Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, there were not a few days left before the day when Steel Bone was promoted to marshal.

Today, the originally solemn and majestic naval headquarters is boiling like boiling water in a hot pot, and countless soldiers are exchanging ears to each other.

“Hey, hey, did you see the date? Today is the day when the world-famous Navy Iron Four Corners returns. ”

“Shhhh It’s really huh, the pride of the Navy is coming back en masse today, wow, that’s great. ”

“By the way, by the way, will the head of the Buddha Warring States also come back today?”

“It should be, the iron four corners set off together four years ago, and they will definitely come back together on the same day.”

“Wise Demon Crane, Black Fist Zefa, Iron Fist Kapu, Buddha Warring States, it’s really great, I must ask them for an autograph at that time.”

“As the captain, the Buddha’s Warring States are even more terrifying, recruits, two years ago, the lawless land that humiliated the navy, Lelay Island, was destroyed in his hands, and the Ten Thousand Thieves’ Lake Owa was also created by him.”

“I think that when they were still studying together in the academy, they were recognized monsters, which is really enviable.”

“Huh? Brother, you were still in the same issue as the iron four corners? So what is your current position? ”


“Poof, I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you, I’m just happy about today’s prosperous life, don’t mind ah brother.”

“Labor and management have been used to comparison in the past four years, needless to say sorry. Look, the marshal personally picked up at the port with a large number of officers. ”

The soldier, who was ridiculed by his colleagues, got used to it, and pointed expressionlessly to the steel bone space standing not far away, standing in the port, and pulled away the topic.

Not only him, but in the past four years, with the reputation of Warring States and others gradually getting louder, the students of the same period have not been compared with each other.

If he didn’t have a big heart, he wouldn’t have taken the initiative to say this tragic thing.

“Go, let’s go and greet it, I have only seen the appearance of the four corners of the Navy in the newspaper for four years.”

“Walk around, everyone go together, anyway, today is the time to celebrate.”


Because it was a big celebration, except for the necessary posts, all the soldiers took a few days off, and they were still idly wandering around, and they immediately greeted many colleagues and friends, and crowded to the port to see the four naval pride who made justice shine again.


At the port, Steel Skaya, wearing a cloak of justice, stood with several of the remaining high-ranking members of the navy headquarters, looking at the calm sea.

“Marshal, you haven’t closed your eyes for two days, just let your subordinates greet you.”

A lieutenant general who had also fought in the Kingdom of Lake Owa for more than two years said to the steel bone.

“I personally brought them into the headquarters, and then sent them to the academy with my own hands, and also personally sent the children who went to sea to let them fight for justice, and if I didn’t personally pick them up, wouldn’t it make them chill.”

Steel Bone’s empty eyes shone brightly, and he said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: “And these little guys are fighting in the sea and returning with endless honor and merit, how can I not come over in person.” ”

Although he was also busy during this time, today was to greet the Navy Iron Four Corners, who made him proud, and his expression was not the slightest bit sleepy, and he looked energetic.

The lieutenant general and other high-ranking officials behind him nodded silently when they heard this, stopped talking, and continued to stand and wait.

The tranquility of the great shipping route and the rise of a new chapter of the navy can be said to be completely advanced by the Warring States and others, and in this case, it has been firmly set off that the marshal’s steel bone is empty, which is completely normal.

Suddenly, a naval warship slowly approached from a distance.

Everyone’s attention was attracted by it, and they looked at it carefully with wide eyes.

“Yes, is it a member of the Iron Four Corners of the Navy who is back?”

“Is it the Warring States of Buddha? Is that him? Whoever has a good eye, tell me quickly! ”

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, the position of labor and management is only available early.”


The soldiers were agitated.

Even Steel Bone Kong looked over with a little excitement.

The warship slowly approached, and a group of strangers came down from above.

