From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 31 Black Lake


As the projector started running, the lights in the room went out.

The shuttle rotated, and a beam of light was projected from the light box and fell on the curtain, slowly showing an aerial view of a small town.

The camera moved forward and landed on a corner.

A public carriage, large enough to carry sixteen people, drove slowly from far to near from a path full of woods on both sides...

The five people present were staring closely at the movie screen on the screen.

In the dark projection room, flashes of light hit their faces. Almost at the same time, they all looked dazed.


The breeze blows in my face, the horses' hooves rustle in my ears, and the wheel wheels rattle.

After a moment of confusion, Gilan found himself sitting on the iron bench of the public carriage the next second.

The sky was gray and gloomy, and the stool was hard and cold.

Next to me sat two gentlemen, Stork and Oystercatcher, and opposite them three ladies.

There were two young ladies, Sparrow and Seagull, and a young woman with light brown braids. This strange woman was wearing a light yellow round dress for an afternoon trip, and a yarmulke on her head.

She is the heroine of "Black Lagoon" "Fima Costello".

The five members of the recording meeting looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you very much for being willing to accompany me on a long journey to 'Faye Lan'en' to find my parents."

At this time, Fima smiled and spoke to everyone.

"They only left a note about their business trip and then disappeared. Three months have passed, and even the police have not found any clues... I am so worried about them. God, I really hope they are safe."

Fima looked a little sad, crossed her fingers into fists, and prayed softly.

Miss Seagull on the side saw this and recognized that she was also a Dawn believer, so she put her hand on her shoulder and comforted her in a low voice:

"Omer will protect your parents, Fima."

"Thank you, you are all my best friends."

Fima smiled gratefully.

The carriage continued to drive on the road, and the outline of the town could be seen in the distance. Fima took out a few bottles of sparkling water from the backpack on one side and handed them to everyone.

"Everyone, drink some water. This is what my parents brought me last time they came home."


Everyone took the palm-sized glass bottle and thanked Fima.

Gillan looked at the yellow label on the soda. It read "Sweet Apple Juice Sparkling Water" and the production place was "Faye Lane Town, Moon Beverage Company".

He wasn't thirsty at the moment, so he put the soda aside.

The two gentlemen, Mr. Oystercatcher and Mr. Stork, were obviously not interested in juice sodas, and had similar reactions to him. Miss Seagull was chatting with Fima, intending to extract more useful information from each other.

"It tastes good!" Miss Sparrow opened the bottle cap and took a sip, her eyes brightening.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but smile.

Soon, the public carriage stopped at the door of a wooden building called the "Black Lake Hotel". Fima paid the old coachman, and everyone climbed down the stairs behind the iron bench.

The first floor of the hotel is a bar. When everyone entered, they immediately saw the zigzag bar in the center of the hall. There were several young bartenders standing at the bar, and seven or eight locals were sitting outside the bar chatting and drinking.

Perhaps it was because the group of people made a lot of noise. When he opened the door and entered, almost everyone in the bar looked at him, and many drinkers showed displeasure.

"Another group of stupid guys, they dare to come here after so many accidents... I really don't know what there is to see in 'Faye Lan'en'. It's just mountains and trees. In the end, it's not like they were stained with black coal and looked back in disgrace. Home means breaking into the restricted area without believing in evil and disappearing!"

A white-haired old man with a mustache and a wine nose sneered.

The middle-aged man next to him quickly poked the old man with his elbow and lowered his voice:

"You're crazy, old Toto. Be careful of people from the tourism bureau causing trouble for you, but don't ruin their business."

"Hey, my ancestors have lived here for generations, and I'm still afraid of those foreigners from the tourism bureau!"

Old Toto took a sip of rum and sneered.

Everyone in the club looked at each other and said nothing, but Fima walked to the bar and discussed with a bartender about staying in the hotel.

"Act according to the plan and collect information here first."

Mr. Stork hammered his cane and whispered.

"Yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Mr. Oystercatcher took the lead and sat directly at the bar to order drinks. He chatted with the drinkers and tried to get useful information from them...especially the old Toto, who seemed to know something.

Of course, he did want to drink.

After all, "Prohibition" is strict in reality, and Mr. Oystercatcher hasn't had a good drink in a long time.

Gilan stepped on the wooden floor and walked slowly in the bar on the first floor. His eyes were soon attracted by a poster posted on the wall.

It was a poster promoting the "Forest National Park" in the north of the town, with many wild animals drawn on it. A handsome blond man in a sheriff's uniform held a long-barreled revolver and stood in front of the animals with a smile. .

Below is some text introduction about Forest Park.

It probably means that the local tourism bureau, against all objections, developed the virgin forest in the north of the town and planned that area as a tourist attraction.

It is home to many wild animals such as reindeer, wild wolves, and brown bears. The remains of a mammoth that is said to be more than 14,000 years ago were even discovered and are displayed in the entrance hall of the forest park.

In addition, there is an additional paid service "Safety Travel".

You can pay a certain fee to the local security bureau to hire excellent security personnel to enter the forest park together. They are both guides and bodyguards and can protect tourists from being attacked by wild animals.

"Fima has already booked the room. Let's go upstairs to discuss the next steps."

At this time, Mr. Stork came to Gilan and reminded him.

"Okay." Jilan looked away from the poster and immediately followed the large group upstairs.

After a while.

The five members of the club gathered in Mr. Stork's room.

"The main storyline of "Black Lake" should be to help Fima find the whereabouts of her parents. In the end, we may be able to obtain the archaeological information of her parents, which should contain the secrets of this town, and maybe we The mysterious knowledge you want.”

Mr. Stork analyzed.

He looked at the clock on the wall, thought for a moment and then said:

"It is now nine o'clock in the morning. According to the development of the plot, in the afternoon, Fima will propose to go to the Forest Park to find traces of her parents... Last time we were attacked by the cultists of the 'Lake God Cult' in the forest, so this This time we need to take precautions in advance.”

"According to Mr. Snow Owl's information, we may be able to hire people from the Public Security Bureau. Each of them will be equipped with a gun, which can increase our security."

Miss Sparrow glanced at Gilan and suggested in a low voice.

"'s feasible." Mr. Stork nodded. "But the currency used here is a kind of 'Domark' that has never been seen before. I will take care of the expenses."

Everyone knows very well that Mr. Stork's solution will probably not be legal, but this is just a movie world and their time is limited, so they won't worry so much.

Mr. Stork then looked at the others and assigned tasks:

"Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow continue to look for new clues. They can start with the legend of the 'Devil in the Lake.' Maybe Fima's parents really encountered some supernatural persecution."

"Ms. Seagull, I'll just ask you to make a trip to the Public Security Bureau. It doesn't matter if you hire more people. I will get enough money."

The three of them nodded, indicating that it was okay.

"As for Mr. Snow Owl..."

Mr. Stork looked at the handsome-looking blond young man wearing a windbreaker and a felt hat.

"You are quite capable. This is also the first time we have cooperated. You can move freely... It doesn't matter if you can find clues. I just want you to get familiar with the environment."

"Okay, I get it." Gillan smiled.

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