From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 87 Return

After a while, Mr. Stork smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Mr. Snow Owl, I didn't expect you to have become a master."

He was a smart man. Although he guessed that the reason for the opponent's rapid improvement in strength was probably related to the real film, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Don't talk yet, you are seriously injured."

Gillan stepped forward and knelt down next to Mr. Stork.

Immediately, he majestically took out his alchemy bag and took out a "bitter throat medicine" and a roll of "magic gauze".

"Drink the potion." Gillan handed over a long glass bottle as thick as a finger.

Mr. Stork did not ask where the medicine came from, nor did he doubt his words. He just silently took the medicine, uncorked the bottle, and drank it.

Ji Lan pulled up Mr. Stork's trouser leg, and a bullet hole was left on the side of his calf, bleeding non-stop.

Unlike what happened to him in the police station jail, there was no bullet stuck in the gunshot wound in Guillen's leg, but there was in Mr. Stork's leg.

So Gilan stood up, walked to the experimental workbench, picked up a pair of tweezers, and roasted them on the flame of the candle for a while before walking back.

"It will hurt a little, bear with it." Gillan turned to Mr. Stork and said.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Stork just smiled, nodded and said:

"I've been on the front lines, it's nothing to me."


Ji Lan nodded, and quickly pierced the bullet hole with the tweezers in his hand, probing and gouging out.

Mr. Stork's face was tense and he gritted his teeth, but did not make a single sound.


The deformed warhead was stained with blood. Jilan pinched the wound out and threw it on the ground.

He was very quick with his hands. After putting down the tweezers, he immediately untied the string holding the gauze and wrapped the gauze around Mr. Stork's leg wound.

After a while.

Mr. Stork's expression improved. At Gillan's signal, he tentatively stood up and said in surprise:

"This...the gunshot wound and the pain on my body have all disappeared!"

After saying that, he turned to look at the alchemy bag in Gillan's hand.

"Could this be Shabotai's legacy?"

"Not bad." Jilan nodded. "In this pocket, there are two potions and four rolls of gauze, all of which are alchemy medicines."

He casually explained to Mr. Stork the specific effects of the two medicines.

After hearing this, Mr. Stork looked astonished.

"No wonder the medicine is so miraculous!"

But soon, he showed a look of regret, sighed and shook his head:

"Just used up two precious alchemy medicines, it was a waste."

"No, you will bleed to death." Gillan said. "Besides, do you expect me to carry you back through the ghetto?"

"That's true." Mr. Stork smiled and said solemnly: "Thanks to you again this time, Mr. Snow Owl."

"I just didn't expect that things would turn out like this, alas..."

As he spoke, Mr. Stork stroked his chest and saluted him.

"You saved my life. I will remember this kindness. As for Shabotai's inheritance, I will not interfere. It all belongs to you. When you return to the apartment, I promise that your reward will not be less than a plum."

"Mr. Stork." Gilan shook his head and said.

He walked to the big box, returned with his silver cane, took out two rolls of "magic gauze" from his alchemy bag, and handed them to Mr. Stork together.

"Although I was hired to participate in the operation, don't forget, we are still companions of the society... Just take these."

Under Mr. Stork's surprised expression, Gillan pointed to the silver cane and said:

"This should be the weapon that Shabotai used when he was young. It has a trace amount of mysterious material added to it and is very tough. I think it will be more suitable for you."

"In addition, I also obtained two alchemical formulas. I will copy one for you when I get back."

"The information, books, manuscripts and even experimental items here are not of much use to me, but I think you will be interested in them, Mr. Stork."

Gillan laughed.

Mr. Stork was quite moved when he heard this.

He took the gauze and the heavy silver cane, and fondly touched the pattern on the cane with a look of joy on his face.

Compared to the exquisite and tough silver cane in his hand, the steel-core cane he originally ordered from someone to customize was simply a waste product and rubbish.

