From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 822: Exotic treasure

"The source of all Dao, the transformation of heaven and earth!"

Under the crisis of death, Lei Wanli forcibly used his magical power to smelt everything together. The power of more than 20 exotic treasures penetrated each other, regardless of each other. The black divine light bloomed from him, and the devil dyed the world!

In ten thousandths of a breath, everything in him is condensed into a tiny point. This is the beginning of heaven and earth, the source of ten thousand Taos, and the source of his destruction. Only with creation can there be destruction. The two complement each other. !

"The Great Dao turns, and the set of suffering destroys the Dao!"

The world opened up, and his magical powers changed again, turning into pure destruction. At this moment, he forcibly merged the two types of magical powers, and with one strength, he even raised his combat power to a new level.

Fighting is always the best way to practice!


The fist mark pressed down and collided with Lei Wanli's sublimation blow, and suddenly thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were turned into deep pits, and even a huge gap appeared in the sky.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Lei Wanli's voice sounded.

"Yin Yang Seal!"

Hearing the answer, Lei Wanli's body turned into ashes and died completely.

"It turned out to be Old Demon Gu who came to save the scene. Could it be that the two of them have any secrets they can't tell?" Everyone was discussing.

"Is there any gain in this battle?" The detective grabbed the power of destruction in Zhang Yunshang's body, and at the same time poured into a source of mellowness.

Under his actions, Zhang Yunshang returned to his peak in just a few breaths of effort. How powerful is his origin, if he were in the Middle Thousand World, his origin would even be enough to create a small world!

"A little gain!" A chaotic breath appeared in Zhang Yunshang's palm, and then differentiated Yin and Yang, transformed into the shape of Pisces, and evolved the principle of good fortune.

Through the battle of life and death just now, her mind became more and more transparent, and she also had some different understandings of the way of chaos.

"Measure the sky ruler, the seven-star lamp, the Promise Pagoda, the Six Path Wheel, the Heaven and Earth Clock..." Looking at the divine objects suspended in the void, Gu Chong revealed their names.

Although Lei Wanli was shot to death by him, these fetish objects still exist. The quality of these fetish objects is extremely high, but they are only limited to Lei Wanli's realm, and these fetish objects have not exerted their true power.

These divine objects are all Dao artifacts, second only to immortal artifacts. They contain innate Dao rhythm. If they can completely activate the power in them, they will be able to exert the power to destroy the sky and annihilate the earth and traverse the galaxy!

However, in this world, the power of these Taoist tools is limited, and it is difficult to exert too much power.

He waved his hands and put these tools into his sleeves. Gu Chong was going to study the principles of these tools. These tools were created by heaven and earth, not acquired things, and contained many mysteries.

He didn't put these tools into his body, and now that his power has grown to the limit, it's impossible for these tools to increase his power any more.

"You continue to walk, fighting to support the war, this is a good opportunity!" Gu Chong said.

He didn't have the idea of ​​protecting Zhang Yunshang. If there was him, she would inevitably have luck in her heart, which would be useless for her growth.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Yunshang, Gu Chong continued to walk in. It was only by chance that he met Zhang Yunshang this time. The world is very big, and it is not easy to find someone here.

However, some people are like the big sun in the sky, no matter where they go, they can be seen by people.

Just like Dragon Emperor, his aura is like a scorching sun, and a master who is not much different from his level can feel his forcing aura!

Time is like water, years are golden!

Measuring the earth with a pair of fleshy feet and realizing the nature of heaven and earth, Gu Chong's mind became more and more calm.

And the further he went in, the stronger the heaven and the earth became, and the more perfect the microscopic world became, and when he got to where he was now, the firmness of the heaven and earth was no less than that of the Eight Desolates and Nine Regions.

The dust along the way has not stained Gu Chong's body, and he has not collected any sacred objects along the way. He has already seen that the Taoist tool does not help him much, and his flesh is the best Taoist tool.

And these days, he was studying the Taoist tools, and suddenly found that the Taoist bodies in the Eight Desolates and Nine Regions are very similar to the Taoist tools, and they are all imprinted with the texture of the Taoist tools. Even now Gu Chong's body is somewhat similar to the Taoist tools. similarities.

"If you want to come to the Dao body of the Eight Desolates and Nine Regions, it should also borrow a bit of the mystery of the Dao!" Stepping on the mountains and rivers, the mountains on both sides continued to retreat, and now his speed has slowed down, in this stable world. , his mind has been unable to cover a trillion miles as before, and 100,000 miles is already his limit.

"If I'm not mistaken, the key to entering the inner palace should be above that pillar!" He looked into the distance and saw a huge pillar that stood upright in the sky.

Even at a distance of trillions of miles, Gu Chong could still feel the power of the Tianzhu. He felt that there was a terrifying will in the Tianzhu.

Combining what the Dragon Emperor said, he already had the answer in his heart, and that will should be the will of the Taixu immortal back But with the passage of time, the things in that will have long been wiped out, Only the coercion still exists, which is the coercion at the level of life and cannot be eliminated.

"Huh?!" At this moment, Gu Chong suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Following the feeling in the dark, Gu Chong turned his direction and traveled tens of billions of miles, and a boundless lotus sea suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, a group of masters had already surrounded the Lianhai, and the Lianhai had a vision, which was difficult to hide, and had already attracted many people.

Gu Chong mixed into the crowd and didn't attract too many people's attention. His mind was extremely powerful. Although these people were not ordinary, they were still far behind him. As long as he didn't make too much noise, these people would be subconscious. ignore him.

"The mind of the Tao has changed, what kind of strange treasure is being nurtured in this boundless lotus sea?" Gu Chong was a little puzzled.

The breeze blew the lotus sea, and the fragrance of the lotus overflowed, refreshing the heart. This was an extremely spectacular scene. Thousands of red lotuses competed for each other, like fire, spreading to the horizon, like a red glow spreading from the horizon!

This is an extremely spectacular scene, the lotus sea is connected to the sky, and it is endless.

This mighty lotus sea, like divine flames, has the smell of burning the sky, the majestic essence rippling in the lotus sea, and the vitality like a vast ocean circulates in the lotus sea.

Time passes, and in the blessed land of the fairy family, there is no sun and moon, and no stars shine in the world. There is only eternal light. Gu Chong once tried to rush out of the sky, but there is only absolute nothingness at the very edge. No matter how he attacks, in the end. will be back to square one!

The essence in the sea of ​​​​lotus is more and more surging, and the vitality is also more and more intense. Gradually, the lotus sea has a vision, and countless elves of plants and trees are born. These elves are the transformation of essence and vitality in the sea of ​​​​lotus. It can be regarded as a kind of congenital sacred.

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