From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 793: finally

After Gu Chong answered, Qi Shuming did not speak, but Mrs. Miaoyi said:

"I have already passed the book with my flying sword to Jicuiya. The ninth junior brother has already started his journey and will be here soon."


Gu Chong raised his head in surprise and said:

"Then let's wait for the master to come."

"As it should be!"

Qi Shuming and Mrs. Miaoyi were very satisfied.

Although he didn't agree, they already knew that he didn't reject it, and that was enough.

In the world of Shushan, it is not a strange thing for a disciple to switch to someone else's sect, as long as both the master and the disciple agree. In fact, more than one-third of the disciples in Emei were sent to Emei from his sect, including those who belonged to the original demon sect.

Emei wants to be prosperous, this is not a matter of a sentence, but depends on talents, relying on disciples to lead Emei Daxing, almost as long as the juniors with outstanding qualifications can worship Emei as long as their hearts are in the right way, even if they are demons, as long as they are willing to change their evil ways, Same thing.

Of course, although there are many disciples, there are only a few real core disciples, Sanying Eryun, the four major male disciples and the four female disciples, are the favorite disciples or children of the big bosses in Emei. Only these true core disciples can enjoy the greatest resources of Emei, the so-called enlightenment resources.

Just like the Sky Strike Thunder Flame Double Swords he found on Wanjian Peak before, its power is not inferior to Ziying Qingsuo Double Swords, and the proper resources for enlightenment are left to the two core disciples by Changmei, or It may be the fourth-generation core disciple of Emei.

Under normal circumstances, one has to wait until the fateful person has entered Wan Jianfeng before he is born. Even if other disciples are accidentally motivated, they will be forcibly suppressed by the elders.

However, if Gu Chong can worship Qi Shuming as his teacher and show his super aptitude and ability, then he has the possibility to replace him.

That's right, the general trend is irreversible, but it can lead to a slight change. It is entirely possible for the current head of Emei to make a decision to replace the original sword master with him.

The original sword master was appointed by Changmei, but Changmei had already soared, and now Qi Shuming is the master of Emei. He is qualified and has the right to make this decision.

But there is one most crucial premise, that is, he has to show superhuman talent and ability, and he has worshiped the ancestors of Changmei in the ancestors hall, and won the approval of Changmei.

Gu Chong wasn't very clear about these things, but they were all told to him by Master Tong Yuanqi.

The head Feijian passed the book, and the master immediately set off and returned to Emei, and arrived in less than two days.

When he entered Emei, he was called to talk by the headmaster. He didn’t know what to talk about. Anyway, when Gu Chong saw his master again, Tong Yuanqi calmly told him that he agreed to transfer him to Qi Shuming’s sect, and told Gu Chong all the interests. .

Tong Yuanqi agreed that he should switch to Qi Shuming. It was not a threat, but after the persuasion of Mr. Miao Yi and Mrs. Miao Yi, and told Gu Chong's current situation, for his future consideration, he agreed.

Gu Chong has gone through two calamities now, his cultivation has reached the realm of Loose Immortal, and he has surpassed Tong Yuanqi in terms of mana. This is one of the reasons why he agrees. Tong Yuanqi feels that he cannot teach him anymore.

To reach the Loose Immortals, one already needs to consider the follow-up Dao method. With Gu Chong's talent, he is hopeful of becoming a Daoist. Tong Yuanqi is even more unlikely to let him practice the Emei Yuanyuan Sutra that he has cultivated, so it is inevitable to turn to others. In fact, even if there is no such thing, Tong Yuanqi will take the initiative to return to the sect to seek the law for him, and the result is no different.

It's not that Tong Yuanqi has nothing to do with switching to another school, it's just to worship one more master, and if Gu Chong becomes enlightened in the future, he needs to turn around and cross Tong Yuanqi into the Tao.

Gu Chong has no objection to this. Now that the master agrees, he will not object to worshiping another master.

Ten days after the two sides negotiated, Emei officially worshipped Qi Shuming as his teacher under the witness of the elders and disciples who stayed in the door.

This is the official apprenticeship. After that, we will choose a good day and auspicious day to send out invitations and invite many people who are in the right way with Emei to come to participate in his apprenticeship ceremony.

Compared with him, it was very simple to worship Tong Yuanqi as his teacher. It was not easy for him to worship Emei headmaster Qi Shuming as his teacher. Qi Shuming accepted him as his apprentice, but he accepted him according to the standard of succession. It will be very grand at that time. I am afraid that the entire Shushan Mountain More than half of the world's righteous masters will come to watch the ceremony, which must be a grand event.

After worshiping the teacher and toasting, Gu Chong officially became Qi Shuming's third apprentice, ranking among the core of Emei's third-generation disciples.

It's a pity that the apprenticeship was a bit rushed this time, and many important disciples in the sect were not there, not even Li Yingqiong, who he wanted to see most, was not in the sect, which made him quite regretful.

Three days later, Qi Shuming called him to Taiyuan Mansion. The master and the disciple sat opposite each other and said:

"You have entered my door. Today, I will take you to the Patriarch's Hall to meet the patriarchs and teach the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra of this sect."

Hearing this, Gu Chong's face showed a happy expression, and he worshipped Qi Shuming as his teacher, because the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra was finally taught today.

The Ancestral Master Hall is located in the center of the thirty-six floating islands in the cave. Usually, disciples are not allowed to enter. Only a few disciples with long eyebrows are qualified to bring their juniors to enter. Tang, Chang Mei personally taught the Dharma from Lingkong Qi Shuming, as the head teacher of Emei, of course knew the Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics, but even if he wanted to teach the Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics to his own disciples, he had to If you have worshipped the Patriarch's Hall, and with Changmei's permission, otherwise you can only teach the Taoist method that you have comprehended.

There are more than a dozen core disciples of Emei, and not all of them have taught the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sutra. Several of them have practiced other methods of enlightenment. For example, Li Yingqiong practiced the Secret of Taiqing, or the Secret of Shaoqing, etc.

Follow Qi Shuming into the Patriarch's Hall, which is just an ordinary stone hall. There are a total of twelve stone pillars in the hall. The top one is dedicated to the tablets of the three Patriarchs of Emei. Master Mei, Master Lian Shan, Uncle Changmei Third, and under the Third Patriarch are the tablets of Taoist Changmei.

This tablet is not a spiritual tablet, Changmei is not dead yet, but an identity card representing the identity of the patriarch.

"This disciple has a new apprentice today, his roots are right and Miaohong, and his aptitude is outstanding. I would like to ask Master to give me the Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics."

Qi Shuming stood in front of the Changmei Patriarch's plaque three times, and directly stated the purpose of his visit.

After finishing, he straightened up and said to Gu Chong:

"Good apprentice, come to worship the Patriarch and accept the Patriarch's teaching!"

Gu Chong nodded, stepped forward, knelt down, and said in a low voice according to Qi Shuming's previous instructions:

"Disciple Gu Chong, meet the patriarchs and ask the patriarch to grant the Dharma!"

The words fell, Gu Chong's powerful consciousness felt the slightest changes in the patriarch's hall, raised his head, and saw the patriarch's plaque of the three patriarchs glowing with a faint aura, followed by the patriarch's patriarch's plaque also lit up a layer. A faint clear light, the next second the patriarch card lit up, and a white light shot out from it like a finger and hit his forehead.

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