A few days later.

On the edge of a cliff on the outskirts of Konoha, a waterfall about 30 meters high cascades down a steep rock face.

Qimu Sakumo sat on the stone below, not moving for a long time.

He stared blankly at the waterfall stone wall in front of him, sometimes his eyes shining, sometimes his brows locked.

There was a huge sword mark on the stone wall, and the sword mark was full of clear and detectable sharp sword intent, and sword qi with earth-shattering destructive power shot out from time to time.

That was specially carved on the stone wall for the other party to comprehend in order to teach the flag wood sword art of Sakumo.

Although the main direction of Warring States in the Pirate World was martial arts, his fist qi was similar to sword qi, and his sword art level was not low under the touch class.

Time passed slowly, and finally…

Feeling the sword intent that had not been dispersed for a long time, Qimu Zuoyun seemed to have comprehended something, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

I saw that the white short knife he was holding in his hand gradually emitted faint sword qi.

Kiki Sakumo was originally a famous genius ninja in the Land of Fire, and the title of Konoha White Fang, Megatron Ninja. The talent is far higher than the three ninjas, and it can be said that when he grows up normally, he will definitely be a super shadow-level powerhouse.

At this moment, there was another Warring States full force launch, deliberately let the sword intent condensed in the waterfall for a long time in a slash, such a long time to observe the sword move left by a top powerhouse, the sword art is not weak Qimu Sakumo like a daigo empowerment suddenly opened.

You must know that such an opportunity is basically difficult to find in the world, firstly, there are very few strong people with such a high sword intent, and secondly, the sword moves that the strong people use with all their strength are as fast as lightning, and when you see it clearly, it is already a different place, not to mention that the Warring States intentionally taught, so that the sword intent continued to stir.

Qimu Zuoyun, who is known as the white fang of Konoha, has actually reached a bottleneck in his understanding of swordsmanship, and there will be no big breakthrough without special adventures, and at this moment, with the enlightenment of sword intent from the other world, it suddenly opened the door to a new world for Qimu Zuoyun.

Various ideas sprang up like mushrooms, and they kept practicing in their minds, how to combine the swordsmanship, ninjutsu and this sharp sword intent that they mastered.

Slowly, Qimu Zuoyun’s whole person was like a knife, and there was a sharp breeze emanating everywhere.

And on the other side of the forest.

Mat Dai, who opened the fourth gate of the eight dunjia, was running and dodging in the jungle with all his strength, and at this time, he was red all over his body and his forehead was bruised. The injuries on the body are mixed.

“Ah, hey, Mr. Sengoku is terrible, he really came ah, he really wants me to die.”

Mater Dai wiped a cold sweat on his forehead that was shocked, and subconsciously glanced back, this good look did not stun him on the spot.

In his line of sight, countless attacks with power comparable to S-level ninjutsu were slowly dilating their pupils.

The fire attack that is as hot as the sun, the wind that is sharp as the blade of a sword, the thunder beast that runs rapidly…

Ninjutsu with multiple attributes, every move is enough to make him have a strong sense of oppression, but at this moment, he doesn’t want to rush up like money.

“The fifth door, Dumen open.”

Mater Dai was completely subconscious, and when many ninjutsu were about to hit his body, he quickly opened the next door of the eight doors of Dun Jia at an extremely fast speed.


The fierce wind swept around, destroying everything in a radius of 100 meters, and smoke and dust covered the entire scene.


With one hand in his pocket, the figure of the Warring States appeared from afar with unhurried steps.

His expression was flat, and he couldn’t see the slightest look of worry at all.

“Have you opened to the fifth gate? The activated physical fitness should be enough. ”

Sengoku looked at Mater Dai with a gray face rushing out of the dust, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

The only requirement for learning the Navy Six Style is that the intensity of physical exercise meets the requirements, although the focus direction of the two worlds is different, but with the body of Mater Dai, who opened the fifth door at this time, it is more than enough to learn these moves.

What he lacks is skill and pressure.

“It’s time to step up.”

As soon as the Warring States stepped on the footsteps, the figure instantly disappeared in place.

“Breathe, inhale, breathe…”

Mater Dai was panting, breathing as hard as bellows, but before he could rest and catch his breath, a sharp cracking sound sounded behind him again.

“Don’t patronize and escape, think carefully about the move skills I taught you some time ago, and then you’d better force your potential out completely.”

High in the sky, the figure of the Warring States was advancing rapidly, and he said in a faint tone: “Otherwise, you will die.” ”

As soon as the words fell, his right index finger was pointed forward, and after pulling back slightly, he suddenly pointed out: “The largest round, hundred consecutive shots, flying finger gun.” ”


The dense air bullets were like a rain curtain, shooting away with terrifying lethality.

“If you can’t hide, you will definitely die if you run again!”

Mater Dai only felt a cool breath from the tail vertebrae rushing to his mind, and he didn’t want to stop quickly and look into the air.


It means that the rain of guns covers a wide range, and you will be hit no matter which direction you run.

Although it is only an ordinary six-style finger gun, the power of this move issued by the Sengoku of the god’s physique can easily flatten a mountain.

Mater Day seemed to hear the sharp hissing of his sweaty hair.

Chakra is about to bottom, and the muscles of his body are sore, and he can’t wear it down like this anymore.

What moves do you have to use to dodge this continuous attack?

Pieces of iron? Or paper painting? Or is it shaved ??

I almost forgot the move skills taught by Mr. Sengoku.

Quick, quick, gotta think quickly.

Materday’s heart pounded, and under the pressure of death, the qi and blood all over his body rushed spontaneously.

His eyes were dead looking at the finger gun that was getting closer and closer, and between the electric flint that was about to be hit, his mind suddenly recalled the scene of the Warring States demonstration teaching.

Time seemed to have been slowed down countless times, and the words of the Warring States echoed in the ears like a twilight drum.

Mater Dai suddenly blessed his heart, his feet flickered, and he disappeared instantly when the attack was less than a centimeter away from him.

Bang bang.


Countless finger guns crashed down, and the ground shook.

Countless large craters appeared in front of them in an instant, and pitch-black cracks were all over the line of sight.

After a long time.

On an intact grass, Sengoku fell from the sky, and he looked at Mater Dai, who was paralyzed on the ground breathlessly, with his face full of paleness.

“War, Sengoku-san, I thought I was going to die.” Matt Dai said fearfully.

“Entry-level shaving, savor the feeling of just launching that move, and the next time is to master it skillfully.” The corners of Sengoku’s mouth pulled up an arc slightly.

“You, don’t worry, I’ll exercise again when I recover my strength.”

“Well, rest, continue to exercise the next move tomorrow.”

After the Warring States dialect was spoken, the whole person dissipated into smoke in place.

“It’s just a shadow avatar of Mr. Sengoku, it’s so terrifying, how terrifying he himself should be.”

Only then did Mater Dai completely relax, looking at the white clouds in the sky in a large font shape, muttering to himself.


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