From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 69 Donation


At noon the next day, five people from the community gathered in the apartment restaurant.

Mr. Oystercatcher held the knife and fork in his hand and his mouth was open, looking very surprised.

"How come there is still a plague in this day and age?"

Although he is only a dentist, he is still very familiar with the contemporary medical system. It stands to reason that ordinary plagues are not difficult to control.

Coupled with the steady progress of industrialization, the rapid development of science and technology, and the improvement of residents' living and sanitary conditions, the probability of plague will never be as high as it was in the Middle Ages.

"I don't know, I'm also surprised by this... Fortunately, there are no cases in the rich areas for the time being, but the spread has begun in the poor areas."

Mr. Stork shook his head and sighed.

"It is said that the outbreak was centered in the Haddonfield neighborhood. The surrounding Mangrove Street and Black Barrel Street were shrouded in plague, and people were panicking... The Mangrove Street Police Station and the local medical department are in dire straits."

"I also heard about it this morning." Miss Seagull said while scooping yogurt with a thin brass spoon and gently rubbing her temples, trying to relieve the hangover from last night. "Those patients had vomiting and diarrhea, were severely dehydrated, and their bodies were thin and blue after death due to thick blood."

As she spoke, she unconsciously glanced at the blond young man on her right.

Thinking of what happened last night, she felt ashamed and her cheeks were hot.

Mr. Snow Owl looked as if nothing had happened, and Miss Seagull was secretly relieved, but also a little disappointed.

"Such symptoms are cholera?"

When Mr. Oystercatcher heard Miss Seagull's description, he immediately thought that Vibrio cholerae is transmitted through feces and mouth, and his face became angry.

"Hmph, the sewage and water purification systems in the slums are quite backward and lack maintenance for a long time. Occasional allocations from the parliament were also embezzled by lower-level departments, which led to the outbreak of the plague... They are all people who are living in a state of solitude. If the head of state knew, These people must all be shot!"

Mr. Oystercatcher is no stranger to outspokenness and cynicism.

Mr. Stork said solemnly:

"This does not seem like an ordinary plague... In addition to similar symptoms to cholera, patients also have madness. Their temperament will change drastically, they will be paranoid, and they will have extreme emotions about injustice, such as being seriously contaminated by miasma." Performance."

Hearing this, the other members all heard that something was wrong.

“Also, something big happened in the ghetto.”

Mr. Stork took out a morning newspaper and spread it on the dining table. Everyone took a closer look and found that the headlines printed on it were the words "Rainy Night Murderer Reappears" and "Copycat".

"A serial murderer appeared over there. The Oak Gang suffered heavy casualties. The murderer also killed more than a dozen local residents... This guy seems to be targeting young men."

Gillan glanced at the newspaper and frowned slightly.

Why are you still involved with the Oak Gang?

Combined with the fact that the location of the plague outbreak was the Haddonfield neighborhood where the Oak Gang was based, this made Gillan aware of an unusual connection.

"During this period, everyone should pay attention to hygiene and prevent miasma. I asked Old Jerry to buy several pounds of high-end soap bars. You can take some away and be careful about your diet."

Mr. Stork ordered.

"Try not to leave the House District on weekdays. The slum area is too dangerous."

As he spoke, he looked specifically at Miss Sparrow and said seriously:

"Especially you, Miss Sparrow, don't go to the 'Our Lady of the Convent' over there in the slums. It must have housed quite a few patients there now."

"I should be fine if I pay attention when I go there...There are many disabled people in the monastery, and they are in great need of help."

Miss Sparrow bit her lip and hesitated.

Mr. Stork couldn't help but raise his forehead, and even Mr. Oystercatcher couldn't stand it.

Miss Sparrow's kindness comes from the heart, but sometimes she does not care about her own safety, and other members of the club are always worried about her.

"You, why can't you turn around?" Miss Seagull gave Miss Sparrow a white look and admonished: "Even if you go, what help can you do? Do you know how to treat the plague? Or do you know how to manage the affairs of the monastery?"

Seeing Miss Sparrow's sad face, she suggested again:

"Let me donate some money with you, and don't let people go there."

"Hmm..." Miss Sparrow hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. "You are right, Miss Seagull. If I go now, it will be a disservice."

Gillan listened to their chat silently, and also recalled the memory of the "Notre Dame Monastery".

