From raising corpses to creating a Zuodao Immortal

Chapter 33: First-level Soul-stealing [Please read on! ]

At night.

The time has come.

Wen Jiu put the entry-level talisman pen and the entry-level Yin ghost fish blood ink in place, and then took out the gray talisman paper made of the entry-level demon skin.

When the Yin method slowly fell on the talisman paper through the talisman pen, Wen Jiu quickly began to draw the talisman pattern according to the method recorded in the Yin Fu Lu. Because it was the first time, Wen Jiu wanted to be steady and slow.

At the same time, he felt the emphasis on meaning that the old talisman master said.

What is emphasis on meaning?

It is the feeling during the process of drawing the talisman.

This feeling can only be understood but not expressed in words.

In the process of emphasis on meaning, Wen Jiu used most of his mental power to control the output of the Yin method.

This is emphasis on method.

And emphasis on stability.

Because the depiction and composition of the talisman must be done in one go, any delay or pause may lead to failure.

After a while.

The first talisman was successfully drawn.

Wen Jiu quickly raised the pen and gasped, because he didn't even breathe in order to be steady before.

Seeing that he had taken the first step, Wen Jiu couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks to the previous use of the Earthly Evil Yin Qi to refine the body, my hands are very steady; thanks to the two lives I have lived, my mental power is more abundant than that of ordinary people; and thanks to the corrosive effect of my Yin method..."

After sighing.

Wen Jiu quickly calmed his breathing, took another deep breath, held his breath and picked up the pen, and continued to slowly draw the runes.

A basic entry-level soul-stealing rune must be constructed by seventeen runes of different sizes and shapes.

The further you go, the more difficult it will be.

So don't breathe if you can,


When drawing the third rune, Wen Jiu lost his mind for a moment, and the output of the Yin method increased a little bit.

But it was just this little bit, even if Wen Jiu quickly adjusted, when the third rune was drawn, it still failed. The Yin method is not flowing, and it cannot connect and resonate with the previous two runes.

"Come again!"

Wen Jiu crumpled the failed talisman paper into a ball and threw it behind him, holding his breath and continuing to draw the second one.


For two hours in a row.

Wen Jiu did not succeed in drawing a single one of the twenty talisman papers, and the highest record was the sixth talisman.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and stopped drawing talismans.

Because of the high concentration of mental power for two consecutive hours, his head was aching and dizzy.

In this way, Wen Jiu rested for half an hour.

Until midnight.

After midnight, the official settlement for today was made.

The experience gained by the black zombie in the dead land of corpses did not change. It was 48 points a day, and he could enter the upper realm within seven days.

After ignoring other things, Wen Jiu's eyes fell on the experience gained by the soul-stealing talisman.

[After nightfall, draw twenty first-level soul-stealing talismans, but all failed, panel experience +1, soul-stealing talisman experience +4]

"One point of experience for five failures."

Wen Jiu was very satisfied with this result.

He was afraid that he would not gain experience if he failed.

"There are still thirty pieces of talisman paper. Even if all of them fail, you can still increase your experience by 6 points." Wen Jiu glanced at the gray talisman paper on the table.

After closing the settlement panel, Wen Jiu continued to draw talismans.

As for the work of the Night Patrol, Wen Jiu asked for sick leave.

Because he had thought about it carefully in the past few days. Now the stewards and elders of Feixian Peak are looking for something in the dead body.

If the spies of Feixian Peak are worried that the thing will be found and start to harass, then he, a second-level Qi training, will be in danger there.

So I would rather not have a salary.

Wen Jiu also wants to stay away from places of right and wrong.


In the next few days.

Wen Jiu continued to draw talismans.

Maintaining the efficiency of thirty pieces every night, until his brain was so tired that he could not bear the long-term mental consumption.

The debt owed to Wang Nian also reached 40 low-grade spirit stones. To be honest, Wen Jiu was embarrassed to borrow it.

But Wang Nian took the initiative to ask Wen Jiu if he wanted it.


It was during the day of that day.

Wen Jiu hadn't recovered from the excessive consumption of his mental power when Liu Xiao appeared at his door.

He happened to meet Wang Nian who was delivering bone soup to Wen Jiu. "Brother Wen, get up and drink some soup. Your sister-in-law has been simmering the big bones for ten hours..."

Liu Xiao glanced at the soup bowl in Wang Nian's hand, then at Wang Nian's attentive look, frowned, and asked hurriedly: "Friend Wang, is Wen Jiu being devoured by the Yin Qi?"

"No, he's fine."

