From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 819: return

Zi Ling was born in the depths of the sea, a congenital elf that was born and raised, and she was a peerless beauty who would conquer the country and conquer the city. After the third robbery, he became an earth immortal.

At this time, the immortal mansion in the main world was about to open, so Gu Chong ended his arrival and chose to return.

In a pure white space, Gu Chong's figure appeared out of thin air, and when he thought about it, the pure white space distorted for a while, and then directly transformed into the appearance of Gu Chong's family.

This is the dojo that Gu Chong opened up in the turbulent emptiness, and it is his resting place.

He opened the door of the quiet room, and after Gu rushed in, he closed the door and sat cross-legged. In the silence, he experienced the changes in his own mind.

This time, he confirmed the method of changing the mind, and it actually caused its mind to transform again. In the mind of nothingness, it seems that something is going to breed. This is a sign of nothingness!

And the mysteries of the various practices in the world of Shushan are also being digested by him constantly. Among his martial arts, the part related to immortality becomes more and more mysterious.

Around him, the aura of martial arts rises and falls like a dragon, capturing the power from the world of Shushan and replenishing himself. As he comprehends various avenues, his aura of martial arts becomes more and more agile.

There are even traces of power, born out of thin air from the aura of martial arts, this is something out of nothing, and it has broken some common sense!

This is originally the sixth-order power to have the ability, independent of the chaos of heaven and earth, not to seek outsiders, and its own power alone is enough to create an infinite world.

However, his miraculousness at this time is naturally incomparable to the sixth-order great power. If the sixth-order great power is Wang Yang, at this moment, he is not even a drop of water.


In the process of swallowing, Gu Chong's heart beat more and more slowly, as if he had fallen into a stagnant state, but every time his heart beat, it transported the qi and blood containing infinite energy to every corner of the body.

At this time, his physical body is already a perfect physical body. To surpass countless methods of the golden body, the indestructible golden body is the strongest golden body!

And on every particle that made up his fleshly body, a layer of dandy textures had already emerged at this time. This is the Dao pattern, the embodiment of his martial arts, and his fleshly body is now evolving towards a higher level.

But limited by his realm, this evolution is extremely slow!

And at this moment, his mind has fallen into a state of great silence, where he is sitting and forgetting longevity. He uses his mind to carry all the changes in the past and future of a world. Even he is tired!

In the midst of annihilation, his true qi, like a dragon, still travels through the acupoints of his body. Now, it seems that his acupoints are about to give birth to invincible gods. There are twelve There are 1,296,000,000 and 1,296,000,000 gods in one hundred and ninety-six million and one orifices, and his acupoints are being deified!

In the ancestral aperture, his true spirit seal, blooming with immeasurable brilliance, reflecting the infinite time and space, along with the cultivation, his martial arts origin is constantly awakening, but limited by his realm, the origin awakening is extremely slow.

Gu Chong was surrounded by the dazzling aura. In the aura, he seemed to be a god-king and heavenly emperor who was really sleeping, with an invincible demeanor!

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The bell rang.

It was the bronze bell at the gate of the dojo, indicating that someone was visiting.

"Brother Gu, let me in!" Zhang Yunshang's voice came from outside the dojo. Hearing this voice, Gu Chong opened the door of the dojo.

"Brother Gu, the Immortal Mansion is about to open, you still don't move!" After Zhang Yunshang entered, he saw Gu Chong and said, "Wude and the others have already set off!"

"Don't worry, it's the same whether you go early or late!" Gu Chong smiled slightly.

Immortal mansion is divided into outer mansion and inner mansion.

As long as the outer palace has reached the great position, it can enter.

The Inner Palace is different. In the Eight Desolations and Nine Regions, only the strongest in each place are qualified to enter the Inner Palace.

The chance to become immortal is in the inner palace.

Many people can't enter the inner palace at all, but the rare treasures in the outer palace are also very precious.

If you want to enter the inner palace, only the Dragon Emperor is qualified in the Skyfire Region!

"Go early, maybe you can still see the Dragon Emperor, and have a chance to see the true face of the Dragon Emperor, this time it must be the Dragon Emperor again to enter the inner palace!" Zhang Yunshang is also looking forward to it.

Dragon Emperor, that is a legendary figure in the Heavenly Fire Territory, she has no idea of ​​competing with him, and it is good to be able to witness the true face.

"Dragon Emperor is indeed powerful, and he is a real invincible. Ordinary masters, such as Wu Long and his like, are estimated to be unable to make three moves in his hands. But if you encounter him, as long as you do not provoke him, he will It shouldn't be like you shot!" Gu Chong's fingers lightly clasped the tabletop, and the sound of the percussion reverberated, with an inexplicable charm.

"You are so familiar with him, have you seen him recently?" Zhang Yunshang was surprised.

"I haven't seen it before, but I can sense that his aura, like Wu Long, is much worse than him, and even me, it's worse than his current state!"

"His realm, UU Reading used the huge amount of qi he accumulated over thousands of years to forcibly push him up!" Gu Chong finished speaking and drank the tea in the cup on the table.

"So, this time he will still be the most powerful person in the Skyfire Region?"

"Not necessarily, due to fate, gathering and scattering are impermanent, invincible is played, not seen!" Gu Chong shook his head, "As long as I kill him, the invincible is me, not him, never beaten, no People can know the final result!"

"Why didn't I sense Dragon Emperor's breath?" Zhang Yunshang wondered.

"Your spirit is not strong enough, your mind is not subtle enough, naturally you can't break the barriers of time and space, but I can lend you my realm to let you feel the state of the Dragon Emperor in advance!" Gu Chong said. , pointed at Zhang Yunshang's eyebrows, and in an instant, Zhang Yunshang felt that his heart and spirit were expanding thousands of times, and countless things that she had not been able to detect, now emerged one by one in her heart.

"This is the world you usually see?" Zhang Yunshang asked. At this moment, Gu Chong seemed to have opened up a new world for her. Everything was so different.

At this moment, her mind seemed to have crossed time and space, and she had glimpsed a round of things that looked like a divine sun in the starry sky. The aura of that divine sun was so pure and mellow, without any flaws.

Moreover, she was still on this round of the gods, and felt an invincible meaning to look down on the sun and the moon and suppress the mountains and rivers. Just a glance, this invincible momentum completely shattered the tiny pride in her heart.

This kind of will is too powerful, beyond her imagination, she feels that even if she cultivates for thousands of years, she may not be able to cultivate such a will! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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