From raising corpses to creating a Zuodao Immortal

Chapter 310 Lu Family Spy Night Raid on Qishan [Edited]

"Someone actually escaped from the western part of the West Mountain Floating Space. It seems that they have calculated that my Lu family will take the opportunity to take action. I just don't know whether it was the spy who reminded him or the Qi family guessed it themselves."

Lu Chan took a closer look and silently memorized it in her heart. The yellow paper in her hand was burned by the flames when she raised her hand.

Then, Lu Chan realized a problem, "Friend Li, you can predict the location of the Qi family's golden elixir. Can you use the divination method to calculate who is the spy in my Lu family. In addition to the ancestor and me, there are seven people in the Lu family. All of them are from the main line of the Lu family. There is no problem with their origins and details.

I tried to investigate secretly, but the oldest of the seven elders is nearly 800 years old, and the family age is slightly younger, but it is also about 400 years old. Many things are difficult to verify. Once you investigate too deeply, it is very easy to alert the enemy."

When she thought that there was a spy who could kill her own people at any time hidden in the upper echelons of the Lu family, she was really uneasy.

Wen Jiu looked at Lu Chan through Dongquan Buhuagu, and a name immediately appeared in his mind.

That's right.

He already knew who the spy was.

And that person was the fake demon cultivator who sent Lu Chan to the dark altar when he was in the dark altar of the hidden demon sect outside the Tianyin Mountains. As for the reason why the man, who was obviously the Lu family's golden elixir, wanted the demon cultivator to search Lu Chan's soul to find out the Lu family's plan, Wen Jiu easily understood the reason after a simple inquiry.

Because the person's situation in the Lu family is relatively special. Although he has the status of an elder, he does not care about the affairs of the Lu family. If there is no major event, he will not return to Dongji Xiancheng, and he will float outside like a free cloud and wild crane on weekdays.

For such a person, it is estimated that no one will believe that he is a spy of the Lu family.

As for who this person is?

It is the fifth elder of the Lu family-Lu Changyin, the famous wandering real person in the western part of the Xishan floating space.

Of course, the so-called wandering is actually just an illusion. Wen Jiu had already used the corpse life technique to predict. This person was just helping the outer sect of the hidden demon sect to arrange the layout of the true spirit demon tree.

After all, the demon cultivators could not act openly, so they needed such people with clean backgrounds and backgrounds to do things.

"You don't need to care about him. He won't interfere with your dealings with the Qi family this time. When the time is right, I will tell you who he is." Wen Jiu didn't say it clearly, because he knew it was useless to say it.

If the Lu family really made a move on Lu Changyin, the outer sect of the hidden demon sect would be frightened, adding unnecessary trouble to the Lu family and himself, causing him to stay in the cold pond fog valley for a shorter time.

After all, Lu Changyin had not been exposed for so many years, why was he suddenly exposed now?

So to move Lu Changyin, you need to find another excuse to cover up the truth, such as being killed by a robber outside.

When Lu Chan heard this, her face froze, "Fellow Daoist Li actually already knew who the spy was!"

"I know, but if you know, it will not be of any benefit to you or your Lu family."

Wen Jiu said again.


Lu Chan asked in confusion.

"No reason." Wen Jiu still did not answer.

Lu Chan was stunned, hesitant to speak, "I understand, thank you, fellow Daoist Li."

Although she was very curious and anxious, Lu Chan finally chose to believe it, but because of believing, she was somewhat uneasy. Knowing who the spy was, it turned out to be of no benefit to the entire Lu family.

How involved is this person?

"Go and do your own thing first, and then come to me once a day." Wen Jiu had no intention of saying anything more.


Lu Chan nodded.

No question about the reason.

This also made Wen Jiu put away the idea of ​​controlling the soul for a while. If Lu Chan asked a few more questions about why, he would really control her soul without hesitation.

Because in his opinion, asking too many questions about why means that there is still distrust in the heart.

But if he doesn't ask at all.

Either he is a complete fool.

Or he treats him as a fool.


In the next few days, Wen Jiu calculated the location of the Qi family's golden elixir once a day. If there is any change, he will directly give the location information to Lu Chan, and Lu Chan will immediately return to the cave to encrypt the message to Lu Feng with a secret method.

As Wen Jiu expected, Lu Changyin did not betray the Lu family again. Even if the location of the Qi family's golden elixir has changed, it will not be too far away. Obviously, the foreign hidden demon sect also wants the Qi family to be destroyed.

After all, the stronger the Lu family is, the more convenient it is for Lu Changyin to act.

After receiving the encrypted voice transmission many times, Lu Feng felt that the blood and essence he sent these days was worth it. Cooperating with a third-level master of life skills, the Lu family can avoid too many accidents.

A few days later.

When there were only three days left in the ten-day period, Lu Feng summoned the Lu family's golden elixir again. Of course, there was still no Lu Chan.

Lu Feng began to give orders, "I have learned the location of the Qi family's golden elixir. Tairong, Laoxiu, as the first and second elders, you are the strongest among the crowd, and you are the most stable and proper in doing things. The first elder Qi Huan of the Qi family will be handed over to you two. His location is in the Wuhuan Mountain in Tianya Fudi."