Mr. Stork took a deep breath and said in a deep voice without saying any unnecessary nonsense:





Gillan and Mr. Stork return to the surface.

Because there were too many books and materials in the secret room to carry around, Mr. Stork only selected a dozen books that looked more precious, as well as some manuscripts by Chabotai, and took them away in Ms. Wood Pigeon's handbag.

The bolt-action rifle and several 7.62mm pointed bullet magazines were also taken by Mr. Stork.

Before leaving, Jilan closed the secret door of the secret room tightly, pulled up the carpet, and reset the old wooden bed.

He went up to the warehouse and covered the entrance of the cave with white cloth.

In fact, the things below were of little value to him, but Mr. Stork seemed to be planning to come back again, take all the books and materials inside to the apartment, and study them slowly, so Gilan covered them up to avoid was discovered.

This trip to Haddonfield Street can be said to be fruitful.

The only thing that disappointed Gilan was that Shabotai's body could not be found, so it was impossible to confirm whether the plague that broke out in the slums was related to the "Wealth Well"... To be precise, whether it was related to Shabotai. Ty's death.

Gilan looked at the well when he left, but it was pitch black and bottomless.

He even asked Weiwei to go down and investigate, but found nothing. The well water was normal, and there was no discoloration or other abnormalities like the "Black Lake".

In this regard, Gilan had to bury the doubt in his heart for the time being.

Mr. Stork took an alchemical potion and bandaged the wound with gauze, and he was able to walk with difficulty. Jilan supported him, carefully avoiding the police station's defense line, and returned the same way.

But as soon as they arrived at Greystone Street, they ran into trouble.

Five burly men lurked in an unfinished building on the roadside at some point. After seeing the two men, they quickly stopped in the middle of the road.

Their eyes are completely white and their faces are ferocious.

Gillan knew at a glance that the other party was a dead member of the Lewis family, and they were all affected by the power of the devil.

"These two guys have the scent of that woman."

One of them raised his head and sniffed, showing a cruel smile.

"Take them back and interrogate them."

"Mr. Stork, you go first, I'll hold them back."

Ji Lan pulled off his tie and tied it in his right hand. He tilted his head and heard a faint voice coming from under the snow owl mask.

Mr. Stork was about to say that he could use firearms to help, but then he thought about it. With Mr. Snow Owl's current strength, he didn't really need his assistance.

Coupled with the injuries on his body, I'm afraid it will become a burden.

So he nodded and said:

"Be careful yourself."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Stork slowly backed away with his handbag and rifle on his back.

The five dead men did not pursue him, but instead surrounded Ji Lan with a ferocious smile.

Jilan did not retreat or hide, but also stepped forward to meet the five people.

But the smile on his face was more ferocious and terrifying.

The afterimage flashed.

Gillan is already throwing punches.

Bang! !

A steel-like punch hit one person in the face, smashing him to pieces!

With a pop, the blood foam exploded.

The man actually flew upside down seven or eight meters away, his posture was twisted, and he died tragically on the spot!

"?!" The remaining four people were shocked.

The next second.

While they were still stunned, Jilan had already turned around and launched a spinning kick.

The ferocious leg power made a muffled sound as it broke through the air.

With a whine, like a big black python, it jumped out and hit the other person's head.

Bang! !

The man's head was deformed and dented under the violent blow, his neck was bent at 180 degrees, and his whole body flipped over and flew several meters away.


When the remaining three people saw this, they didn't know they had met an invincible opponent.

Although they are dead soldiers, they will not die.

The body that had been amplified by Lord Layton's mysterious method exploded with all its speed, turned around and ran away.

Gillan looked back and found that Mr. Stork was no longer visible.

Looking back to the front again, the three people had already ran dozens of meters away.

"Run, run faster."

Ji Lan smiled, and an ax suddenly appeared in his hand.

He stepped forward slowly, holding the ax, and followed closely.

"If you're addicted to hacking, play slowly."

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