Wang Nian freed one hand to knock on the door.

Liu Xiao was even more confused, "What about him?"

The steward delivered food to the trainee disciple.

Is this reasonable?

Not to mention that he had never seen it, he had never even heard of it.

However, Wang Nian said nothing and just smiled.

Soon, Wen Jiu got up and opened the door. After bowing to the two of them, he thanked them and took the soup bowl from Wang Nian's hand.

"It's good that he's fine." Liu Xiao looked Wen Jiu up and down. He was worried that Wen Jiu would have Yin Qi enter his body because of practicing Yinzhou Corpse Nourishing Technique. Now that he saw that Wen Jiu was fine, he was relieved.

Liu Xiao changed the subject, "Deacon Mu asked me to convey that Li Ye was exiled to Lianwu Mountain."

"Lianwu Mountain?"

"It's a small mountain fifty miles away from Feixian Peak. There is a market for casual cultivators in the mountain. Feixian Peak has some industries there. He will be the manager there in the future. As for when he can come back... definitely not within three years."

Three years.

It's already the limit.

After all, Li Ye still has a deacon master in the Fu Room.

Liu Xiao said again, "Three years later, when Li Ye comes back, how you deal with it depends on you. Remember what Deacon Mu said to you!"

"Thank you, Brother Liu!"

Wen Jiu hurriedly bowed to express his gratitude.

"Deacon Mu asked me to remind you that if you are practicing Yin Fa, don't rush it. Yinzhou Corpse Raising Technique will cause great harm to your body."

"Don't ruin your future for the sake of momentary pleasure."

After the words fell.

Without waiting for Wen Jiu to nod, Liu Xiao quickly flew away on his sword, seeming to be very anxious.

The place he went to.

It was the place where corpses were left.

As soon as Liu Xiao left, Wang Nian hurriedly asked Wen Jiu to taste the soup, "Try it quickly, your sister-in-law made it specially for you."

"Thank you, Brother Wang, thank you, sister-in-law."

Wen Jiu hurriedly thanked him.

But all he was thinking about was the situation in the place where corpses were left.

Because Wang Nian told him yesterday that except for him, all the people who buried the corpses were carefully questioned again.

Liu Xiao went there in such a hurry again today.

What happened?


Wang Nian's words interrupted Wen Jiu's thoughts, "Brother Wen, do you have enough talisman paper?"

"Enough, enough."

Wen Jiu nodded quickly.

He smiled helplessly.

Because Wang Nian bought him 100 pieces yesterday.


In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

That night.

After the Soul-Grabbing Talisman experience reached 35 and he failed 175 times in a row, Wen Jiu finally succeeded in drawing the first Soul-Grabbing Talisman.

Although it was only the most basic first-level low-grade Soul-Grabbing Talisman, it was difficult to kill a second-level Qi training, but it was a surprise to Wen Jiu.

Because Wang Nian once said that the most talented first-level talisman master in Feixian Peak also spent five years.

And he.

In just seven days, he took the five or ten years of others' journey.

Next, Wen Jiu drew five more pieces in a row.

Four failed.

One succeeded.

The success rate of 20% is not very high, but at the daily settlement, a successful Soul-Grabbing Talisman has 5 experience points.

At present, the experience of Soul-stealing Talisman has reached 40 points of minor success, that is, he only needs to succeed 32 times to achieve major success.

After major success, the success rate will definitely increase significantly.

The quality of Soul-stealing Talisman will also inevitably improve.

By then.

He will have a new foundation.

When facing the enemy, if someone wants to capture the thief first, then he will directly send ten or eight Soul-stealing Talismans to him.

What Li Ye?

What Qi training level 3?

He will definitely die.

Even if it is a deacon, he is not afraid!

It's nothing more than throwing more.

"However, the news that I can draw Soul-stealing Talisman cannot be spread. Becoming an entry-level Talisman Master so quickly is not necessarily a good thing." Showing is showing, but if too much showing will be counterproductive.

After thinking about it, Wen Jiu decided to keep it secret.

As for the talisman paper.

Wen Jiu decided to borrow it in the future.

But there is no need to borrow so much. I will mainly rely on borrowing spirit stones to create an illusion. When the black zombie reaches the upper realm and the matter of the dead corpse is over, I will show Wang Nian and Mu Canglong that I am a first-level Yin Fu Master.

During this period, I have to brush up my experience.

Reveal three.

Hide seven.

[Thanks to MISS丶Maple Leaf and You Know Who I Am Not for the 500 Starting Point Coins reward! ]

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