"Our Lady's Church" is a new church, established less than twenty years ago, but it still has a considerable number of believers.

This is a religious organization that believes in "Our Lady of Sorrow," the "Goddess of Torture and Sacrifice," and is officially recognized.

The church only recruits devout women as nuns, and establishes "monasteries" specifically to take in some homeless disabled people and provide them with the most basic survival assistance and humanitarian care.

Miss Sparrow's daily charity activities mainly involve running back and forth between the two locations of "Hope Church" and "Our Lady of the Monastery".

"Let me make a donation as well."

Gillan suddenly spoke, catching the eyes of the two ladies.

"Although I am not rich, I am willing to contribute."

He opened his wallet, took out a "10" Caesar note from the remaining 75 Caesar deposit, and handed it to Miss Sparrow.

As a former disabled person, Gillan has a sense of sympathy for other disabled people. He can understand the pain and bitterness of this vulnerable group.

When he was an anchor in his previous life, after receiving his salary every month, he would make anonymous donations to the Disabled Persons Association on time.

It's just that no one knows about this except myself.

"You are a kind and personable gentleman, Mr. Snowy Owl."

Miss Sparrow's eyes lit up, with an appreciative smile on her face.

She thought about it and gave up her original plan to donate 50 Caesars. Instead, like Mr. Snow Owl, she took out a "10" Caesar note from the exquisite and cute wallet.

"Then I will also donate 10 Caesars." She smiled.

Miss Seagull beside her looked at this scene with her heart like a mirror.

She knew that given Miss Sparrow's family background, this was not stinginess, but a deliberate attempt to save face for the blond young man.

"I'm here to join in the fun." Miss Seagull also took out 10 Caesars and said calmly.

The other two men looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

They all took out 10 Caesars in a tacit understanding and handed them to Miss Sparrow.

"Everyone is very caring." Miss Sparrow said with a smile.

"I learned from you, Miss Sparrow."

Mr. Oystercatcher scratched his head and joked.

"All your good qualities have been passed on to us."

When everyone heard this, they chuckled.

Gillan saw their intention to donate only 10 Caesars and couldn't help but smile.

He felt respected and began to like life in the community, especially getting along with these four members.

Everyone enjoyed the meal. After the meal, Mr. Stork took out five copied documents and handed them to the members.

This is a summary of information about "Yuezhuo Village # 1" that Ji Lan shared with the syndicate.

He highlighted a few points, such as when you first get off the train and enter a misty forest, be careful of bear traps and traps, you cannot respond to the calls of the tribute wolves, and be careful of the axe-man after entering Oldrav Village.

In addition, he also gave detailed explanations including the map location of Oldrav Village, as well as the information about Maiev, the girl in the white dress, and Brennan, the doctor.

Mr. Stork is very experienced in researching real films. He first put forward a point:

"Based on Mr. Snow Owl's information, I speculate that this is a 'forced substitution' type of movie. What is 'forced substitution'? It means that after the viewer enters the movie, they will replace the original protagonist group members and interpret the story. .”

He held the document in his hand, looked at everyone, and continued:

"In contrast, there are 'weakly substituted' movies, such as "Black Lake" that we watched last time. The heroine Fima is irreplaceable. We participate in the movie as outsiders."

Everyone nodded after listening to Mr. Stork's words.

"In the 'strongly substituted' type of movie, the perspective and story line of each protagonist are very important. In addition to folklorist Maiev Martieri and surgeon Brennan Frankel, we can also learn from Search for clues on the other ten train passengers.”

Yes, ten.

In fact, when Gillan entered "Yuezhuo Village # 1", he had already replaced one of the passengers on the train as one of the protagonists.

This is the conclusion he came to after communicating with Mr. Stork.

Mr. Stork tapped the document with his fingers and said solemnly:

"In addition, Mr. Snow Owl also pointed out that after leaving Oldrav Village, you will arrive at an old city called 'Old Pear'. I suspect this is related to the sequel, maybe it is a hook... so the old beggar blocking the road is extremely There may be a key figure, although he is dangerous, we can try to make a deal with him."

Miss Sparrow looked at the information on the document and couldn't help showing a look of reluctance and resistance.

"I want to trade my head with that old man, this..."

"Don't worry, we won't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Mr. Stork talked eloquently. "In movies, there will inevitably be enemies and dangers, and we can trade those people's heads."

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