From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 124 Worst Case Plan

After having some dinner and resting for a while, the joint convoy went on the road overnight and continued the pursuit.

Who would have thought that after this pursuit, another three days would pass.

Along the way, Adam fought several times with the unknown force that was chasing him, but because of his continuous escape, Lin Yu and others were never able to catch up.

Fortunately, the Pilots Association should have people or equipment tracking them all the time, and the location coordinates of the other party are always updated synchronously.

"The coordinates have changed again. Is there any mistake? This guy is walking and stopping. We can't just keep chasing him like this if he doesn't stop, right?"

As the sky updated the coordinates again, Zhao Xing's complaints came.

"There will always be a time to catch up. He is exhausted and keeps fighting with others. He will always be unable to hold on. Wouldn't it be good for someone to drain the opponent's energy for us?"

Spot was relieved.

"Adam should not be fleeing aimlessly. His actions are in the same direction and he should have a specific target location."

Lin Yu suddenly spoke up and said, "Zhao Xing, don't you think this road looks familiar?"

In fact, he was just comparing the tracking coordinates updated by the sky these days.

If you connect these targets in a line and go a little further, you will reach a place that both he and Zhao Xing are very familiar with.

"Paradise Harbor? His goal is Paradise Harbor?"

Zhao Xing paused for a moment, then became energetic.

This road, although the route is not exactly the same, is actually heading towards Paradise Port.

Last time it took them five days to get from Black Snake Camp to Paradise Port, and it took almost three days to get from Black Snake Camp to Ceylon, which was about eight days of journey.

But that was when they were stationed at night in a stop-and-go manner. Now, with such an all-night pursuit, there was no more than a day's journey left from Paradise Harbor.

If Adam's goal is Paradise Harbor, then this chase is coming to an end.

"I actually hope not."

Lin Yu said calmly, but there was a wave of emotion in his heart.

The matter involving Adam is very complicated.

Federal and Pilot Associations.

The organization behind the scenes that masters the treatment technology for star dome disease.

There is also Turing Interactive Entertainment, whose goods were stolen.

Each of these three parties has a reason to put Adam to death.

But they belong to the Pilots Association.

So excluding them, the person who is still likely to hunt Adam is most likely the person from Turing Interactive Entertainment or the organization behind the plan to rob Turing Interactive Entertainment.

If it is Turing Interactive Entertainment, then it means that what was stolen by Adam is indeed very important, so important that Turing Interactive Entertainment is recovering it at all costs.

If it was a behind-the-scenes organization, then why did the organization behind the scenes that coerced and instigated Adam's rebellion still pursue Adam?

Could it be that the things Adam robbed were not handed over to the organization behind the scenes?

If you use yourself to judge others, if you have enough bargaining chips to negotiate with the organization behind the scenes, you will definitely not be willing to continue to be held hostage, let alone hand over the things honestly.


Adam should have been hiding near Ceylon before, even hiding in the city in the dark under the lamp.

Now that his traces were exposed, he fled all the way, but his goal was very clear. It was most likely heading towards Paradise Port.

Does that mean he hid something in Paradise Harbor? Are you going to pick it up and run away now?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu lowered his eyes and glanced at his chest.

He has not forgotten that he once took a hot potato in Paradise Port.

Maybe he was overthinking it.

Paradise Harbor is huge, so it's easy to hide something.

But what if?

After all, judging from the time point, they are just right.

The level of importance... can probably be matched.

Prosthetic technology is not as devastating as various weapon technologies, but such as the Heart of Kosiche, it directly points to the most essential pursuit of living things-survival.

Endowed with super survivability, this is why the Heart of Kosiche can be rated as A-level.

What's inside his body is even more special. Judging from his current personal experience, it at least has the effect of assisting and enhancing exercise.

Although the benefits brought by exercise are not as fast as some enhanced drugs and genetic technologies, they are safer and have no hidden dangers. More importantly, they do not conflict with the former technologies and can be superimposed and effective.

For this reason alone, the value of this special Cosiche Heart is limitless.

If Adam had just happened to hide the things in a warehouse that had been empty for a long time...

"It shouldn't be the case. Turing Interactive Entertainment, even the Turing intelligence behind it, only specializes in the fields of network and artificial intelligence, and cannot compete with prosthetic technology..."

"What's more, the Heart of Cosiche is obviously a technology belonging to the Anti-Entropy Group. Even though this heart is relatively special, it has no business overlap with Turing Interactive Entertainment..."

Lin Yu closed his eyes, trying to sort out and deny his groundless speculation.

After all, if this guess is really true, then it will be a lot of fun.

The Heart of Kosiche is an A-level prosthetic technology of the Anti-Entropy Group. The one in his body is a special product that is obviously in the research and development or confidentiality stage, so it must be of a higher level.

This thing, unless it was a special situation, should never have left the laboratory of the Anti-Entropy Group.

As a result, it became a cargo that Turing Interactive Entertainment asked the Pilots Association to escort, and it was also kidnapped by the organization behind the scenes who instigated Adam.

But now, this thing is in his body!

Just thinking about it made Lin Yu feel a little dizzy.

Although even if he was given a chance to come back, he would most likely make the same choice.

But to be honest, leaving this thing behind was a combination of courage at the end of one's life and ignorance.

After all, I was suffering from severe starry sky disease, and I didn't know whether the treatment technology really existed, so I naturally had to give priority to improving my current strength and survivability.

In addition, as a remnant of the wasteland, I naturally didn't have a deep understanding of the power of the Anti-Entropy Group.

But now I have it.

It can be said that even Turing Intelligence, which stands behind Turing Interactive Entertainment, can only be humble and humble when facing the Anti-Entropy Group.

This is a super giant that has blossomed in the field of biomedicine.

Its business covers many fields such as hospitals, pharmaceutical research and development, medical devices, and bioengineering.

The field of medical devices alone involves multiple branch fields such as prosthetic development, and many advanced prosthetics are made by it.

The achievements in the field of bioengineering are also countless, and it has many biomedical patents such as gene enhancers.

Admittedly, the Anti-Entropy Group is low-key and basically only conducts legal business operations, and is not well-known in terms of military power.

But in this era of capital and technology,

A technology company with super capital and many technical patents, even if it says that it is weak in force, no one will believe it.

If the thing that Adam hijacked is really the special Kosice Heart, it means that he is involved in the dispute between Turing Intelligence and Anti-Entropy Group.

God knows how many undercurrents there are.

Moreover, the thing that is obviously being sought and fought for by many parties was implanted into his body.

"If it is really as I guessed, then Adam must not fall into the hands of any party, and the connection must be cut off from this source..."

While thinking, Lin Yu has made the worst plan.

Now the only one who knows where the thing is hidden should be Adam.

As long as he can't explain this to any party, then naturally he can't contact the warehouse where the Kosice Heart is hidden, so naturally he can't be connected to him through the warehouse.

Cut off this key link of Adam, then no matter how fierce the fire is, it will not spread to him.

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