In the sky, the battle between Karp and Shiji became more and more intense, and the air flow between the collisions pressed the sea, even if it was tens of nautical miles away, it could be clearly perceived.

Shi Ji is a superhuman ability of fluttering fruit, and the sky is like his home field, and he can fly everywhere.

Not only that, he is also a famous double-sword sword master in the new world, and between the swings of the two swords, there is an extremely strong sword qi that can cut the sea.

Karp is not weak, and in the past three years of fighting in the New World, his improvement has been even greater.

He was completely integrated with the six styles, and the moon step and the shaving alternately moved out in midair, without falling behind in the slightest.

The more he fought, the uglier Shiki’s expression became.

After he slashed back Karp with a sword, his eyes subconsciously looked at Sengoku who was smoking a cigarette on the bow and chatting with Tsuru easily, and the pressure in his heart increased.

One Karp already made him so difficult to deal with, he didn’t even have the confidence to completely beat him.

And the sea is recognized as the strongest person in the four corners of the navy, the Buddha Warring States have not yet made a move.

Now that the people are not moving, just let Karp make a move, but once the time goes on, whether he will not join the battle as he does now, no one dares to guarantee.

“Damn it! If this does not work, there will be no one under labor and management who can contain Karp. ”

Shi Ji swept around, and after finding that his crew had fallen more than half, his eyes began to flicker slightly.

And at this moment, the Sengoku at the bow of the ship suddenly stopped chatting, and Yu Guang glanced at him.

This glance immediately made Shiji’s cold breath rush to his brain, and goosebumps burst all over his body.

Damn it!

Labor and management will not play with you anymore!

The fluttering fruit was running at full strength, and Shiji abandoned his crew, and without saying a word, he immediately left the battlefield and flew towards the distance.

“Shiki, we haven’t decided the winner yet, how can you run?”

Karp was stunned, and then roared loudly.

Moon Step and Shave quickly launched and chased after them.

But unable to catch up, Shiki no longer had the mind to fight again, and ran some distance first, and although Karp had launched his full strength, he could only watch him gradually move away from his sight.


“Since the people have already started to run, the agreement is over, Karp, your exclusive time is over.”

A shrill sonic boom sounded in his ears, and then a figure turned into an afterimage in his line of sight, quickly chasing after Shi Ji.

“Well, the hateful Shiji, fighting with Lao Tzu is just a little injured, if you are caught up by the Warring States, vomiting blood is light.”

Karp let out a sigh and said helplessly.

After a few breaths, the afterimage came first and caught up with Shiki.

The light of the Buddha suddenly rose, and a big Buddha blocked Shi Ji’s face.

“Buddha no Sengoku, damn ~~~” Shiji’s surprised roar came out.


The sea is churning, and even more powerful air currents sweep the entire sea.

After a long time, everything subsided.

Shiji’s pale face and spitting blood from a distance was photographed and smashed into the sea below the warship.

“The soldiers went and picked him up and took him to the prison and locked him up.”

Sengoku stepped on the moon step and fell back from the sky back to the warship, clapped his hands and ordered the surroundings.

“Yes!” Several soldiers immediately answered, and then went back to the cabin to take out the handcuffs of the sea lou stone, and jumped into the sea with a pop.

And at this time, Karp, who had freed his hand, was bored to help Zefa clean up the pirates, and the two also walked over.

“Brother Warring States, my side is also fine!”

Zefa jumped out of the pirate ship and said with a smile.

Sengoku glanced behind him, and none of the pirates on the ship were dead, and now they were all tied up and kneeling on the deck.

“The last prison position in the warship was booked by Shiji, and there is no place to put these little minions.”

Sengoku let out a smoke ring and shook his head.

Zefa’s strength has also improved rapidly in the past three years, and every time the Warring States fought with Karp, he could only take a step back and select some cadre crew, and quickly defeated them to help the soldiers.

But the side effects of this are also very obvious, once he is defeated and brought over, they will all leave their lives in prison.

Zefa’s character of “not killing” goes deep into the marrow, and even if Tsuru talks to him, he can’t change his mind.

When the four-person team graduated from the academy and went to sea, they consciously had a consensus that did not hurt their feelings: whoever defeated the prisoner had the right to dispose of it according to his own will.

