Deng Lai's voice was quiet, but it was like the roar of a war drum exploding in the hearts of the elders of the Lu family.

If ordinary people opened their mouths, they would just sneer and laugh, but Deng Lai is the Lord of Dongji Immortal City and a god general, and he will never come to the Lu family with a joke and talk arrogantly.


Lu Tairong, the eldest elder of the Lu family, couldn't help but asked in shock.

Before Lu Feng could respond, Deng Lai calmly sat down and smiled playfully, "Lu Feng, you can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. Although I am not a soul cultivator, in the Spirit-Suppressing Army, I am in the middle realm of Jindan. With ten soul-suppressing tablets, the soul is even comparable to that of a late-stage Jindan monk. It is easy to see the disguise and weakness of your soul. I will only say this here today, but when you step out of the Lu family and step out of this threshold, who will you say this to? , I don’t know, you’d better think about it carefully.”

Deng Lai's words made the expressions of the elders change again, and they couldn't help but panic, and all their eyes turned to Lu Feng. Even though they have been practicing for hundreds of years, no one can deal with it calmly when it is a matter of life and death.

But Lu Feng still looked as usual, but his eyes gradually showed some displeasure, and even Lu Chan was a little surprised. After all, Deng Lai was no ordinary monk.

Deng Lai is the lord of Dongji Immortal City, and he represents Nangong Huan, one of the four great generals of Zhenling!

Far from being comparable to Zhongsha Zhenren.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Feng said indifferently, "City Lord Deng is here just to threaten me?"

Deng Lai said with a smile, "No, no, no, this is not a threat, it is just stating the facts. If Fellow Daoist Lu is still stubborn, he should have never heard what I said. If Master Zhongsha knows about Fellow Daoist Lu, , I’m afraid it’s definitely not as simple as Lu Chan.”

The words fall.

Deng Lai said no more.

Sit calmly.

All the Lu family elders were also silent, not daring to speak. They always focused on their ancestors and looked at Lu Chan. Even though they knew their ancestor favored her, they still couldn't help but feel resentful.

They could have been in peace, but the monster resources in the Tianyin Mountains had to give in.

Why fight?

Forget it.

Why end up in person.

Ending now?

How to be good?

Lu Shouren regretted very much at this moment. One hundred and twenty-three years ago, he should not have accepted Lu Chan as a child in the Lu family branch. Without that prayer, there would be no trouble today.

He was already seriously injured, but if something happened to the Lu family again, his narrow escape would probably turn into a tomb thousands of miles away in an instant.

At this time, Lu Feng finally spoke, "City Lord Deng, what do you want?"

Deng Lai waved his hand and explained, "I don't want anything, I just want to help your Lu family. After all, I am now the city lord of Dongji Immortal City. Naturally, the power of Dongji Immortal City comes first."

Then Deng Lai said, "Zhongsha Zhenren wants Lu Chan, but I know that Lu Daoyou is not a heartless person and will definitely choose to protect Lu Chan, so I, the new city lord, should help lobby and protect the Lu family. With Deng Lai For someone’s sake, we must find another way to resolve this matter, which can protect the safety of the Lu family and protect the Lu family’s thousand-year legacy.”

Deng Lai liked to speak very beautifully, which made some of the elders of the Lu family couldn't help but express surprise.

But we all know that the more beautiful the words are.

I'm afraid the more I ask for, the more I'll ask for.

"What do fellow Taoists want to avoid getting involved in this matter?" Lu Feng understood the implication of Deng Lai's words and immediately sent a message secretly.

A smile appeared on Deng Lai's lips, "Qishan and Hantan Wugu, but fellow Taoists, don't misunderstand that Deng is targeting your Lu family. What Deng wants this time is all the third-order Yin veins in the Tianyin Mountains."


Lu Feng's expression condensed.

Another voice message asked, "Why do fellow Taoists want these things?"

"You don't have to worry about it. Neither you nor I can." Deng Lai said calmly, with a hint of warning in his tone.

Lu Feng was silent.

From what he said just now, he heard a message, that is, this trip was definitely Deng Lai's original intention.

But he was ordered by others.

Whose person is Deng Lai?

Divine General Nangong Huan!

"Except for Hantan Wugu and Qishan, City Lord Deng can speak at will." Lu Feng said firmly.

The smile on Deng Lai's lips froze, he stopped transmitting, and said displeasedly: "Except Hantan Wugu and Qishan Mountain, Deng doesn't want anything. Let me remind you again, if you are not willing to give it, Hanpuppet Sect may not be able to give it. Not willing."

The threat swept over them like a tide, making the elders of the Lu family look worried again.

Because it can be heard from what Deng Lai just said that the ancestor once again rejected Deng Lai.

Deng Lai wanted Hantan Wugu and Qishan, but the ancestor actually rejected Deng Lai as if he rejected them!

All the elders looked at Lu Chan one after another, with all kinds of doubts and confusions in their hearts.

Ancestor, why is this?

Why did he protect Lu Chan's Hantan Wugu and Qishan Mountains at the expense of offending Deng Lai, let alone the safety of the Lu family?

When Lu Chan saw everyone's blazing gazes, her heart was like a mirror, and she was the only one who knew why the ancestor refused. But even if she knew, she was still more or less surprised.

The next moment.

Lu Feng said in a cold voice, "It turns out that this is how City Lord Deng took over Dongji Immortal City. I have seen it today." Lu Feng said in a cold voice, "We support the Domain Lord's Mansion because the Domain Lord's Mansion has always had express regulations, no matter it is The Zhenling Army, the Spirit Controller, or the Tianhe Guards are not allowed to interfere with the major forces above the foundation level.

If fellow Taoist insists on threatening, then please forgive Mr. Lu for seeing off his guests. Qishan, Hantan and Wugu will not give an inch. If the fierce puppet sect dares to come and take it, just let that guy from Zhongsha do it, and I will never retreat. "


Deng Lai stood up and could no longer remain calm. He was angry and annoyed for a moment. Didn’t we say that the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Feng, was soft-tempered, versatile and extremely smart?

But today, when he saw him, he had been competing with him and didn’t give him any face at all.

Even if his implication was almost written on his face.

“Okay! Fellow Daoist Lu, since you insist on not accepting Deng’s help and don’t care about the life and death of the Lu family, I don’t care whether your Lu family lives or dies. I’m waiting to see how you, a person with a severely injured soul, can protect your Lu family.” Deng Lai gritted his teeth and spoke, his voice spreading throughout the Lu family.

How loud the voice was when he first came, how loud the words he left when he stood up and left were.


It was intentional.

“No need to see you off!”

Lu Feng responded coldly and also left.

When the two of them left, the elders of the Lu family were at a loss for a moment. The astonishment and panic accumulated in their hearts burst out at once, and their anxiety was no different from that of ordinary people when they encountered trouble.

At the same time, the news that Lu Chan's soul was severely damaged and she did not accept the help of City Lord Deng Lai spread among the Lu family. The news of the Lu family spread throughout Dongji Immortal City that day.

Some people were puzzled, but more people were sad, feeling that the Qi family had just fallen and the Lu family followed suit.

It was really that the heaven spared no one.

Three days later.

When the Master of the Evils heard this, he only said one word.


After the words fell.

The sword pointed to the Tianyin Mountains. (End of this chapter)

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