From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 23 Strong Enemy

" is this possible?" Granny frowned slightly.

According to the information investigated, the blond young man in front of him was just an ordinary person before, but in just a few days, he has the strength of a "teacher" level fighter?

This joke is not funny at all!

No matter how genius you are, no one can do it.

Granny Remo loved fighting since he was a child. When he grew up, he studied under a teacher. He traveled around, participated in various fighting competitions, and experienced terrible life and death fights. He was hailed as a genius by the fighting circle and became a well-received fighter. Officially certified professional fighter by the Bremen Empire.

But even so, he is already thirty-seven years old.

How old is Guillen Yiros?

Twenty years old!

"It seems there is only one possibility." Granny looked at Gillan with eyes full of interest. "It was that mysterious film that changed you!"

Jilan didn't know what the "teacher" level fighter he was talking about, and didn't want to listen to his chatter. He rushed forward with a cold face and punched him.

However, Granny seemed to be on guard. He turned around, raised the hem of his brown windbreaker, and kicked out his right leg like a cannonball through his chest. Before his fist could reach him, he kicked Gilan in the chest!

Bang! !

Ji Lan leaned back, feeling an intense pain in his chest.

His attack was blocked but he was not angry. After he stood firm, he retracted his right fist and brought his left hand together to stab Detective Glennie's neck.

But the latter's movements were not slow either. He took a step back and kicked again.


Gilan's left hand was kicked away, and he suddenly turned red and lost consciousness.

The private detective gained the upper hand and pressed forward step by step. He quickly stepped forward and kicked his legs several times. His black suit pants made a sound and turned into a powerful and heavy black shadow.


Bang bang bang bang! !

Facing the fierce attack, Jilan had no choice but to resort to tricks and rely on his excellent physique to defend. He was at a disadvantage for a while and found it difficult to find an opportunity to counterattack.

This was the first time since he learned the "White Cross Exercise" that he faced an opponent who could compete with him in close combat. Obviously, this private detective's skills and experience were superior.

After a fierce fight with fists, wind, kicks, and shadows, the dry itchiness in Jilan's throat suddenly became more serious. His head was dizzy and his reaction was slowed down.

Bang! !

Detective Glennie struck Guillen in the left leg with a kick.

Gillan eats pain and is unbalanced.


Detective Glennie's eyes were sharp, and the shadow of his legs like a black whip struck again, going straight to kick Gillan in the head.

Bang! ! !

At the last moment, Jilan urgently raised his arm to block, but the lethality of this kick was too strong. Amidst the loud noise, he only felt a sharp pain in his forearm, and his whole body was kicked away with great force.

Bang - thump!

He first hit a cement pillar on one side, and then fell heavily to the ground. The pain all over his body and dizziness made Gilan vomit blood and he was suddenly out of breath.

With a strong gust of wind, Detective Granny arrived.

He held his trilby hat in one hand, looked down at Jilan indifferently, and put his foot down!

"Fuck you!" Gillan opened his blood-stained mouth, his eyes fierce.

He suppressed the stinging pain in his arm and clamped his hand around the opponent's kicked calf. With Detective Glennie's frowning expression, he used all his brute strength to knock it over to the ground.


Jilan stood up with a ferocious look on his face, and his right knee fell heavily.

Gaba! !

The detective's left calf was smashed off on the spot!

"Ah!!" Detective Glennie roared angrily. "You guy!"

He kicked out his other leg with hatred, kicking Jilan several meters away again.

Immediately afterwards, Detective Glennie climbed up with his broken leg, looked a bit disgraced, opened his windbreaker, and took out a shiny short-barreled revolver from his waist.

"Damn it! You're forcing me to do this!"

He turned on the safety and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Although Detective Glennie is good at fighting, his shooting skills are also not low. He is far from being comparable to those of the Oak Gang's gun-wielding gang. He is fast, accurate and ruthless.

Bang! !

The bullet was aimed at Gilan's head at a tricky angle.


Detective Glennie was holding the gun, and his expression suddenly froze.

