From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 789: Ziyun Palace

A group of seven people flew to a mountain below while chatting. The Dongtian Thirty-Six Floating Island was only open to welcome important guests. Most of the younger generation like them opened up caves in the mountains below to practice.

"Junior Brother Liu came just in time. Senior Sister Zhou Qingyun and Senior Sister Qin Ziling are going to Ziyun Palace. Let me invite all of you from the same sect and befriend Sanxian to come and help. Junior Brother Liu just caught up, so you can also go together."

"That's really a coincidence. I heard that the Ziyun Palace is located within the sea eye, and it is the best place in the world. Junior brother, I just want to see it."

Gu Chong agreed.

It happened that he wanted to see Ziyun Palace, one of the top treasures in the world of Shushan, and at the same time to see if there was a chance to obtain a powerful Taoist method from Ziyun Palace.

His cultivation base has now reached the realm of Loose Immortals. If he wants to go further, he must practice an advanced Dao method. Although Emei has the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra and the Zifu Jindanshu these two immortal Dao methods, this is a Only the core disciples of Emei can practice Emei's Dharma. Although Master Gu Chong is known as Luofu Immortal, his status in Emei is not high. .

So Gu Chong wanted to go a step further and either practiced the Emei Yuanyuan Sutra that Tong Yuanqi practiced, which is a Taoist method that can be practiced to the immortals, or went out to find opportunities.

Otherwise, the Emei Qi Refining Technique he is currently practicing can only increase the upper limit of mana, but cannot improve his realm. Even if he has ten thousand years of mana, he is only a loose immortal, and he will never be able to become an earth immortal.

In the world of Shushan, the chance is not so good, most of the top Taoist methods that can cultivate to the gods are masters.

For example, the Daxuan Tianzhang is a Taoist book left by Yan Mu to Yan Renying and Zhou Qingyun, the Taiqing Baozhuan has long been determined to be owned by Li Yingqiong, the jade pages and gold slips belong to Fang Ying, and the Shaoqing Secret Book and Jiutian Xuanjing are inherited from Emei.

Although the famous Hesha Qishu has no established owner, Gu Chong does not know where the Hesha Qishu is.

And even if he knew it, it would be useless. He didn't believe that Changmei would miss out on a top-level Taoist method like Hesha Qishu that was not inferior to the Daxuantian Zhang Jiutian Xuanjing.

Therefore, if you want to obtain the top-level Dao method that can be cultivated to the gods, you can only start from the inside of Emei.

Right now is a good opportunity. The Purple Cloud Palace contains the Purple Palace Secret Book and the Dique Golden Seal. The Purple Palace Secret Book has already flown away in the background information. I don't know if it has flown away in the real world, but the Earth Palace Gold Seal must still be there. Follow Zhou Qingyun and Qin Ziling. Go to Ziyun Palace and see if you can get this method.

Flying with Wu Diao to a beautiful mountain, Rong Yunyi said next to him:

"This is Senior Sister Zhou Qingyun's training ground."

This mountain is tall and straight, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and the attic pavilions above are exquisite. From a distance, you can see three women standing or sitting in an octagonal pavilion. It seems that they are aware of their arrival. The three women got up and walked out of the octagonal pavilion, just as they fell.

As soon as Gu Chongfu landed, he saw at a glance that one of the three girls was Qin Ziling whom he had met in his apprentice ceremony. He smiled and bowed his hands:

"I've seen Senior Sister Qin!"

He also bowed to the other two graceful and beautiful women, saying:

"Junior brother Gu Chong has met two senior sisters!"

You don't need to worry so much when you get started late, you can just call it senior brother and senior sister.

In fact, Qin Ziling couldn't help but have a smile on his pretty face when she saw him, she was happy and gave a slight blessing, saying:

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Liu, did you go down the mountain to practice so early?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she reacted, pointing to the beautiful woman on her right who was wearing a long white dress, with a curvaceous body and a heroic appearance, and said:

"This is Senior Sister Zhou Qingyun!"

Gu Chong immediately clasped his fists with both hands in a salute:

Gu Yan

"Junior brother Gu Chong has met Senior Sister Qingyun."

His extraordinary bearing, which is different from ordinary people, and his extremely beautiful appearance are all rare in the world, which made Zhou Qingyun feel good at the first moment, and smiled back.

At this time, Qin Ziling pointed to the beautiful woman on her left, who was wearing a blue dress and who was eight or nine points similar to her and introduced:

"This is Qin Hancai, my sister-in-law!"

Gu Chong also clasped his fists in a salute.

I have to say that the female disciples of Emei are all adored by spiritual energy, and their beauty is touching and pleasing to the eye.

The three girls welcomed them into the octagonal pavilion, chatted for a while, and learned that he was a teacher who had gone to Emei to get a flying sword. Everyone was very interested, and Peng Bo said with great interest:

"Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. Do you want to try it now and see if you can get the recognition of the immortal sword left by the senior?"

Gu Chong just had this intention and said with a smile:

"That's fine too."

After a pause, he said again:

"However, I'd better meet the Sect Master before going!"

Zhou Qingyun nodded:

"As it should be!"

After chatting for a while, Gu Chong bid farewell to the three daughters and Chuandong Wu Diao, and went to the door with Rong Yunyi.

Before he left, however, Zhou Qingyun officially invited him to go to the Ziyun Palace in the East China Sea to help his fists, and Gu Chong readily agreed.

Qi Shuming, named Qiankun Upright Miaoyi Real Person, is the head teacher of Emei's current generation, and he is also a first-level BOSS in the entire Shushan The cultivation level is second only to those of the heavenly immortals, and among the earthly immortals, he is definitely the best. The top one.

Although Emei was founded by Changmei, the real prosperity was still in the generation of Qi Shuming. His methods were extraordinary and powerful. Since he took charge of Emei, he has been able to suppress the other side of the magic way with a single force, which is extremely terrifying.

This kind of person is extremely rare in the heavens and the world. At least Gu Chong has come so many times, and there are very few people who can compare with Lao Qi in terms of methods.

Qi Shuming's cave was actually located in the mountains below the cave, but most of the time he practiced in the Taiyuan Cave of Ningbiya, where the spiritual energy of the cave was most abundant.

In front of Taiyuan Cave, the boy informed that Gu Chong and his senior sister were waiting at the door.

It was the first time he came to Emei Dongtian, and the senior sister accompanied him because he was afraid that he was not familiar.

After a while, the boy came to tell them to enter.

Taiyuan Cave is an immortal mansion in Ningbi Cliff. It is the place with the most spiritual energy in the whole cave. Although the mansion was reopened later and turned into the five Taiyuan mansions, the spiritual energy inside is not necessarily reduced much. Walking in it, the spiritual energy is abundant. It almost penetrated into the body, making people feel sluggish.

Seeing that Qi Shuming was in an ordinary-looking place, in fact, it was estimated that it was the most spiritual room in Taiyuan Mansion. The boy led him in, and at a glance, he saw a head-wearing Taoist who was sitting cross-legged on a simple futon with his eyes closed. A middle-aged Taoist with a crown, a ruddy face, and a long beard on his lower jaw.

Qi Shuming seemed to be practicing. As he breathed and breathed, Gu Chong could feel the spiritual energy in the entire Taiyuan Mansion rising and falling with his breathing, just like the ebb and flow of the ocean.

Some people can see extraordinary from the surface, and some people have extraordinary temperament, but Qi Shuming has both.

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