At this moment, King's blood was full of blood, and the momentum of a naturally strong man enveloped the entire block.

The actual combat power under the "electric current push" jumps to exceed that of most professional heroes, and if you don't count the blowing snow who actively stays in the B-rank as the chief, with his current momentum, he is at least a water-injected A-level in the judgment of the Hero Association.

There is a fairly common misconception here, that is, although the C-class heroes of the One-Punch World look like miscellaneous fish, they are actually superhumans with perverted physical qualities or special abilities.

Even if you can't deal with a wolf-level disaster independently, you have to be able to drag it until your colleagues arrive.

This is also the minimum standard for the Hero Association to recruit professional heroes.

And the King a moment ago was just an ordinary person who had been training for a week and a half!

The current is agitated, and his back is like a god of war!

Knock knock knock....

Knock knock knock!

Knock knock knock!!

The heart is like a water pump, which is filled with electricity and hot blood, and the talent skill "Emperor Engine" is triggered instinctively.

The heavy roar was like a hammer beating a drum, and the breathtaking vibrations carried out along the ground, and the surrounding buildings trembled!

For the first time, it was not cowardice that drove the "Emperor Engine" to resound in the sky, but the raging fighting intent that shattered fear!

The change in front of him is like a novice village chopping a chicken, which leads to the final boss, and the four wolf-level weirdos are stunned and stiff.

The blood of the whole body was driven by the deafening drum beat, and the sensory system was completely dominated by the demonic momentum of the man in front of him, and the body that was alienated into a strange man trembled for no reason, and he lost control one after another.

- It's so-w-so terrible!

- What a terrible man...

- Help!!

In the blinding current, King slowly looked up.

The electric light on the face of the streetlamp that could not see clearly, and the kind face that was pierced by the scar was illuminated by the flickering electricity, flickering and dimming.


Beyond the extreme fear directly crushed the hearts of the four wolf-level wolf-level monsters, and the blood bursting in their bodies turned into four blood arrows that rushed out of their mouths, taking away all their life force.

Bang bang.

Four bodies fell one after the other.

"Eh, wait... Why are they all dead?

King froze, the electric light of his body disappearing into the air.


"I haven't made a move yet!"


Ten minutes later, the Saitama family.

"That's how it went."

King sat in front of Qiao Sen and Saitama, pale as he recounted what had just happened.

The reason why it looks a little sluggish is mainly because of Xie... No, the release was overdone.

The bioelectricity created for the first time was almost exhausted, causing the King in front of him to regain a bit of the decadent temperament of the previous dead house.

"Was it just oppressed by momentum that you were shocked to death?" Saitama was surprised when she heard this, "Ah, are those weirdos so weak?" Just by looking at it, I thought I could at least have some combat power! "

Eh," King scratched at Hua Dian blankly, wondering, "Have you picked up those weirdos in Saitama too?" "

I... Hmmm! "

He's seen a fart," Jossen sneered at the Saitama strongman from behind with a naked strangle, "Probably King, your description is too true to make him immersive, right?"

"Ah, is that so?"

King didn't think much about it, but kindly pointed to Saitama, who was already red and warm, and reminded, "That, the Saitama clan looks like it's about to die." "


Qiao Sen lowered his head, and saw Saitama who was about to roll his eyes and quickly let go.

"That's enough, I forgot."


loosened Saitama took a few breaths to recover, not noticing that a purple palm sticking out of the back of his head caught a fallen shard card, and then disappeared.

He glared at Jossen and wanted to question, but he glared back.

- Why lock my neck! Lack of oxygen can be very uncomfortable!

- Don't expose the weirdos as we caught them, bastard!

The eyes of the two staggered, and Saitama reacted at this time.

- Oh oh, yes!

"I have a question!"

In order to make up for it, Saitama raised his hand in a schoolboy style and changed the subject like a textbook.

"King, can you still make electricity now? I want to experience it! "


King was stunned for a moment, and tentatively clenched his fists, feeling that the physical strength that had been lacking before had slowly recovered a lot.

Just supporting a power strike, it is definitely enough.

"I guess it can... However, is it really okay for you to use an electric current attack against the Saitama clan?

As he said this, he looked at Jossen.

"Come on, come on!"

Qiao Sen nodded, ignored Saitama who was eager to try, and signaled that it was okay: "It's okay, this guy has rough skin and thick meat, and your current power can't hurt him." "

Then I'll do it."


King recalled the process of completing the "electric current push" for the first time, and the sound of long breathing sounded, and the whole person's momentum changed.

A dense electric current was born from the palm of his hand, and it snapped, very quickly!

Instantly hit Saitama with a curious face!

Saitama, who was like being hit by a shocking palm of all nations, was wrapped in a layer of crackling electricity, and her sparse hair stood on end.

Saitama, who was shocked, only instinctively shivered at first, and then his body quickly adapted, and even curiously stretched out his finger and poked his arm with the electricity flowing.




, I suddenly felt that it was not something to be proud of to easily kill five wolf-level weirdos before!



Z City, Station.

At the bustling entrance of the pit station, King was carrying his bags and behind him stood Jossen and Saitama who had come to see him off.

"I'm leaving, King," Saitama handed King the fruit he bought on the road, "it always feels a little sudden." "

It's been a long time," King smiled gently, "if I stay by your side all the time, I'll feel dependent when fighting."

"It's also oh, I don't know how to divide the weirdos when I meet them together." Saitama thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Good guys, what about you two putting this allocation wild?

Qiao Sen stepped forward and hugged King: "After I go back, I will fight alone, let's work hard!"

"I'm looking forward to seeing if King can beat Saitama when he gets stronger."

"Hehe, that must be cool!"

Saitama: ?


"Hey, can you two be louder when you two talk to each other! Haven't eaten?

"I'll entertain you when I have time to come to M City."

Saitama looked disgusted: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

King waved his hand: "Then I'm leaving, Qiao Sen-san, and Saitama, you have never won against me in a game!"


"I didn't think King also had a dark belly, right, Saitama?" Watching King's figure disappear into the station, Qiao Sen couldn't help but sigh.

"It's not like you're being ridiculed, you can say cool things so easily, right?"

After Saitama finished complaining, Masase nodded and said, "Indeed, King's personality has changed a lot, and he is much more confident than when he first met."

"Of course, now he is also a qualified hero!"

Jossen snapped his fingers.

"Let's go, go back."

"Eh, don't you use your superpowers to teleport back?"

"You're a taxi for me! Stop by the supermarket, today is a special day!

"yes, I almost forgot! Then don't hurry up and leave! "

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