The blonde beauty who was originally in the focus of the crowd's attention did not notice the danger at the first time because her back was facing the ocean.

However, according to the law of fierce brainlessness, even if she sees it, it will definitely take a delay to react.

Sure enough, when she turned her head to follow everyone's gaze ignorantly, a huge black shadow that exceeded the size of a standard football field had already broken through the ground, and six long legs full of spikes left a thick and hideous shadow on the ground, like a toppled building, blocking half

of the sun#゚Д゚



! Debut!!"

It's not an earthquake, it's an appearance animation

of the weirdo!" "The weirdo has appeared

!" "Run!" In

the screams full of decibels instantly, the tourists full of the beach turned around and ran in a hurry, and the scene was very fart for a while!

The eyes of two crabs that stood tall like crab bosses looked with satisfaction at the scene of humans frantically fleeing all over the ground, and two giant pincers that were so huge that they could easily clip tall buildings were raised, rubbing dazzling Mars in the sound of "screaming"!

The huge size of the foul made every move of the steel-backed king crab trigger a tsunami of mountains, and the heavy cry like a ferocious beast rolled up a strong fishy wind, blowing down all the coconut tree corridors along the Gold Coast, and hundreds of the fastest tourists were smashed down by the rolled up coconut trees, wailing all over the ground for a while, and suffering heavy casualties!"

I am the ace vanguard of the crab race, and today I will let you ignorant landmen experience the fear from the sea!!"

Nani!!!" A

crisp and loud war roar mixed into the roar of the steel-backed king crab, accompanied by a disproportionate fist swing, successfully interrupting the casting at the physical level!

Time stretched to the extreme at this moment, the steel-backed king crab could only watch the black-clothed caped man who had just thrown a punch inhale deeply as if in slow motion, his chest muscles opened, and the pair of steel-like heavy fists were pulled back like rowing!!Euler

Euler Ora!!(งǒ皿ǒ)=3

⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃⁼³₌₃₃ Euler Euler Euler

Eu Ola Eu

Kong Long Kang Kong Long Kang..." The

dull impact sound like the demolition site echoed wildly on the golden coastline, and the footsteps of the fleeing people subconsciously stopped, and when they turned around, the huge dragon-level weirdo "million-year steel-backed king crab" that had just drilled out from under the beach had turned into a burst of pulp crumbs under the dubbed version of the war roar!


the blink of an eye, Ola went out tens of thousands of punches, and the speed of time flow finally returned to normal!

After the end of the fight, the God of War shadow doppelganger used the "ordinary treatment" to resurrect several seriously injured people who were unfortunately hit in the head by a coconut tree in place, and while the straw sucked up and pressed the brim of the hat, he found that there was an unlucky big wave beauty under the belly of the steel-backed king crab.

As soon as Joson's mind moved, the "heart net" mixed into the earth's magnetic field suddenly turned over, and a powerful magnetic field accurately shrouded every fragment and juice of the weirdo's corpse, and then turned on the large microwave oven baking mode!

At this time, the tourists on the beach opened their mouths almost simultaneously, and the terrified screams that originally resounded throughout the coastline came to an abrupt end, and they were all held back into their stomachs in shock.

Million-year-old king crab: (ಥ_ಥ)

The blonde giant wave beauty whose head has completely turned can not turn her head as she sees the "clouds" above her head almost instantly disintegrate and explode, and the sky suddenly clears again!

The scattered body fluid debris has been crushed and ground to elementary particles by the terrifying magnetic field in the process of falling, leaving no trace except for the huge deep holes left by six long legs piercing into the beach.

The blond beauty with big nerves subconsciously clasped her hands and fingers on her chest, and when she looked at the tall man in black clothes and black hats in the sky, two pink peach hearts directly jumped out of her eyes, and she muttered in her mouth: "Si... Si Guoyi!" In

the sky, Josen's God of War shadow doppelganger squinted slightly, examined critically, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The next moment, I didn't see any obvious movements from him, and the whole person blurred at high speed, and instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

People are punching and are afraid that weirdos are not violent enough!


City of Z.

The capitalist surnamed Qiao, who left the shadow doppelganger to work outside, sensed the existence of a certain breath and "snapped" back to his high-end apartment in Z City.

As we all know, superpowers with displacement abilities have always been out of the door.

Joson expertly changed his slippers on the balcony and walked into the room.

"I'm back~"

On the sofa in the living room sits a legal green-haired loli in home pajamas, watching TV with a large bag of plain potato chips in her hand.

When Joson entered the house, the tornado's mouth was already full, and he puffed out his little face and said hard: "You, are you swollen back?" Here

in the tornado, less than half a day has passed, and for Jossen, he has been out for a long time, and even the world-class villain BOSS has more than one.

"Well, isn't the training class on track, and I'm okay for the time being?" As

he spoke, Joson had already come to the sofa, raised his hand and rubbed the head of the tornado, who stopped chewing potato chips and narrowed his eyes comfortably like a cat.

"So, I'll be back!"

said Jossen and sucked on a wave of cats, before reaching out and grabbing the slender waist of the tornado, and carried the tiny queen of superpowers away from the sofa.

The green tendons on the forehead of the reacting tornado burst out, and the dead fish eyes cut into the style of the strong man in seconds, and said dissatisfied: "... I'm not a stuffed animal, hey!!" "

Oh, it makes no difference.


, Joson sat down on the sofa himself, put the soft tornado on his lap, and finally did not forget to dig a large handful of potato chips from the snack bag in her hand and throw them into her mouth.

Click, click, click....

Well, fragrant wife and delicious snacks, this special meow is life

! Old American team: Ah, yes, yes!!

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