As far as Wen Jiu knows.

Dead Man Peak is divided into main peak and side peak.

There is only one main peak.

But there are hundreds of side peaks.

The place where he lives, the place where his corpse died, and this city all belong to the side of Wushan, the side peak company.

However, even though they are all under the command of Lian Wushan, neither the corpse buryers nor the mortal handymen are allowed to enter the immortal cultivator's market at will. So when Wen Jiu came to Fangshi, all he saw were immortal cultivators.

There are male practitioners flying with swords.

There are female nuns roaming around on beasts.

There are also various spiritual beasts living around Fang City.

The place where Wen Jiu lived and the place where the corpses died were completely like two different worlds.

"It's different from what was filmed in the TV series." Wen Jiu looked around excitedly, even seeing a blade of grass felt fresh.


Under the leadership of the middle-aged steward, hundreds of corpse buryers were led from the path beside the main road to the entrance of Fangshi.

After getting closer, Wen Jiu discovered that outside the huge three-foot-tall archway in Fang City, strange golden words rushed out from the ground, flew into the sky in an orderly manner, and gathered into a huge light-colored shield.

You can't see it with the naked eye when looking from a distance, and you can only see it clearly when you are close at hand. Just when Wen Jiu was wondering what it was, the middle-aged steward said in a deep voice: "This is the killing array for guarding the square. Anyone without disciples will die if they enter." ! If you don’t want to die, just stand still for me... If you mess around, don’t blame me for disqualifying you from practicing.”

The words fall.

After everyone saw the middle-aged steward's murderous eyes, they didn't dare to look around anymore. However, Wen Jiu saw the expectation from the faces of some of the corpse buryers, instead of hearing the four words "cultivation qualifications" like others. Astonishment and ecstasy.


Some people have known it for a long time.

"The person who buried the corpse can actually practice?" Wen Jiu began to feel a little excited.

But there are also some doubts.

He couldn't believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes.

Can someone who is not a disciple of the Immortal Mountain practice immortal magic?

After a while.

A three-story ancient building called Chuanfa Building on the edge of Fang City slowly opened its door, and an old man with white hair and robe slowly walked out. When he appeared, the middle-aged steward suddenly changed from his previous sinister appearance.

He actually leaned over very flatteringly, lowered his body and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, all the corpse buryers under my command have been brought here."

"Yeah." The white-haired old man nodded, glanced at everyone indifferently, and then turned back, "Bring them in, and leave as soon as you finish the selection... Don't disturb me during my cleaning."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

The middle-aged steward nodded.

When his eyes fell on the group of corpse buryers, their ferocious expressions returned.

"Follow me in in an orderly manner. You have three hundred breaths to choose the basic practice method... I believe that many of you have goals in mind and know the rules for a long time, but I still want to warn you, the method is not good. Please tell me, if the cultivation methods in your hands are leaked, you will be responsible for the consequences."

After giving a warning, the middle-aged steward entered slowly, and the corpse buryers who had been full of longing and expectation early in the morning quickly followed.

Wen Jiu was overjoyed and quickly followed.

At this moment, he finally understood why his sister wanted to let him do it well.

Being a corpse buryer is a hard job, and you have to stay in the place of death all year round. If you are overly eroded by the Yin Qi and the death Qi, you will definitely die.

Why do you still have to work hard?

Shouldn't we be more careful when we are in a place of death?

It turns out that the person who buried the corpse can practice cultivation!

After entering the building.

What comes into view are bookshelves filled with books one after another, three feet high, reaching straight to the roof.

There are tens of thousands of copies at least.

After everyone had entered the room and stood still, the middle-aged steward said solemnly: "You have three hundred breaths to make your own choices."

The white-haired old man continued: "What kind of practice method you choose here is your destiny and cannot be changed. At the same time, I would like to remind you that after one year, those who have achieved the top three levels can become trainees in advance and join us. Dead Man’s Peak, so you decide on your own what method of practice to choose.”

Hearing this, hundreds of people were overjoyed.

Become a trainee disciple in advance.

This not only meant that he would be spared nine years of suffering, but it also meant that he could be trained by Dead Man Peak earlier.

Can become an immortal master earlier.

This was originally their vision of signing a contract to sell themselves and become corpse buryers, and now there is hope that it will be realized in advance.

How could this not excite them?

After the white-haired old man nodded, everyone rushed to the bookshelf like a wave.

Wen Jiu did not follow immediately.

Because he was not interested in the bookshelf marked with basic qi training, he wanted to find out more about the cultivation methods of corpse keepers in the building. The daily settlement panel makes him a corpse keeper and gives him the secret method.

But it didn't allow him to have a comprehensive method of practice.

So he has to find everything by himself.

But searching blindly will definitely not work.

I need to ask the white-haired old man for advice.

If you don't ask, you won't lose a layer of skin.

But if you ask, it can save you a lot of trouble.

As a result, Wen Jiudang shamelessly walked up to the white-haired old man respectfully and said respectfully: "I have met the old immortal master."

"You only have three hundred breaths."

The white-haired old man spoke indifferently.

Wen Jiu asked: "This junior wants to find some cultivation methods related to corpse refining and raising corpses, and I would like to ask the old immortal master for advice."

"The method of refining corpses? Come to my teaching building, but you have to learn the heretical way!" The white-haired old man was a little surprised and unhappy, but he still pointed out the way to Wen Jiu, "Keep going forward to the dusty place where there is a heretical way. ”

"Thank you, old immortal master."

Wen Jiu clasped his fists.

He saluted the middle-aged steward again.

Then he quickly crossed over the dazzling array of books and ran towards the bookshelf at the end of the corridor pointed by the white-haired old man.

After a while.

Wen Jiu finally found the dusty place.

Heretical methods such as raising corpses, refining corpses, and cultivating gu were piled there, but the dust was as thick as a book cover.

Apparently no one had touched them for a long time.

Wen Jiu quickly read through one book after another, and finally found a relatively comprehensive record of Yinzhou Corpse Refining.

Among them are not only methods of refining and raising corpses.

There are also methods for cultivating corpses.

Both become one.

It's exactly what Wen Jiu needs most right now.

However, after getting what he wanted, Wen Jiu was not in a hurry to leave, but continued to read other books.

Being able to see a little bit is a little bit.

What you can remember is a little bit.

Three hundred breaths passed in a blink of an eye, and the deep voice of the white-haired old man also sounded, and Wen Jiu retreated.

However, when leaving the ancient building, the white-haired old man paused on him for a few breaths and said scornfully: "Opportunistic people, instead of practicing the righteous method of Qi training, they practice heresy!"

Wen Jiu pretended not to hear.

But when passing by him, he said again, "Boy, even though you are practicing fast, you are in a place of death, being corroded by Yin Qi every day, and practicing the method of cultivating corpses, and being accompanied by Yin Qi and death, I'm afraid. The day of success is the day of death... So even if you are ranked first in cultivation in a year, no one will choose you to be a trainee at Dead Man Peak."

Wen Jiu was stunned when he heard this.

But just as he came back to his senses, the white-haired old man had already yawned and turned away, not giving Wen Jiu a chance to speak.

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