“This, this… The marshal and the lieutenant general of the headquarters actually came to greet me personally? What a virtue I am. ”

As soon as the Lieutenant General Beihai who appeared landed, he was immediately startled by this battle, and with an excited and honored expression on his face, he said again and again.

He did not dare to hesitate, quickly ran to the front of the steel bone, stood up and saluted, and said loudly: “Vice Admiral Arnold of the Beihai Base greets you.” ”

Steel Bone Kong’s eyes retracted the fluctuations, became expressionless, nodded at Arnold, and said lightly: “Welcome to your arrival, return to the team!” ”

“Yes.” Arnold’s expression was stunned, this script is a little wrong, but the steel bone empty said so, he can only answer and lead his team to the side.

At this time, the soldiers who were waiting also knew who was coming, and they immediately showed disappointment.

“What is Arnold? Who is he? ”

“The lieutenant general of the four seas is just a colonel in the headquarters, and Mader’s brain/cripple must have thought that the major general of labor and management came to meet him.”


Disdainful retorts rose and fell over the headquarters.

Arnold looked at the strange eyes of the soldiers, and looked at the adjutant beside him in confusion: “What’s going on?” They don’t seem to welcome us. ”

“Sir, the officers from the four seas and the great voyage have a consensus that they must not return to their headquarters today, either a few days earlier or a few days later.” The adjutant looked helpless, but still explained.

“Huh? Why? Does this mean anything? ”

“Today is the day when the Navy Iron Four Corners returns to headquarters, you say?”

“Hiss… I lean, why don’t you remind labor and management? Arnold understood, and his face suddenly turned red and white.

“You’ve been sleeping these days and haven’t gone out.”


Arnold stopped talking, lowered the hat on his head to cover his face, hurriedly squeezed into the crowd with the soldiers, and disappeared into the sea of people.

“It’s good that the laborers and management are eye-catching, otherwise they will have to be as embarrassed as this guy.”

Some of the same officers from all over the world looked at Arnold’s embarrassed back and looked happy.

On a day like today, as long as it is not one of the members of the Iron Four Corners who shines, no matter who comes, they will definitely feel a strong malice.

At this moment, a small black dot appeared on the vast and empty sea, and over time, the black dot gradually approached, and finally stopped at the port location.

First, the soldiers disembarked and stood up on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, many pirates who bowed their heads like mourners were escorted out.

Seeing this scene, Steel Bone Kong smiled: “It should be that the Zefa kid known as not killing has arrived, and only he will bring all the pirates.” ”

Sure enough, Zefa, who was tall on the deck, stronger and more mature than four years earlier, walked down.

He looked at the densely packed square, took off the brim of his hat and let his purple hair flutter in the wind, and a bright smile emerged.

“Air Marshal, I’m back.” Zefa came to the front of the steel bone, revealing two rows of white teeth.

“Welcome home! It’s been a hard four years. ”

Steel Bone Kong shook hands with Zefa, patted him heavily on the shoulder, and said in a sighing tone.

“Brother Warring States, Brother Kapu and Sister Tsuru are back?” Zefa looked around, found that there was no one he knew, and asked softly.

“Not yet, you are the first, go over for the next interview, and then go back to my office and wait.”

“Good!” Zefa had no opinion, he was more like a real naval soldier among the four, and would not resist the orders of his superiors.

Past the officers, under the adoring gaze of many soldiers, Zefa’s figure slowly disappeared.


When Zefa finished his interview and returned to his empty office, a “bang” sound sounded as the anchor was thrown into the water.

Wearing a cloak of justice, a beautiful face, and a more perfect figure, the crane appeared.

The square was quiet, and the soldiers looked at the figure stunned, and a big heart shape appeared in their eyes.

“Suck ~~~ Good, so beautiful, this, this is also too beautiful, I can’t.”

“Wise Demon Crane, my God, I originally thought that the newspaper was beautiful enough, but in reality it is a hundred times more beautiful.”

“Ah~~~ brother, you have too much nosebleeds.”



[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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