From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 514: Allure of Love!

"I have come to Wushuang City according to your agreement, you should have fulfilled your promise!"

Bu Jingyun's voice was still very cold, without a trace of warmth, not like a begging tone at all.

But those who are familiar with him know that except for Kong Ci, he has such an attitude towards everyone, including tyrants.

"Where's Nie Feng? It should be here too? He should have committed the theft in the city. What a sound!"

Gu Chong walked into the house, closed the door, and slowly lit the oil lamp, but he didn't answer Bu Jingyun's question in a hurry.

As the light came on, the Sleeping Beauty in the ice coffin also showed traces. Although Kong Ci was dead, she could still see the tenderness and beauty on her body.

At this time, she was holding a blue bead in her mouth, which was the thousand-year-old ice soul that Bu Jingyun snatched from the Xiawang Mansion, which could ensure that the body would not rot after death.

"That's right." Bu Jingyun replied coldly.

After all, the goal of the ice coffin is too big. Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to enter Wushuang City, so Nie Feng can only disturb Wushuang City.

"We didn't expect that you could become the deputy city lord of Peerless City in such a short period of time!" Bu Jingyun said.

He and Nie Feng originally thought that Gu Chong was from Wushuang City for a long time, but only after entering the city did they find out that Gu Chong was the deputy city lord who just took office, and he had no foundation in Wushuang City before.

The Peerless City is one of the two great forces in the world. To become the second-in-command at once is not just a matter of strength.

Although Gu Chong currently seems to have only a vacant position and does not have much real power, it is also unimaginable.

After all, with this identity, many things can be done justifiably.

Gu Chong was about to speak, but suddenly looked at the window.


A dark figure in night clothes came in from the window.

When he took off the black mask, Nie Feng's face was revealed.

"Brother Gu, we meet again."

Nie Feng clenched his fists towards Gu Chong.

"Very good, you are all here." Gu Chong smiled.

"Brother Gu, are you really sure about resurrecting Kong Ci?"

Nie Feng was still a little hesitant.

The resurrection from the dead is too magical, and he still has a hard time believing it.

"If you lie to me and wait, even if all the jade and stones are burned, I will never die." Bu Jingyun also said coldly at this time, his words are undoubtedly much more direct than Nie Feng.

"Don't worry, Gu does what he says."

Gu Chong waved his sleeves, and the ice coffin disappeared in place.

That's right, it just disappeared.

Seeing Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's eyes jump.

It seems that this mysterious man named Gu Tianxiao really has some ability.

"Three years later, you will be able to see the living Kong Ci." Gu Chong's tone was indifferent, but he was very confident.

In fact, he could also see that although Kong Ci's body was relatively intact, his internal injuries were serious, and his soul had long since disappeared.

But these are not difficult things for him.

As long as he reaches the fourth rank, he can try to resurrect Kong Ci.


Although Bu Jingyun's tone softened a bit, he still didn't believe that there would be free good things in the world.

"The conditions are definitely there. As a reward, you can do three things for me. The first thing tonight..."

Gu Chong smiled mysteriously.


Guandi Temple.


In the dead of night, a majestic voice like a man suddenly sounded, followed by a woman flying out of the Guandi Temple.

In front of the woman, a man in black quickly fled forward.

The two chased and fled, and quickly left the Guandi Temple.

Gu Chong lightly said that the first condition is actually very simple.

That is to let Nie Feng deceive the unparalleled grandmother out of the Guandi Temple, and then entangle her with Bu Jingyun, so that she cannot return to the Guandi Temple within a quarter of an hour, while Gu Chong can take the opportunity to enter the Guandi Temple to comprehend and study Dacheng's Alluring Love.

If Gu Chong's strength is improved again, then Dugu's side will not be afraid.

The next moment, Gu Chong landed on the ground in front of the Guandi Temple, and with a slight kick, an unusually dark, bottomless hole was exposed.

Gu Chong went down the pitch-black passage and came to a big hole in the ground.

This place is full of tortuous passages, and each passage has a lamp every ten feet, as if there is no end.

Great arrangement!

As early as the Three Kingdoms period, someone could set up such a huge project underground.

But Gu Chong didn't have this in mind. He walked along the passage and came to a cave.

I saw that there was nothing unusual about the cave except that it was vast, but the most surprising thing was that inside the cave was neatly filled with a pair of sarcophagi.

These sarcophagi, at least there are dozens of them, all lined up towards one thing, just like the sarcophagus is kneeling to this thing.

Although the lights in the cave were dim, Gu Chong could see clearly at a glance that it was an iron pillar about five feet long and more than three feet thick.

The upper end of this iron pillar had already penetrated the top of the cave, but at the lower end, it entered a passageway six feet in diameter on the ground. There was still a small gap between the iron pillar and the passageway, allowing people to pass through.

Going down again, I gradually saw the ice cellar. The endless iron pillars were still erected, but this time the lower end of the iron pillars was completely submerged under the thick snow and ice, and there was no further way down.

And in one of the walls of the ice cellar, which is covered with snow and, there is a hole about 10 feet high.

Above the entrance of the cave, four lines of small characters and six large characters are also engraved.

"There is no boat in the sea of ​​love

Destroying impermanence.

Seventh world love

Generations follow. "

The six characters are "Mrs. Wushuang's Tomb".

In the hand of a statue of Mrs. Wushuang, there is a scroll of suicide note tightly on it. On the suicide note, the words that four tyrants dream of are written impressively.

Allure of Love!


The "Love of the Fallen City" secret book that is enough to make people in the world's martial arts go crazy seems to be there, but Gu Chong didn't go there.

Because the secret book of Love in Love in the hands of Madam Wushuang's statue is not real, but a piece of blank paper. If someone really tries to get it, they will fall into Madam Wushuang's trap.

How can such a magical secret book be obtained so easily and wishfully? Once it passes, it will fall into the illusion of "God Shifting the Void" set by Mrs. Wushuang, and it will be difficult to extricate oneself.

So Gu Chong looked to a bland dark corner to the side, there was a very hidden hole, but when Gu Chong moved his sword a little, a few sword qi passed, and the hole there was much bigger.

"Your Excellency, please stay."

At this moment, an illusory figure appeared in Madam Wushuang's resting place and stopped Gu Chong, who was about to move forward.

This figure is exactly the same as Mrs. Wushuang, but her whole body is a little illusory, like a ray of spirituality left long ago.

This kind of realm is obviously above Gu Chong.

He cultivated his physical body and tempered his spirit, but he still couldn't keep a ray of spiritual thoughts in this world for people to see after a thousand years.


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