From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 100 Honor 7


The lieutenant colonel snatched the notepad from the observer's hand and looked at it carefully.

He immediately frowned and ordered:

"Wake up all the members of the 'Morphine' team! Without the captain, they will not have any effect if they continue to watch, it will only increase the casualties... Then record the specific details of this incident, and I will personally hand it over to Heisman The deputy minister takes a look!"

"Yes, sir!"

The observer responded quickly.

The Ninth Purification Team suffered heavy losses but gained nothing. This incident will inevitably arouse the anger of many important figures such as the deputy director, director and even the propaganda director of the purification department.

The young observer was complaining in his heart, and he just hoped that this matter would not be blamed on him.

He conducted off-site observations in strict accordance with the "Observer Code".

The culprit of this matter is the member of the secret society named "Snow Owl"!




Record meeting apartment, utility room.

In a dim environment.

The two ladies who had taken off their masks were sitting on the sofa, staring intently at the movie screen on the curtain.

When I saw the man in a trench coat wearing a white owl mask, he first took the initiative to attack the purification team's foothold, and then single-handedly killed the leader of the opponent.

The expressions of the two ladies were indescribably surprised.

As promised, we are just going to harass and intercept...

"Mr. Snow Owl, he..."

Miss Sparrow turned her head, glanced at the blond young man sitting on her left, and opened her mouth slightly.

Immediately, she turned to look at Miss Seagull again.

"He's so strong!"

Both of them thought so.

But soon, they all tacitly looked away.

Because at that moment, both of them actually saw an unusual color in each other's eyes.

That is a color that only they understand.

"But where did Mr. Snow Owl get his axe?"

Miss Sparrow asked softly, as if she was deliberately changing the subject.

"It's not like you can hide an ax in a windbreaker..."

"Hmm..." The astute Miss Seagull suddenly thought of something. "A few days ago, Mr. Stork seemed to be injured. I asked him, but he just said that he went out with Mr. Snow Owl and encountered a little trouble."

"But I suspect that it is precisely because of this incident that Mr. Snow Owl has magical means... Mr. Stork's cane has also been changed, and it must be related to it."

"You are so observant, Miss Seagull."

Miss Sparrow giggled.

The short-haired girl just smiled slightly and sighed secretly.

His eyes became lonely.




Gillan carried it back and forth several times.

At the corner in front of the church, there were more than a dozen corpses piled on the ground, including those from the purification team and those from the wolf-faced hunters.

Fortunately, he was in good health and only slightly out of breath.

There were too many things on the members of the purification team, and Gilan couldn't take them away, so he simply abandoned their pistols and finger-tiger knives, and only plundered their wrist shields and potions.

Excluding the wrist shields he was equipping, there were four in total, just enough to give one to each of the club members.

As for medicines, five tubes of hemostatic agents and one tube of stimulants.

"I'll fulfill the deal."

Ji Lan stood in front of the man in black robe and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the other party laughed strangely under his hood.

"Oh, my delicious friend, what treasure would you like to exchange for from 'Windmill Cat'?"

Ji Lan glanced at the corpse beside him, but he didn't have the confidence to exchange for the so-called "panacea". So to be on the safe side, he planned to get the three main ingredients of "green gunpowder" first.

"I want to exchange for 'Tin Sulfur', 'Mysterious Dust' and 'Hearth Green'."

He headed towards the windmill catwalk.

The first transaction is safe. Even if the other party is not satisfied, Gilan still has room for counter-offering, and at the same time, he will not be swallowed up by the other party.

"Ah, my delicious friend, you are so greedy."

Windmill Cat grinned.

The two emerald-like vertical pupils, which were the size of gold coins, stared straight at him with unclear meaning.

Jilan's heart sank.

But the cat-headed merchant changed the subject again, pointed at the captain's headless body, smashed it and said:

"But there is a human corpse that is slightly edible, and it is quite fresh, so I reluctantly agree to it..."

After saying that, Windmill Cat shook his black robe, and a glass bottle as thick as three fingers flew out and fell directly into Gillan's hand.

"Happy transaction, welcome to visit again, my delicious guest." The cat-headed man said with a strange smile.

Gillan glanced at three tubes of the mysterious material.

"Tin sulfur" and "furnace green" are both tiny pieces the size of a fingernail, with a rocky texture but a metallic luster. The former is silvery white and the latter is dark green.

"Lingmi Dust" is a gray-black powder that looks ordinary.

