From Refuge To Doomsday

Chapter 251: Continue to fool

The airport was captured immediately, and Yu Guo happily opened a bottle of wine after getting the news.

But Yuzhu and the others were deeply shocked.

Thinking about it, can their own troops take down the airport in such a short time?

Jilan held the joint battle report sent by Nia, and she looked at the raindrops and asked, "How do I get back to this?"

Yuzhu was silent for a moment, and then she said calmly: "Be more enthusiastic, look happier, and send them a commendation order. In addition, secretly notify the logistics, terminate their ammunition supply, and strictly limit their ammunition supply!"

Gillan asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid that they will become bigger?"

"I'm afraid I have already lured wolves into the house!" Raindrops' face sank like water, and Gilan couldn't help sighing: "Yes, I suspect that our supply is too sufficient, and I didn't expect these wasteland barbarians to have The fighting power of the weapon is so fierce! I can't believe it!"

Yuzhu then asked: "Next, let's look at the movement on Yu Guo's side. We can't let them finish the fight so quickly. If we finish the fight so quickly, we won't have the ability to connect hands. And what are they doing at the airport? They must give me I understand!"

Regarding Yu Guo's sudden attack, Yuzhu really panicked.

One must know that after leaving the city, the airport is fifteen kilometers away from their camp, how did Yu Guo rush here directly? Moreover, the airport is in the northeast of the camp. To be honest, this place is not beneficial for him to open up the battlefield.

Moreover, the cyborgs gathered at the airport are all carrying weapons! Strong combat power is a forbidden area that they absolutely dare not touch. But Yu Guo directly raided that place.

how did you do that?

This really surprised and worried Yuzhu!

Gillan immediately got up with the document and said, "I'll ask him right now!"

This is not to blame for Jilan and Yuzhu's wild thinking. Although the airport does not pose any threat to Yuejiancheng, this sudden move really makes them unable to understand.

This Pearl Plain is their rear area after all, if the cyborgs haven't been eliminated, if they bring in new threats, the loss outweighs the gain!

Moreover, as far as Yu Guo's current actions are concerned, they will take at least a month to complete. Where does his fighting power come from? These are things Yuejiancheng is completely unclear about.

Ji Lan hurriedly came to Yu Guo's mansion by car to clarify the matter. As soon as she entered the room, she happened to see Yu Guo drinking tea and watching the battle report.

"Ouch! Commander Gillan? Why are you here? Please sit down, please sit down!"

Jilan kept a straight face. After she sat down, she looked at Yu Guo very seriously. Yu Guo looked at herself and then at Jilan. He seemed innocent: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Special Envoy, I want you to give us a clear statement now, please explain the reason why you attacked the airport ruins!"

"Airport? Hahaha, where are you talking about? Isn't this because we always pass by your place and interfere with your life? Besides, we are always tinkering with arms in your urban area, and a little carelessness can easily lead to accidents! So... come, look!"

Yu Guo deliberately handed over the battle plan to Jilan.

When Jilan found out that Yu Guo actually gave her the battle plan, she was taken aback.

Seeing the battle plan, Gillan asked in astonishment: "Do you have a plane?!"

"Well, there are, but they are some very hip-propelled planes with propellers. But they can fly over the mountain pass. The altitude near this mountain is very low. We have drawn up a transportation route, and our cars have to be transported through here. To transport food, our own people have to live, don’t you think so?”

"Are you planning to transport food by plane?"

"Hey!! There is no other way, we have to consider you guys!? Besides, you can tell just by looking at our planes, it's not worth mentioning! In addition, there is no need for reconnaissance planes to detect a platform like Pearl Plain, let people go? "

Hearing what Yu Guo said, Ji Lan realized that it was really reasonable. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Then how many do you have?"

"Hey! I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is a family property. There are only eight reconnaissance planes, six bombers and ten transport planes in total. There are twenty-four planes in total."

"Twenty-four? That's a lot! Our Moon City..."

"That's because you don't need it! If you want to produce it, you can finish it in minutes. What's so difficult for you to make an airplane with a propeller?"

Yu Guo pouted, and Ji Lan smiled.

Hearing that they were all propeller planes, Gillan felt relieved to be honest.

Because propeller planes can't escape their ground firepower at all, and there are high mountains everywhere here, which is not suitable for flying at all. On the other hand, Pearl Plain is indeed very suitable for flying. Although it is a propeller plane, the cyborgs really have no air defense.

Yu Guo then took out another battle plan and said: "By the way, you just came to help us with our advice. After our plane arrives, we plan to do a big wave, and plan to bomb the Wishing City. We don't have enough bombs." , but I plan to make incendiary bombs, use the transport plane, throw oil barrels down, and burn them. This place has always been an important gateway for the biochemical people to move back and forth. We plan to harass this place frequently. Next, we will By building a camp, the engineers will build fortifications and soil work in the back, build a separation wall, advance step by step, and plan to clear a safe area around Yuejian City first, what do you think?"

Gillan was holding the plan book, and after reading it, she immediately slapped the table and applauded: "Good! This plan is very good!"

"If this is the case, the threat to the north of Yuejian City will be eliminated directly! Our pressure is gone immediately!"

Yu Guo smiled and said: "We are allies, and the purpose of coming here is to reduce your pressure! After this front is established, our people will move, use the airport line as the basis, draw a circle through the airport, and then Continue to open a road to the wishing city step by step outside, and finally achieve the goal of retaking the wishing city!"

Gillan asked in surprise: "Are you willing to hand over the position to us?"

"Of course, we only have 30,000 people. If I don't give it to you, who should I give it to? I can't let the occupation of land hinder our progress. We mainly control these points and clean up these cyborgs by area. Guarantee the absolute safety of the periphery of Yuejian City!"

What Yu Guo said was very impassioned, as if he was working for the welfare of his allies.

But in fact, Yu Guo's plan is to throw the position to them and let them be restrained by the position.

Yu Guo knew that the follow-up supply of ammunition would definitely be limited. The ammunition they were transporting now had to find a way to win the poor family in one fell swoop.

After the poor family and the wishing city are taken down, then Yu Guo will have the possibility to go out.

Once this road is won, Bai Xuecheng can cooperate with him and directly use the provocation of Sirius City to push all the way to the mountain pass.

After Yu Guo got this seemingly barren territory, he really had the ability to kill Sirius City with one blow!

Ji Lan happily found Yuzhu with Yu Guo's battle plan.

After Yuzhu got the battle plan, she looked at it carefully, and then asked, "Do they have planes?"

"Well, it's a propeller plane. It's not a big threat to us. Our place is not suitable for flying planes at all, you know."

Yuzhu nodded, and she said in a low voice: "He intends to directly attack the City of Wishing through the cover of air power, but the speed can't let them go too fast, they must coordinate with our pace, otherwise, they will easily take over. "

"But no matter what, we should fully support his action plan. If we open up this safe zone, all our threats and pressure will be completely let go. After so long, we can finally one day no longer need this place." There are dead people under the city wall!"

Yuzhu thought for a while, she nodded and said: "Well, then support until the end of this operation, and you personally supervise the battle. You can't let him do tricks, control this place, and they can do whatever they want outside! We will not It’s fine if we don’t ask, and concentrate on developing ourselves! Moreover, if others are here, we are not afraid that they will dare to attack us in turn!”

"Understood!" Jilan smiled happily. I have to say that although Yuzhu is very young, her strategy and insight are really far-reaching. With her here, Jilan feels that the revival of the Moon Clan is just around the corner!

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