruit crews, you can find them yourself.”

Sengoku shook his head and refused.

Not to mention that he came here to pursue the marauders, not to recruit.

Moreover, there were eight hundred elite soldiers who were obedient and completely obedient to orders, and he did not lack crew members of any other position.

“You didn’t find the eye for the treasure, I originally looked for you because I saw that you were handsome, and missing me is your loss.”

Miwa sighed, but after seeing that Sengoku still didn’t accept it, she turned around and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

However, when she turned around, she immediately saw a group of pirates with weapons behind her coming, and a fierce and vicious pirate leading the way in the front had locked her figure.

The pirates arrogantly pushed away the people they encountered along the way, and some pedestrians just wanted to get angry, and when they saw them, they immediately swallowed all their greetings.

Miwa paused, and soon turned back and showed a fawning smile to the Warring States: “Handsome guy, you must be lacking, I can do anything, cleaning, washing and cooking, even warm Hiroki ah, do you really not think about it?” ”

After that, Meiyu also exaggerated the expansion of Hungary.

Sengoku glanced at the approaching pirates, chuckled and asked, “Those pirates came to find you, right?” You want me to accept you and block the disaster for you, don’t you? ”

Meiyu did not dare to hide it, and quickly nodded wildly.

This situation is obvious, as long as a normal person can see it.

“Are you a pirate?”

“No, I’ve never killed anyone.”

“Okay, give me a reason to accept you and see if you can impress me!” Sengoku put his hands in his pockets and said leisurely.

Miyu’s eyes lit up, and she put down the large bag in her hand and opened it, and a large number of Baileys and gold and silver treasures came into view.

“I have money, and it’s all yours.”

“I’m not short of money.”


Meiyu was stunned, there were still people in the world who didn’t love money, and she saw them for the first time in twenty years.

“Stinky thief, why don’t you continue to run away, you really think that the labor and management are vegetarian, go to death.”

And at this time, the pirates also walked over, and the pirates led by her slammed their fists at her without saying a word.

The sandbag-sized fist struck at an extremely fast speed, and before the fist reached the wind, a terrifying feeling swept through the heart.

Mei Yu’s face turned pale, and she quickly said loudly: “I am a wearer with the ability to wear clothes, I can do many, many things, save me.” ”


There was a loud noise in her ears, and the fierce wind blew her long hair quickly.

Hey? What’s going on, it doesn’t hurt.

Miwa looked back and saw that the pirate’s big fist was only a centimeter away from her face, and did not advance by half a minute.

And the reason for all this is the Warring States next to her for help.

Sengoku grabbed the pirate’s wrist steadily, tilted his head slightly, and spoke:

“Kelly, you just said that there are rules here, what are the rules?”

“A big fist is the rule.”

As soon as Kelly’s words fell, Sengoku laughed.


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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