In just the blink of an eye, a triangular iron plate appeared in front of the blond young man. The timing was just right to block the bullet and sparks flew out.

Just when Detective Granny was confused, a double-barreled shotgun poked out from behind the iron plate and locked onto him.

Gilan, who was holding the shotgun, gave him a sinister smile.

Detective Granny's expression changed drastically, and an unspeakable aura of death enveloped him, stronger than ever before!

His left leg was broken, so he instinctively fell to the right.

But all of this seemed to be controlled by Gillan. He raised his gun and fired almost at the same time——

Bang! !

The detective was flying in the air, and his head exploded!

Blood foam and brain matter suddenly splattered all over the floor.

The headless corpse fell down with a plop, slid along the inertia for a distance, and lay quietly on the ground.

"Bah!" Jilan turned around and spit out bloody phlegm. "If you want to harm me, you deserve to die!"

He put away his shotgun and triangular shield, covered his chest and walked to Detective Glennie's body. He squatted down and took out a pack of "Mark" cigarettes and a brass-carved kerosene lighter from the other's pocket.

Clang - miso.

Jilan lit a cigarette and sat on the edge of the cement floor on the second floor, with his legs hanging outside the building. He stared at the deserted open space outside with deep eyes, smoking continuously.

The detective's body lay beside him, and the two were speechless.

Granny's strength is not weak, and he is even better than him in fighting and fighting. If it were not for the surprise of the "Beautiful" dimension, he would probably end up here.

The slight complacency I felt after acquiring the "White Cross Body Training Technique" quietly dissipated at this moment.

A long while.

Jilan took the last puff of cigarette, exhaled a long puff of smoke, and put out the cigarette butt in his hand.

After a short rest, he finally felt better. The pain in various parts of his body was relieved, and he regained a little energy.

Standing up, Gillan picked up the detective's short-barreled revolver. He couldn't recognize the model number, but felt that the gun was much more powerful than the lost Ruger, so he stuffed it directly into the holster on his waist to replace the Ruger.

There was a hidden pocket on the inside of the detective's windbreaker, which contained two 9 mm caliber quick loaders and a total of 12 rounds of revolver ammunition, all of which were also taken away by Guillen.

In addition, Gillan also took out a roll of banknotes and a strange black coupon from him.

"He's still a rich man." He raised his eyebrows.

This roll of banknotes are all "10" Caesars, a total of 25, which is 250 Caesars.

It is equivalent to the total income of a low-level worker for more than 20 years without eating or drinking!

For Gillan, it can be said to be a huge sum of money!

He put the banknotes into his handbag and looked at the black coupon carefully.

The ticket is printed with exquisite carvings on a pair of kites with outstretched wings. The three characters "Indulgence Coupon" are engraved in the center, and there is a motto composed of cursive characters below:

"Tell secrets and bear witness. Sins are washed away and redemption is accomplished."

Signed, Church of the Atonement, No. 5, Block 1, Host, Braque.

"Indulgences? Church of Atonement?" Gillan murmured.

The original person has never been exposed to things in these wealthy areas, but he has heard a little bit about the "Church of Atonement". This seems to be a church that believes in the "God of Listening and Witness" - the "Twin Kite".

Gillan also stuffed the tickets into his handbag, glanced back at the body, turned around and walked down the cement stairs, intending to leave here as soon as possible.

'But where can I go...'

He couldn't help but feel confused.

Ever since he crossed over, he has either been on the run or on the road to escape.

‘I just want to live a healthy life, is it really so difficult? ’

Ji Lan gritted his teeth, his eyes extremely firm.

‘No matter how difficult it is, I will survive! And live with dignity! Live like a human being! ’

Wheel, wheel...

Just as Ji Lan walked out of the unfinished building and came to the gravel path, there was a sound of wheels.

He looked up and couldn't help but be startled.

An exquisite private carriage was approaching, with a man and a woman in the back seat, both wearing expensive fabrics. They looked at him together and smiled kindly.

'Come for me...'

Ji Lan had a thought in her mind.

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