"Bailan" also gives slanted colored characters as a text description in a timely manner, but the general introduction is the same as on parchment.

Only the introduction of "Secret Dust" made Ji Lan startled:

"Mysterious dust. The mystics who have embarked on the 'Road of Fire Sword' are left behind after death. Their corpses will precipitate the imprint of their own spiritual kingdom and turn into a handful of sand-like substance. Taking it directly can enhance gnosis, and can also be used as a Materials for occult activities such as blacksmithing, medicine, or ritual.”

‘This mysterious material will be precipitated after the mystical person dies? ’

Gillan thought.

'In other words, after I die, will the "spiritual dust" be left behind...'

He put his mind aside.

Immediately, he put the three glass bottles in his arms and strode away without looking back.

Not long after Gilan left.

The windmill cat made a tut-tutting sound, and walked slowly and slowly to the pile of corpses. It opened its big crescent-shaped mouth and swallowed Bellomo's headless corpse in the blink of an eye.

The densely packed fangs wriggled, and the mouth made a crunching sound.

After a while, it let out a dissatisfied and regretful sigh.

"It's a pity that I can't taste the taste of the 'Healing Knights' for the time being, especially that Agni, he must taste very good..."

The windmill cat stuck out its tongue and licked the corner of its mouth.

He raised his hand.

Scarlet blood-like magma continuously emerged from his palm and fell to the ground, covering the body and melting it.

Eventually, the blackened magma flowed back into its hands, billowing with thick smoke.

Wails and screams could be heard from the thick smoke, rising straight into the sky and covering the entire city of "Leia" without a trace, making the gloomy sky even darker.

"Make the plague more ferocious! Oh my, it's so interesting!"

The windmill cat laughed strangely.

It looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

"The 'Healing Knights' are coming soon, so I should go to the next city. Let the Lord's will spread to every corner of Rongdeng, ah ah ah ah ah..."

With a strange smile, lava emerged under the Windmill Cat's feet, and it gradually sank into it and disappeared without a trace.

The magma was like a cloak, as it drilled into the ground, leaving no trace behind.




Gilan was walking on the lonely street when he suddenly stopped and looked up.

He felt that part of the gaze that was watching him disappeared, and the faint alertness that arose after his gnosis was touched also fell silent.

'Um? ’ Gillan couldn’t help but guess. 'Did the purification team evacuate the film early because of excessive losses...'

He followed his gaze and saw an even gloomier sky.

I understand in my heart.

'According to the guidance of Apocalypse Dream, the darkening of the sky means that the "Healing Knights" are coming... Just in time, without those troublesome guys, I can try my own ideas. ’

Gillan quickened his pace.

He did not go looking for Mr. Stork, but rushed directly to the entrance of the city.

Not long after, when he arrived near the city gate.

A large number of soldiers gathered here at some point. They were shouting, holding straight swords or spears, and climbed up the stairs on the inside of the city wall.

Many soldiers were standing on the wall, drawing their bows and arrows downwards.

Along with the rumbling vibrations, there were shouts of killing outside the city.

It was also at this time.

Gilan only heard the terrified screams of the soldiers, followed by a loud bang!

boom! ! !

A hundred meters ahead, the six-meter-high, ten-meter-wide solid wrought-iron city gate suddenly exploded from the outside inward!

The ground trembled!

Countless palm-sized iron fragments were shot in all directions like cannonballs, making horrifying screams.

The group of Leia soldiers near the city gate were either pierced by pieces of iron, or exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot, with half of their bodies flying upside down and tumbling.

After a burst of loud crackling sounds.

In the mist of smoke.

Gillan saw it clearly. A man about 19 meters tall, wearing silver-white carved armor, a helmet with wings covering his head, and holding a cross sword with a flower basket guard, was walking in slowly.

The cloak as white as snow behind him flew up and made a hunting sound.

Not even a drop of blood or even a trace of dust stained his body.

"The deputy leader of the Healing Knights, the head of the four knights, the Silver Crown Knight, Agni Baldwin!"

Gillan said softly.

He looked at the mighty knight's eyes, which were shining with an indescribable luster.

Thanks to "Tudog Machete" for the 4,000 point reward!

Thanks to the "Snowy Night Knife Man" for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks to "Xiaomei Village" and "Hold the Broken Scroll to Seek Fairy Grass" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to Wanshiguijian, Dabaibaidog, Tiandaoyourein No. 3434, What Green Onion Dip Sauce, Hong LOOK, and Xie Shuiyu for their tips!

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