From Sand Ninja To Becoming A Legend

Chapter 295 Chakra does not belong to human beings (for subscription)

For Uchiha Itachi this yore,

The genius ninja that the Uchiha clan is proud of,

Yamazaki Mayo certainly knew a lot about his true strength.


Yamazaki Mayo naturally understands,

Although I cracked Uchiha Itachi before,

That guy's Mangekyō Sharingan's illusion Tsukuyomi.


Distance really beat Uchiha Itachi,

That guy is still a long way off!

after all,

Since fighting with Uchiha Itachi,

The other party just used an ordinary,

Uchiha Fire Style ninjutsu and Mangekyō Sharingan illusion Tsukuyomi only,

Big killers like the eight-foot mirror and the ten-fist sword and Susanoo,

The other party has never used one!

Under such circumstances,

With Yamazaki Mayo at this moment,

The only thing left is less than 2,000 points,

Such an Elite Chunin level of Chakra storage,

It is simply impossible to have so many things like,

The likes of Susanoo and Izanagi are powerful hole cards of Uchiha Itachi.


Uchiha Itachi is around this guy but,

There is also Hoshigaki Kisame, who is also Kage-level,

One of the powerful partners of the "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" in the original fog Ninja Village is,

The possibility that Yamazaki Mayo will win with one against two,

It's too small to ignore

That is,

Now unless the body of Yamazaki Mayo really comes here,

Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance of winning.


After using Power Projection and Spirit Projection continuously,

Yamazaki Mayo really doesn't have enough Chakra here,

To support him across the super-far space to come here.


Even Yamazaki Mayo,

At this moment in its heyday,

It is also impossible for him to really cross the space and come to the battlefield.

To know,

From Sand Shinobi Village in the Land of Wind to Konoha Village in the Land of Fire,

The distance between the two is far more than tens of thousands of miles away.

To cross such great distances with space mysteries,

Even in the state of Yamazaki Mayo's heyday,

At least 50% of the Chakra storage is consumed,

It is equivalent to directly cutting off half of his strength.

And with half the strength,

Opposite to those who are extremely powerful in Kage-level,

Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, the two S-rank rebels,

Even Yamazaki Mayo can't beat it here...


Yamazaki Mayo received Uchiha Sasuke,

When that guy made a prayer to him,

Did not choose the body to come over at the beginning,

The main reason is because even if he came here,

One against two is also unable to beat Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame,

They are the two Kage-level Akatsuki members of the Rebel Ninja organization!


Fortunately, Yamazaki Mayo's goal,

Not to beat from the beginning,

Uchiha Itachi or Hoshigaki Kisame,

one of the two of them,

Rather, he wanted to bring Uchiha Sasuke into the ranks of the apostles.


Yamazaki Mayo has offered to Uchiha Sasuke,

The guy who thirsted for power showed his strength,

Uchiha Sasuke has promised to become Yamazaki Mayo's apostle.


Yamazaki Mayo's goal this time has been achieved,

As for whether it can be defeated at this time,

Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame two of them,

It doesn't seem so important anymore.

after all,

At this moment,

Even Yamazaki Mayo here,

He also earned it by retreating.

thinking about this,

Uchiha Sasuke who was possessed by Yamazaki Mayo,

The corners of the mouth could not help but slightly evoke a faint arc,

Then he opened his mouth with a chuckle and said softly to the opposite Uchiha Itachi:

“Uchiha Itachi,

you are right,

Merely by virtue of my temporary projection at the moment,

This little power in your brother Uchiha Sasuke,

It is indeed impossible for you and Hoshigaki Kisame to be the opponent of the two of you~..

"It seems that,

If we want a real showdown between us,

It seems that I can only wait until the next time my body comes!"

Having said that,

Yamazaki Mayo paused involuntarily,

Glancing at the opposite Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame,

After the expressions on their faces changed,

Then he continued to speak softly to them:

"You two remember,

Tell Payne for me when I go back,

He was never really "God,

never seen the real world,

Chakra never belonged to human beings,

(King Li's) Xiao organization is not an organization that brings peace and order to the entire ninja world


Thousands of years have passed,

It's time for the ninja world to welcome its true master!!!"

As for "those who were once,

The lower blood descendants born of the betrayer,

Better to think about how to beg for mercy and forgiveness!"

ask for flowers,

PS are:

Newcomers and new books are exactly the time when everyone's attention and love are needed, so everyone, flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, etc., let's all go!!!.

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