For example, if the Warring States caught a pirate and killed it directly in front of Zefa, he would only frown slightly, but would not say anything against it.

Therefore, in the past three years, the Warring States have not expressed any opinion on Zefa’s practice of not killing prisoners.

He respects the will of any person, everyone has their own personality, and he will not force others to do this and that, let alone the brother Zefa.

But today it is obvious that it is not possible, the prison is all full, and these pirates have no place to detain.

Zefa was stunned when he heard this, and after pinching his chin and thinking for a while, he looked at the pirate ship behind him and said:

“It’s okay, just put them in the pirate ship and send soldiers to watch over them!”

“Then if that’s the case, what if you continue to catch pirates in the future?” Tsuru patted his forehead helplessly and looked at the Warring States.

Sengoku shrugged and said, “It’s been three years, it’s time to go back to Marin Fando to rest, just in time to send these guys to Justice Island to stand trial.” ”

“Good! So do we return now? When Zefa heard this, he asked with a smile.

“Hmm! It just so happens that the Rocks guy is behind, let’s talk to him when you go back! ”

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth curled, and he put the cigar in his mouth on the fence and pressed it fiercely: “Surprise him before parting!” ”

When Karp, Zefa and Crane heard this, they also showed a smile on their faces, and they were eager to try one by one.

In the past few years, they have fought in the new world, but they have seen how the Warring States have become stronger every once in a while, even if they are as proud as Karp, they do not have the confidence to fight with the Warring States again.

They are also curious about how the current Sengoku and Rocks are stronger or weaker.

“Go back and attack Rocks!”


Everyone responded with a bang.

The warship turned around and headed for the way it came.

………… The dividing line…………

“Look at my improvement over the years!”

On the warship, Sengoku’s mind sank into his mind, checking his personal information at this time.

【Personal Information】

【Fruit Development: Great Buddha Form and Awakening (2000/999999)】

[Physical fitness: the strongest biological strength (0/100000), the strongest biological defense (0/100000), the strongest biological speed (0/100000), the strongest biological physical strength (0/100000)]

[Tricolor Domineering: Rare Overlord Color Domineering (0/100000), Epic Armed Color Domineering (0/999999), Rare Sight Color Domineering (0/100000)]

[Combat ability: World-class Grand Master (0/999999), Life Return (0/100000)]

【Experience: 4250】

The level of fruit development has not improved in the past three years, his opponent is Lokes, a dark ability, against him is only effective in close combat, adding precious experience points to the Great Buddha Awakening with a value of up to 999999 will seem very wasteful.

Therefore, all the experience points he has gained in the past three years have been added to his physical fitness and armed domineering.

Physical fitness:

The original “monster power (25000/50000)” has become “the strongest biological power (0/100000)”.

The original “Monster Defense (0/50000)” has become “The Strongest Creature Defense (0/100000)”.

The original “Monster Speed (0/50000)” has become “The Strongest Creature Speed (0/100000)”.

Tricolor domineering:

The original “rare armed color domineering (0/100000)” has become “epic armed color domineering (0/999999)”.

Combat capability:

The original “Grand Master (0/100000)” became “World Class Grand Master (0/999999)”.

With physical fitness alone, the Warring States had surpassed many well-known monsters in the New World at this time and stood at the apex.

Not to mention the domineering color of the epic, according to the experience of Karp and Zefa after fighting with the Warring States, they all agreed that they were as terrifying as Lokes when they fought a few years ago.

The Great Grandmaster Realm is equal to the Great Sword Hao level, and the world-class Grand Master is the world-class Great Sword Hao, that is, the realm reached by Hawkeye decades later.

The total number of experience points spent on the improvement of many abilities is: 325,000 points.

Based on the value of 1,000 thousand points provided by the 800 million pirate blue leopards who were at the peak of their defeat state when they first entered the new world, the Warring States defeated a total of people with strength like him in three years… 325 times.

Not to mention the pirates who were arrested by him and put in prison, and took out to practice when they were fine, there was more than one.

“Rocks…” Sengoku looked at his palm, shook it suddenly, and muttered:

“After defeating you, the goal of the first man in the navy has been achieved!”


[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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