Time passed slowly, and the brutal purge on the sea continued.

The navy has the complete upper hand for four nautical miles, and the pirate group sinks one when it encounters one.

On the Great Route, several pirates with great strength appeared, and with the strength of the lieutenant general of the branch base, they could not leave them, and they could only watch each other flee easily several times.

Faced with this situation, the dragon, who followed Karp back to the headquarters, was sent out by the Sengoku to lead a warship alone to hunt them down.

This is a world of blood, the dragon body has the bloodline of Karp and his monster mother, and the current strength to solve the pirates of the great voyage is more than enough.

The New World’s counterattack was much more intense.

The strength of many pirates who can mix in it is not lower than that of the vice admiral, and they took the initiative to meet them one by one in the face of the cruise of warships.

And many guys in the deep waters also came out to look for the navy, among which Bundy Wald, who is capable of Momo’s fruit, and Balorick Ledfield, known as the “Red Earl”, are the most arrogant, and the two have caused the most casualties to the navy.

Bundy Wald destroyed a base, and Ledfeld single-handedly destroyed two warships.

When the news came, it instantly made the decision-making level of the headquarters angry.


Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

In the smoky marshal’s office, the two generals Sengoku and Zefa, Lieutenant General Karp and the Grand Staff Officer Tsuru were sitting on the sofa.

“Sengoku, what do you have in mind?” Steel Bone took a big sip of his cigar and asked in a deep voice.

The eyes of the Sengoku who crossed his hands and supported his chin flashed coldly: “The pirates in the new world are indeed too rampant, and it is really difficult to compete with the strength of Kelly and Matsuura, so let me go in and teach them a lesson.” ”

The tight cheeks of the steel bone were slightly loosened.

Seeing this, Karp also quickly raised his hand: “If the Warring States are not in the headquarters, I am bored alone, and the new world also let me lead the team in.” ”

“I’ll join me, sit in the center of the new world and coordinate all the soldiers.” Tsuru also said.

Zefa glanced at them, and was just about to open his mouth to apply for entry, but before he could say anything, he was directly interrupted by the steel bone.

“The headquarters needs a general to guard it, Zefa, you can keep it!”

Zefa pursed his lips, could only sigh and nodded in agreement.

Now there is no second Lokes on the sea, and indeed if all the naval iron corners set off a little fuss, it would be completely enough to enter three times.

“When are you going to leave?” Steel Bone asked.

“No need to waste time, just today!” Sengoku said lightly.

“Hmm! Soldiers, come in. Steel nodded and shouted out the door.

“Marshal, please order!” The soldiers ran in.

“Go, convey my orders, prepare three warships, led by Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru to aid the New World.”

The soldier’s pupils shrank, and he quickly nodded and left.

“Marshal Kong, in other words, for so many years since we graduated, there have not been any good seedlings in the academy?” Sengoku suddenly asked.

“Do you think that you can appear at any time such a few devils against the sky?”

Steel Bone shook his head, took a deep sip of his cigar, and said disappointedly: “Every four years, I go to the academy to pay attention, but among the five waves of graduating students, let alone get an S score, even if they are A-grade, there are only six.” ”

“So little?”

“I won’t talk about your SSS level and Karp’s SS rating, do you think anyone can have the same S-level rating as Zefa and Tsuru?”

“…,” Sengoku was silent.

If the navy can really appear any monster-level existence anytime and anywhere, it will not be the world’s largest storm/force/machine/structure, and it can only be separated from a statue of four emperors and five or five in the future.

There are enough soldiers at the bottom, and the middle and upper ranks are indeed not as good as pirates at the top.

“It is not enough to rely on a few top powerhouses to uphold justice, more middle-level lieutenant generals and major generals.” Warring States’ eyes drooped slightly, and he secretly said in his heart.

Although there are many colonels and major generals in the headquarters in the new world who have worked hard to obtain meritorious achievements, the biggest requirement for promotion to lieutenant general is strength.

Missing out on the best foundation, their potential is actually just that.

“Good seedlings need to be cultivated from a young age, so as to strengthen the strength of the headquarters, and what moderates, radicals, neutrals are actually redundant, and the entire navy is its own talent is the most important.”

Sengoku glanced at Zefa, who frowned and thought next to him.

After a long while, he spoke: “The gap between people should not be so big, Marshal Kong, I think the teaching method of the academy should be improved.” ”

“Huh?” Steel Bone sat up straight and asked seriously, “What do you think?” ”

As the pride of the Navy Headquarters Academy, the strongest man in the world, any opinion of the Sengoku is very valuable.

“The academy needs some real top experts to teach the new generation in order to cultivate stronger guys, change instructors!”

“Huh? Do you have someone to introduce? ”

“I think Zefa is good.”

The plain words of the Warring States suddenly plunged the entire office into silence.

Zefa was stunned, pointed to himself and asked stunnedly, “Huh? I? ”

Steel Bone Sora was also puzzled, waiting for further explanations from the Warring States.

“That’s right, Zefa has the talent to be an instructor, and to be honest, at this stage, the sea actually needs a general to dispatch things can be said to be nothing, it takes at most an hour or two to correct documents every day, and everyone is either in a daze or sleeping at other times, don’t you feel wasted?”

Warring States looked directly at the steel bone, licked his lips and continued: “There is a great general Kapu who is responsible for solving some sea thieves, and the academy is in the main department, which does not affect the operation of the headquarters at all. ”

Steel Bone thought for a while, looked at Zefa and asked, “Zefa, what is your opinion?” ”

When Zefa heard this, his fists clenched and unclenched, loosened and clenched, and his mind recalled the days when he was trained in the academy and the scene when he led a group of recruits in the new world.

He pursed his lips and said heavily: “I think you can try, I also have a lot of interest in teaching students.” ”

Sengoku chuckled.

At this time, the soldiers who had left before went and returned.

“Marshal, the soldiers have been assembled and can leave at any time.”


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