From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 863: breakthrough

"Chaos body, you will surely die."

"When the road to becoming an immortal opens, the seal of the Beginning Child will come to an end, and Pindao will destroy you personally!!"

He is talking about the road to immortality that will be opened in the future. At that time, countless ancient supreme beings will be born to **** the chance to become immortals. Moreover, most of them are likely to fail. After the failure, the ancient supreme beings will definitely open the darkness in order to save their lives. Great upheaval.

That is the more than 20 gods, ancient emperors, and great emperors who have survived from the age of myths to the present.

Even if only seven or eight people start the dark turmoil, it is definitely not something that any great emperor can stop. At that time, it will be the end of the chaos body.

The undead Taoist who walked out of the holy cliff would personally come to destroy Gu Chong.

Gu Chong's face was indifferent to the last curse and roar of the undead Taoist, and he snorted: "I can cut off your head in the age of the saint king, and I can completely kill you in the age of the emperor."

"Supreme in the restricted area, let's see when you're down, how many of you are enough for me to kill!"

Zi la la.

Gu Chong calcined with divine fire.

The last wisp of the remnant soul of the undead Daoist turned into fly ash and dissipated.

In front of him appeared a mass of chaotic origin, the size of a human head, shining like a crystal.

This is the source of the supreme group, the power of half-step emperor.

A drop of blood from a saint can crush a mountain range.

The origin of this group of half-step emperors, it is no problem to crush a galaxy.

Gu Chong held the source of this group in his hand, and after absorbing the "Taihuang Jing", "Dao Jing", "Hengyu Jing", "Indestructible Heaven Jing" and many other Dao Qi machines and ancient scriptures, he was promoted to the No. The Sun, Moon, and Heaven Sutra of the Gods.

The human-head-sized Supreme Source flows out of a thumb-sized stream, like a chaotic little dragon. It was slowly led into the body by Gu Chong and began to refine into his own cultivation.

Originally, after the battle at the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, he had devoured a few percent of the chaotic Qinglian essence, and he had reached the peak of the Saint King, infinitely close to the Great Sage.

This kind of powerful accumulation source made the golden blood in Gu Chong's body boil, and the thousands of miles of sky were reflected into a golden world of rays of light.

He sits in the center, his blood is rising, and every breath that flows out can easily destroy a planet.

At the same time, the inner world in his body was also growing rapidly.

Gu Chong's power is a living world. His physical cultivation has skyrocketed, which naturally drives the constant expansion of the inner world.



It sounded like a bubble bursting.


That is the barrier of Xiaoqian World being broken one by one.

Gu Chong's surroundings had already revealed the qi that belonged to the real "Great Sage" in the world that covered the sky. During this process, a hundred small thousand worlds were born in the inner world.

The world was born, countless creatures appeared, and every world had the reflection of the sun and the moon that was transformed from the origin of yin and yang. Each world was a living world, just like the ancient stars of life in the universe.

No matter which universe, there may be many stars, but the planets and continents with life are definitely cherished and rare places.

Because life has always been the greatest miracle in the world.

With life, everything is conscious, and all unimaginable miracles will happen.

If there is no life, then in the empty universe, no matter how many stars there are, it is still an abandoned and dilapidated universe.

An ancient star that nurtures life, a continent where all spirits grow, is better than millions of dead galaxies.

In Gu Chong's inner world, he now has a vast continent like the ancient stars of life, where living beings thrive, and the consciousness of all spirits converges into the heaven, bringing him supreme power.

this moment.

as the universe opened up.


Gu Chong sat cross-legged among the millions of miles of desolate mountains.

Suddenly, everything collapsed.

Everything returned to nothingness.

Great Holy!

The air of the Great Sage Realm, with a slight strand of hair like a hair, makes the million-mile mountain range return to nothingness.

If you are in the galaxy and exert your full strength, the battle of the great saint level is afraid that it is difficult for a galaxy to be used as a battlefield, and it will all be reduced to ruins.

Finally broke through into the realm of the great saint.

And with Gu Chong's rush after entering the Great Sage, the divine power in the body rose like a tsunami, driving the rapid evolution of the inner world in the body.

one hundred!

two hundred!

three hundred!


five hundred!

Five hundred small thousand worlds have evolved again.

Gu Chong of the Great Sacred Realm has more than 600 worlds in his body, all of which are worlds where living beings exist.

Of course, this kind of Xiaoqian world is not the real world, but the accumulation of power is also extremely terrifying, giving Gu Chong the power of more than a dozen real Xiaoqian worlds.

"I have already broken through the Great Sage, but I am not in a hurry to go to Yaochi to get the Western Emperor Sutra. First, I will comprehend the word secret of 'Zhi' that was displayed by the undead Taoist before."

After the great sage, is the quasi emperor.

Although the Western Emperor Sutra is still useful, it is impossible to break through the next realm in a few years like the Great Sage Xiu on the way to the emperor.


Gu Chong began to close his eyes and comprehend the secret of the word "Zhi" with his exquisite Taoism.

The immortal Taoist said that he has two of the nine secrets, one of which is the word secret of 'Zhi', and the other is nothing more than the word 'xing' obtained in the coffin of the Holy Body of Dacheng just like Gu Chong. secret.

The immortal Daoist is under the seal of the Great Emperor Wubei, and a strand of primordial spirit escapes from the corpse. As long as the emperor does not erupt, he will not be detected by the seal, and he can walk freely. How could Dacheng's corpse coffin be let go by him?

He opened his mouth to tempt Gu Chong with these two nine secrets, but he didn't know the real details of Gu Chong.

From the time he used the word secret of 'Zhi', the nine secrets were like being given to Gu Chong by not to mention the word secret of 'Xing' that Gu Chong had obtained long ago.

Under Gu Chong's exquisite Taoist soul, there is no place to hide any exercises, great roads, magical powers, and secrets.

How could an immortal Taoist imagine that there are such monstrous people as Gu Chong in the world, who can just read it once and record the 'Xing' secret that he has practiced and learned for tens of thousands of years in his heart, and then he can deduce it on his own. come out.

Can't blame him for that either.

After all, the mystery of the soul of Linglong Dao Xin, this heaven-defying comprehension, may not appear even in countless universe-level creatures. Gu Chong's origin is far beyond anyone's imagination. It is just one of his stopping points on the way to the peak of the boundless heavens and the universe.

It took three days for Gu Chong to finally deduce the nine sub-paths like the "Xing" word secret with the soul of the exquisite Taoist heart and the broken Dao fragment of the word "Zhi" obtained from the head of the undead Taoist. picture.

Gu Chong still obtained these two kinds of Nine Secrets without the gift of an immortal Daoist.

March time again.

Gu Chong began to refine the secrets of the word "Zhi" and the word "Xing".

Finally, these two kinds of nine secrets were cultivated to the level of seven pictures.

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