From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 815: affection

Ten days later, Monk Xiao and his fellow disciples, along with Qi Shuming and other elders, left the Ziyun Palace and returned to Emei. Only he and Zhou Qingyun and other four daughters were left in the huge Ziyun Palace. He remembered his senior brothers Shen Tuhong Ruan Zheng and Hei Er Yu Chi Huo very much. Waiting for someone to wink.

The black boy, Yu Chihuo, and the fourth senior brother, Zhang Qi, both came together, and each presented two high-level magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense, both of which were much better than having magic weapons themselves.

When the disciples of Emei left, the Ziyun Palace suddenly became quiet. Gu Chong didn't take care of anything at all. Every day he practiced, and he sacrificed the Twelve Pluto Flags. Instead, the four girls were enthusiastically transforming Zi. Some structures and decorations in the Cloud Palace are discussed every day about what to put here, whether to put a rockery or a delicate screen there, or what hanging ornaments to hang.

He lazily managed these things, and let them toss. Every day, apart from practicing at the bottom of the sea, he was studying the profound mystery of Taiji Diagram, how to use his current cultivation base to dig out the various effects of this treasure as much as possible.

Although this is only an imitation, it also has a supreme mystery, which can benefit Gu Chong endlessly.

Time passed by day by day, and two full years passed quickly, and the decorations in Ziyun Palace had already changed a lot in their hands.

At the same time, the cultivation of the four girls did not fall. Relying on the endless supply of spiritual energy in the Ziyun Palace, their cultivations were all advanced. Even Rong Yunyi also gathered his mana here, and passed the second time of Loose Immortals. The robbery, relying on the layers of restrictions in the Ziyun Palace, was weakened. When her heavenly robbery fell on her head, there was only a flash of lightning as thick as a finger, and she didn't even light up her hair.

This is the role of Immortal Mansion. In addition to providing a safe place to practice, it also has the function of blocking robbery. Just like the original Sanfeng of Ziyun Palace, even if they die again, as long as they don’t leave Ziyun Palace, no one can do anything about it. they.

After going through the calamity, her true essence was transformed into mana, and her cultivation base grew even faster. In addition to the mana she possessed, she now has accumulated no less than five hundred years of mana, plus the Taiyi Qingning fan, the ice crystal and the cold light. Shuangjian, both in terms of cultivation and combat power, is no less than the core disciples of Emei.

As for Gu Chong, his cultivation has grown even more obviously. Even with natural cultivation in two years, he has accumulated hundreds of years of mana. Coupled with the increase in experience, his mana has now exceeded the 10,000-year boundary between heaven and human, and he has a total of 130 million years of mana.

It's a pity that the realm is not enough, and the accumulation of external skills is not enough, so there are tens of thousands of years of mana, but it is still unable to transcend the catastrophe of heaven and man and become a god.

The so-called external power is to do good and accumulate virtue. Insufficient external power does not affect the triggering of the heavenly robbery. It is only the immortal rules of the spiritual world. If the external power is insufficient, one wants to rise through the calamity, and the difficulty increases sharply. Many elders of Earth Immortals who clearly have enough cultivation bases accumulate external skills everywhere, and only after they have completed their calamities will they rise to immortality.

Although Gu Chong's strength in the main world is equivalent to that of an immortal, it is a cultivation route in the galaxy world, which is different from the immortal way.

However, he is not in a hurry, this is just a matter of accumulation. After all, it has not been long since it arrived. After a period of time, it will naturally accumulate enough.

In two years, in addition to the skyrocketing mana, his swordsmanship has also progressed accordingly. In two years, he has advanced from superb to master, and then broke through the limit.

The realm of swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle. Even if the whole world of Shushan is Liao Liao Wuji, there are no more than ten people in the whole world. Even if it is Emei, only Qi Shuming and Xuanzhenzi have this realm of swordsmanship. For example, Li Yingqiong's sword skills are not as high as him.

The realm of swordsmanship has reached this realm, basically reaching the peak of the first realm. With the double swords of Tianlei in hand, there are basically few people who can compare to him in swordsmanship.

Although there are still some realms of unfathomable, unparalleled in the world, shocking ancient and modern, unity of heaven and man, and transcendence, but these are generally the realms that can only be achieved by the experience accumulation of the immortal world, which is rarely achieved in the world of Shushan. Humans can reach those realms.

However, Gu Chong's deity has also cut several waves of leeks in the Tiansui and Yangshen worlds in the past two years, and gained tens of millions of experience points. Maybe Gu Chong's swordsmanship can be improved ahead of time.

Mana, swordsmanship, and magic weapons are all ready, including experience points, so they can deal with some emergencies, so Gu Chong summoned the four girls and told them that he was going out to find opportunities. place.

Two years of getting along day and night, although they have never made it clear, they have long been aware of their concern and ambiguity from time to time, but they have not yet made it clear.

In addition, Zhou Qingyun, Qi Lingyun and Qin Ziling's three daughters couldn't accept the shocking idea of ​​four daughters serving him alone. The most powerful people in the world are only the first wife and the other are concubines. If he wants all four of them at the same time, it is still the training world. They are more difficult to accept and worry about.

It is not easy to be a husband and wife partner among monks. It is a real husband and wife. If you want to ascend, you must ascend together.

If he wanted them, he would have to fly with five people. This is much more difficult than flying alone. Even if Qi Shuming wanted to fly with his wife and children, he would do his best for in front of Changmei Make a great oath to order Emei Daxing.

In the background information, several core disciples of Emei were trapped by love, and it was difficult for them to ascend in the end.

Gu Chong certainly didn't have this concern, not to mention that all of them have excellent aptitude and luck, and they have the support of the nine palaces of Ziyun Palace. The reason for not being able to ascend is not to walk through the back door.

This time he went out without taking anyone with him, alone.

Saying goodbye to the four daughters who had hidden affection, Gu Chong came out of Ziyun Palace, stretched out his hand and waved, and a white light flew out in front of him and turned into a carriage pulled by eight heavenly horses.

This magic weapon was actually refined after the golden mother of Tianyi flew into the Lingkong Immortal Realm. There is no fairy beast like Tianma in the mortal world. Each Tianma has the strength between the loose immortal and the earth immortal. The Earth Immortals of the same level can't beat it, and the carriage itself is a sixth-order magic weapon. The bottom of the carriage is a white cloud of light, and the eight heavenly horses raise their hoofs, and the rays of light are endless.

He sits in the magic treasure, and the space inside expands. From the outside, the carriage is not very big. In fact, there is a palace inside. I am afraid that it is thousands of square meters in size. Any lamp inside is of magic quality and extremely luxurious.

Gu Chong is not in a hurry at all now, he doesn't need to use the aura escape method to hurry, he is sitting in the flying car and flying close to the sea, from a distance it looks like a long rainbow swept across the sea.

Sitting in the flying car is quiet and stable, as if standing still. It is difficult for ordinary people to feel that the flying car is rushing fast. Gu Chong sits in the main seat, with a huge mirror in front of him, and the scene of the ten kilometers around the flying car emerges. Like, as clear as seen directly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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