"That old thing actually hid in Tianya Fudi. Tianya Fudi is just a second-level blessed land controlled by the Qi family. Usually, only foundation-building cultivators go there. Those who are above the middle stage of foundation-building will not go there again. And the deepest part of Tianya Fudi is Wuhuan Mountain, which is a place that those in the early stage of foundation-building dare not go to, but those in the middle stage of foundation-building are too lazy to go to... This old thing really knows how to hide. No wonder the secret agents planted in the Qi family can't find any clues." Lu Tairong, the first elder of the Lu family, spoke in a deep voice.

Lu Xiu, the second elder of the Lu family on the side, suddenly became serious and said, "Ancestor, we must bring the head of that old guy Qi Huan to see you."

Lu Feng nodded with satisfaction and spoke again, "Hongying, Xinyou, as the third elder and fourth elder, you two are sometimes outspoken, but you are meticulous and meticulous in your work. In addition, you have fought against Qi Yuelan many times. The third elder of the Qi family Qi Yuelan will be left to you. She is currently hiding in Black Moon Fairy City in the south, which is one of the top ten fairy cities, so you need to wait until she leaves the city before taking action. "

Lu Hongying said in shock, "Black Moon Immortal City is more than 300,000 miles away from Dongji Immortal City. She actually hid there quietly in the territory of Demon King Valley, one of the three top golden elixir forces in the east."

After finishing her words, Lu Hongying couldn't help but marveled again, "As expected of the ancestor, he actually has an informant in the territory of Demon King Valley."

The fourth elder, Lu Xinyou, couldn't help but sigh, "No matter how hard he tries to escape or hide, the Qi family's golden elixir will still not be able to escape the hands of the ancestors. The Lu family will definitely win this battle and become number one in the Dongji Immortal City!" "

These days, she and Lu Hongying's people were frantically searching for the whereabouts of Qijia's golden elixir, but there was no news at all. They even caught two fake Qijia's elixirs but could not find any clues. Because of this, she understood even more how incredible it was that her ancestor could easily find out where the Qi family's golden elixir was, and how powerful her methods were.

"That's natural." Lu Feng did not explain, but briefly enjoyed the praise of his tribe.

But at this time, Lu Hongying asked again, "Ancestor, who will the second elder of the Qi family be handed over to? The fifth elder Xianyun Yehe is used to it, and his fighting skills are not strong. The sixth elder and the seventh elder, although they are good in strength, cannot work together. He can only deal with Qi Qiancha, the second elder of the Qi family. After all, Qi Qiancha is a left-handed golden elixir and is very powerful."

Although Sixth Elder Lu Zhang and Seventh Elder Lu Shouren heard these harsh words, they had nothing to say.

Qi Qiancha, as the golden elixir of the Left Dao, turned into a ghost himself and raised a pseudo-third-level ghost body. He can be said to be a dual practitioner of law and body. He is ranked third in strength among the elders of the Qi family. The two of them can only cope with it together, and it is indeed difficult to kill them.

"Qi Qiancha will naturally have someone to deal with it, you don't need to worry." Lu Feng said in a deep voice without getting too entangled in this topic, but this also caused everyone in the Lu family to speculate for a while.

But in the end it was puzzling.

Did the ancestor take action?

But then when the ancestor took the Sixth Elder, who was the most powerful among the elders of the Qi family, into his own body, everyone was even more puzzled.

Not the ancestor.

Who could that be?

Could it be possible to invite foreign aid this time?

But among the forces that are on good terms with the Lu family, or among the forces that are at odds with the Qi family, no one seems to have this strength.

"Okay, the mission is as it is for the time being. If there are any changes, I will message you at any time." Lu Feng stood up.

The elders of the Lu family also stood up.

But just when Lu Feng was about to signal everyone to disperse, Lu Hongying was startled and suddenly spoke.

Because it's all over, but Lu Chan hasn't arrived yet.

"What on earth is Lu Chan busy with every day? It has something to do with the future of the Lu family, yet she doesn't come." Lu Chan's eyes fell on the fifth elder, Lu Changyin, who was leaning on the door. "The fifth elder usually sees Shenlong. I'm used to being careless, but I still arrive on time for important events in the Qi family, but this Lu Chan!"

Lu Changyin leaned against the window and smiled back. He didn't say much, just looked at Lu Shouren quietly.

Lu Zhang also spoke at this moment, "Shouren, what was the reason why Lu Chan didn't come last time, and what's the reason this time? No matter how busy you are, it's about the future of the Lu family, you should come over as soon as possible, and Han Han Tanwu Valley is only over 30,000 miles away from Dongji Immortal City. She doesn’t have any time at all?”

Before Lu Shouren could speak, Lu Feng said first, "I have other plans for her, so you don't need to worry."


Lu Shouren waved his hand and said nothing, then fell silent, but there were still some waves in his heart.

