From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 16 Success

Gillan once again entered the movie world with murderous intent.

He did not do other meaningless things to change the original course, but followed the development of the dream. After leading Maiev and Brennan to the village, he proposed to split up.

Jilan walked around casually and returned to the stone square at the entrance of the village. Sure enough, he only saw the figure of Maiev.

"Miss Maiev, I didn't find any valuable clues." Gillan walked over with a double-barreled shotgun, and then asked knowingly: "Where is Doctor Brennan?"

"I didn't find anything." Maiev shook her head, then turned to look at Gilan, with a worried look on her face. "I didn't see Dr. Brennan when I came here. He left a message on the ground, but I don't know where he went."

As she said that, the girl raised her hand to signal Gilan to look at the ground aside.

Ji Lan turned around and looked around. The handwriting that was originally blurry in the dream was now extremely clear——

"The path on the right side of the square, the big banyan tree, the red brick house, the map, be careful of the man with the axe!"

They were a few short vocabulary sentences written in dirty blood. They were a little scrawled and seemed to have been written in a hurry. There were also two letters "B·F" at the end, which were obviously the names of "Brennan Frankel". abbreviation.

"Dr. Brennan took the path to the right when he separated from us. It seems that he found very important clues there..." Maiev frowned and analyzed. "However, during this period, he most likely encountered some accident or danger, so he could only leave a prompt and escape."

Ji Lan looked at these bloody words, his eyes lingering on the last sentence for a moment.

He was almost certain that Dr. Brennan had met the terrifying ax man!

"I guess Dr. Brennan found the map of the village." Gillan pointed to the fourth word with blood on the ground and looked up at Maiev. "Let's go. Let's follow his clues first. If we can get the map, we can better find Dr. Brennan's whereabouts."

"Well, I guess you're right, Mr. Gillan."

Maiev smiled sweetly and nodded slightly.

Gilan walked in front, holding a double-barreled shotgun, and led the girl to the path on the right side of the square.

The road conditions here are the same as those on the left, which is also muddy. There are many stone and wooden bungalows on the left and right sides. The only difference is that there are many banyan trees planted here.

Lush leaves spread out, and countless aerial roots hang down like hairs, some of which have even penetrated into the ground and turned into pillar roots. At first glance, it looks like a big net covering the surrounding stone houses.

The two of them walked in the fog for several minutes when they suddenly caught a glimpse of a twisted figure walking towards them.

"God... God... forgive us... forgive us..."

The figure made an unpleasant and weird sound, like several people talking at the same time, or like the hoarse howl of a dying person.

The two of them stopped.

"Oh my god!" Maiev covered her mouth and her beautiful eyes widened. "What the hell is this?!"

Jilan's pupils shrank, and he saw a monster with twisted limbs and half-clothed clothes staggering closer.

It has three heads, no, to be precise, three men's heads glued together.

The three faces are like muddy batter, mixed together. The eyes, nose and mouth are messy and asymmetrical, but they are connected to the same neck and the same torso.

Two pairs of skinny arms grew from the shoulders and ribs respectively, embracing the torso like a lover's embrace. Even the front of the thigh has two pieces of meat protruding from it, which together form a pair of deformed legs that are wrapped around the waist, like lingering flesh that doesn't want to be separated.

"Woman! What a beautiful woman!" The monster that was stuck together saw Maiev, and its six crooked eyes stared straight at her, full of beast-like desire and malice.

Three connected mouths opened at the same time and howled loudly:

"The Cliff family has no offspring. Come on, come and give birth to a child for the Cliff family! Hurry!"

Maiev almost vomited when she looked at the disgusting and ferocious monster in front of her.

She endured the discomfort and planned to take out the brass "sliding door" hanging around her neck, but there was a sudden roar in her ears——


Gillan held the double-barreled shotgun and pulled the trigger. The shot accurately hit the monster's head, beating the twisted face to pieces.

However, after the monster screamed, it still danced and pounced on Maiev.

Bang! !

There was another gunshot, and a piece of the monster's torso seemed to have been bitten off, revealing a gap the size of a washbasin, and the whole body fell upside down.

Even so, it was still moving its body in the mud, making obscene gestures, like a wriggling maggot.

It wasn't until several breaths later that the monster became motionless in the pool of blood.

"It''s the influence of 'Father Mother'!" Maiev covered her mouth, her pretty face turned pale, obviously frightened by this monster. "This village must be filled with the belief in the old gods. The second-year 'Mother' symbolizes fertility and reproduction, so they were combined by mysterious power and turned into this weird form."