Lu Feng added, "The future of the Lu family needs you to unite sincerely and not tolerate any division or internal strife, so I might as well tell you. Qi Qiancha and the Qi family's third-level Yinmai Qishan in the Tianyin Mountains, I Leave it to Lu Chan. Her mission is heavier than yours, so she can’t come.”

Lu Feng didn't want to say more, but when he thought that he had promised Qishan to Li Qing, he could hide it from others after this battle, but he would still have to be exposed in front of his own family, so he simply didn't bother to hide it.

"Lu Chan is new to Jindan, can she handle Qi Qiansha?" Lu Hongying spoke again, asking everyone's doubts.

Lu Feng added, "Of course there are others, but I can't say it clearly, so you shouldn't test them."

The words fall.

Lu Feng waved his hand and everyone dispersed.

Although Lu Feng's words made everyone more curious, who is it that is sure to team up with Lu Chan to kill Qi Qiancha?

But since the ancestor said so, everyone said no more.

However, when leaving, after Lu Changyin escaped, a strange color flashed in his originally calm eyes.

Three days later.

At night.

Everything was silent.

Lu Feng came to the door, and Wen Jiu controlled Dongquan to walk out of the cave without turning into bones.

The third-order Yin vein owned by the He family in the Tianyin Mountains is located in Qishan Mountain. Wen Jiu is more interested in Qishan Mountain than Qi Qiansha. Because he had used the corpse fortune-telling technique two days ago.

There is also a Yin Vein Cave in Qishan Mountain, which is a place of innate death. The third level Yin Vein of Qishan Mountain was born with this place of innate death. Compared to Hantan Fog Valley, the Xiantian Death Land is actually the most suitable place for practicing the Corpse Life Technique.

At the same time, it is also extremely suitable for the improvement of the Five Ghosts.

Now that Qishan can be his dojo after this battle, Wen Jiu is ready to let go of the Three Thousand Blood Ink and the Five Elements and Five Ghosts of Yin.

As they walked all the way to Qishan Mountain, Lu Chan did not forget to remind him, "Friend Daoist Li, that Qi Qiansha is a dual cultivator of the Dharma Body and the Left Dao Ghost Pill, and the Qi family has thousands of years of foundation. Although he is only in the early stage of the Golden Pill, his foundation is probably not trivial." ”


Wen Jiu simply responded.

Lu Chan didn't say anything more, but silently prepared for the worst in her heart, thinking about what she could do to help in the golden elixir battle.

The next day.

Qishan is in sight.

As expected, the third-order formation in Qishan was already open. Wen Jiu was not in a hurry to take action, but just watched from a distance outside the range of Qi Qiancha's consciousness, quietly waiting for Lu Feng to take action.

Wen Jiu didn't want to use Dongquan Fugu since he could lure Qi Qiancha out. After all, the reward for killing someone was only 100,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. If it weren't for Lu Feng's constant sending of blood and essence, it would have been impossible for him to take action with this little spiritual stone.

After waiting like this for two or three days, even though Lu Feng and the others had already taken action, Qi Qiansha still huddled inside and did not come out.

Wen Jiu was not in a hurry and waited for another three to five days.

Until Lu Chan received the news that the sixth elder of the Qi family had died at the hands of Lu Feng, Qi Qiancha still remained silent.

"Why is there no movement yet?"

Lu Chan was a little confused.

It stands to reason that Qi Qiansha should not have received any news when the six strongest elders of the Qi family have died. It's not like they were trying to convey some secret secret plan. In the face of crisis, how could all the elders dare not convey the information?

"This is because I don't want to get rid of the spirit stone comfortably." Wen Jiu couldn't help but sigh in the foggy valley of Hantan.

It seemed that he had guessed something.

After waiting for another day, Lu Chan said, "Fellow Daoist Li, are we still waiting?"

"No wait."

Wen Jiu responded.

Sure enough, when Lu Chan rushed to Qishan first, she was shocked to find that Qi Qiancha had been waiting in the formation for a long time. In addition to Qi Qiansha, the Qi family members in the formation are also ready. Go down to Qijia to practice Qi, and go up to Qijia to fake elixirs.

"My guess is indeed correct. Your He family really hired a third-level divination master. You really have some tricks. In the entire Xishan Floating Sky Zone, there are only a few third-level divination masters. Either they are on the Qiguang Sect side. Among the forces, or under the control of the Territory Lord's Mansion, everyone is aloof and eats people without spitting out their bones. I am really curious about the price you have paid. "

"How does it compare with the price my Qi family paid?"

Lu Chan did not respond, but looked coldly at the third-level mid-level formation in front of her, and several third-level mid-level talismans suddenly appeared in her hand.

Qi Qiancha saw this and sneered, "I thought it was senior Lu Feng who came to do it himself, but I didn't expect it was you. You are a golden elixir that has transformed elixirs and re-formed the knot. Lu Feng cannot let you come alone. There must be others, right?" "

Qi Qiancha's cold eyes swept around, looking for any disturbance behind Lu Chan, "Fellow Taoist, don't hide anymore, come out. If you don't come out, I will use a large formation to destroy this third-level Yin vein. What are you doing in the Lu family? Don’t even think about it!” (End of Chapter)

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