Ji Lan silently listened to the girl's explanation and absorbed the secrets.

Keep your hands on the move and quickly reload your shotgun.


The shotgun made a crisp sound when it was opened and closed.

Maiev looked at the blond young man in front of her. For some reason, a sense of security and inexplicable strangeness arose in her heart. She instinctively took a step forward and got closer to him.

Ji Lan frowned slightly.

‘Isn’t this woman also affected by the mysterious power of the so-called ‘Father Mother’? ’

After this thought flashed across his mind, he glanced at the monster corpse on the ground.

This time, Gilan did not avoid Maiev, but chose to squat down and reach out to touch the body.

Vibrant colors emerged, and the twisted monster began to decay rapidly, and finally turned into dust and dispersed.

The colorful number "4" in Ji Lan's eyes jumped and turned into "6".

Maiev, on the other hand, showed no surprise at all, as if she hadn't seen this scene.

Ji Lan carefully observed the girl's expression and suddenly understood.

'It seems that the characters in the movie world will not have any doubts about the process of monster corruption, or they will automatically ignore this process... It was unnecessary for me to avoid them before. ’

"let's go."

Gilan stood up and said calmly.

"Okay, Mr. Gillan." Maiev smiled and nodded, following closely beside him.

The two of them continued to go deeper.

But soon they encountered several crazy villagers on the road. The girl Maiev took out a brass "sliding door", which made the villagers afraid to approach. Gilan took the opportunity to shoot and kill them one by one.

At this time, he finally ran out of ammunition, but through the "colorful" corruption, the colorful number in his eyes increased by 4 points, accumulating to "10".

After walking more than a hundred meters, an unusually tall banyan tree gradually came into view from the left hand side. Gillan remembered the bloody words left by Dr. Brennan, stopped, and looked around the big banyan tree.

Not long after, he discovered a red brick wall behind the big banyan tree.

"Found it!" Jilan said with joy in her heart.

He and Maiev looked at each other, then immediately took steps, stepping on the dense and hard roots, and got into the bushes behind the big banyan tree.

Soon, they came to a two-story red brick house.

The door was open, and upon seeing this, the two of them walked in cautiously.

As soon as he entered the house, Gilan saw a map hanging on the wall in the hallway.

"The third edition of the map of Oldrav Village, drawn by Clerk Espy."

Maiev, a girl in a white dress on the side, read the words above softly.

She smiled happily, stared at the map with her beautiful eyes, and said:

"Great! There is a way out at the very end of the village, leading to the outside world! Doctor Brennan has seen this map. He must have passed there first. Maybe we can meet him there!"

"Yeah." Jilan raised the corner of his mouth and silently memorized the map in his mind.

'Finally found the clerk's residence... Then what Orlando the Exorcist is looking for should be in the basement of this house! ’

He thought to himself, turned his head and said to Maiev:

"Miss Maiev, please find a place to sit down and rest first. I'll go check out other rooms. I may be able to find some useful supplies and equipment."

"Okay, Mr. Gillan." Maiev was in a good mood and smiled sweetly. "You are such a classy gentleman."

Ji Lan returned the smile perfunctorily, turned around and walked inside.

The house had only three rooms on the first floor, and he quickly found the entrance to the basement in the stairwell next to the master bedroom. Gilan carefully pushed open the wooden door, held a gun, and walked down vigilantly.

The stairs made of wooden planks creaked as he stepped on them, and dust and sand continued to scatter on both sides.

However, there was no danger in the basement, and Gillan got down there smoothly.

He found the matchbox on the table in the dark and lit the candlestick nearby. Under the light of the fire, the cramped basement environment came into view.

Apart from a workbench, there are only a few clutter here.

Gillan raised his hand and waved away the dust in front of his eyes, and began to rummage carefully. Soon, he found a paper package in the drawer of the workbench, which was marked "Exorcist Commission Remuneration" with a thick line pen. words.

"This is it!"

Ji Lan's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to tear open the package.

Inside were two finger-sized gold bars and a hard-cover notebook.

He directly picked up the notebook, and the corresponding text description suddenly appeared in colorful colors:

"Espi's secret notes. It contains an excerpt of an ancient secret technique called the 'White Cross Body Training Technique'. It is said to have originated from the 'Healing Knights' three hundred years ago. Those knights with extraordinary military power gained through This kind of physical training gives you a physique and fighting skills that are different from ordinary people, making you invincible on the battlefield."

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