From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 122: Pursuit from Multiple Sides

Tang Feng is obviously a difficult employer to deal with.

In order not to cause too much trouble to Qiao Wa and the others, Lin Yu did not stay at their base for a while and returned to his own camp after catching up on old times.

A night of silence.

When I woke up the next day, I didn't know when Qiao Wa's team and Tang Feng's mecha team had left early. Lin Yu and Zhao Xing also packed their bags and continued on their way.

After marching forward for about half an hour, they passed by a battlefield with obvious signs of a lot of fighting, and the group stopped temporarily.

"This is the battle site that Cang Qiong said..."

Seeing the scene full of craters and scorched marks, a large number of damaged vehicles overturned, and the corpses of cyber-modifiers and lycanthropes strewn all over the place, Lin Yu and the other two people who got out of the car to check the situation frowned.

They're not the only ones chasing Adam.

According to the latest information from Cangqiong, Adam was attacked by a group of people here yesterday, and he fought his way out after a fierce battle.

The purpose and affiliation of this group are unknown.

Those biological research institutions and companies say that no one owns or even conducts private research, no one would believe it.

There were other people there stopping to check on the situation.

"The lycanthrope, I wonder if it is related to the Furui Biological Research Force..."

"Tang Feng is considered one of the more outstanding E-class pilots. Although he is not well-known in public because of his withdrawn and weird personality, his reputation in the circle is only half a point worse than Zhou Hongdong."

The convoy of three mecha groups set off again.

Fortunately, the sky did not change places this time.

However, the technology of lycanthropy has actually been around for a long time, and it has only declined in recent years due to the Bill of Rights and the ban on lycanthropy.

Spot gestured forward.

It was Tang Feng and Qiao Wa's team.

Lin Yu's focus was more on the corpses on the ground.

"Lin, look ahead."

For a joint mission like this, Cangqiong will not disclose the list of participants until they are gathered together for formal action, so they can only guess.

The Furui Biological Research Force is just a relatively well-known illegal organization that studies such technologies. It does not mean that the emergence of lycanthropes must be related to it.

Near sunset, both parties arrived at the new meeting point at the same time.

This means that the mission situation has become more complicated. At the same time, Adam realizes that the crisis exists and will not stop easily. This pursuit will not be easy.

But for Lin Yu and the others, this was obviously not good news.

Some of the corpses on the ground were killed by the tyrannical force of the mechas, and some were blown to pieces by explosives. It can be said that it is basically impossible to identify their identities, but the animalistic features on some of the remains are still quite conspicuous.

Zhao Xing was rarely serious, so he introduced Lin Yu, and then guessed: "It's the same as our marching route, maybe he also took over the task of chasing Adam."

Lin Yu shook his head.

"Ignore them for now. We'll find out when we get to the new meeting place."

Tang Feng and Qiao Wa also followed closely.

Upon arrival, both parties were notified of their identities as soon as possible.

After all, it is artificial intelligence, and even a personal pilot client has a subsystem to monitor mission conditions at any time.

"Qianqiong said that three more mecha groups arrived in the middle of the night. I don't know who they are. If there are no D-class pilots, it will be a big mistake."

Although they knew that the other party was also a participant in the mission, due to Tang Feng's character, Lin Yu and the others did not get together for the time being. They just gathered together to make a bonfire.

"Hehe, if we don't have a D-class pilot, we won't be able to do it. We, Lin Yu, will still have it, right?"

Zhao Xing looked unconcerned.

Obviously, in his heart, Lin Yu's current strength is definitely comparable to that of a D-class pilot.

After all, they had just killed a Cyclops with a threat rating of D on their way here.

"Correction, it should be Lin Yu and you. Please don't be humble. You also contributed a lot to what happened last time."

Spot was smiling, and he never missed the opportunity to harm Zhao Xing.

"Gungungun, I don't mind taking this kind of credit."

As expected, when Zhao Xing heard this, he immediately felt as if he had been stabbed in a painful spot and jumped in anger.

"Don't think too highly of me. The performance of the pilot's aircraft is limited. In fact, I may not be able to deal with D-class pilots, especially veteran pilots like Adam."

Listening to the confident words of the two men, Lin Yu did not get carried away and shook his head calmly.

Mecha is a combat weapon that combines the many technologies of the Blue Star Federation. Its driver must also have rich combat experience under the promotion mechanism of the Pilot Association.

Most of the time, a pilot piloting a mecha of a corresponding level is much more of a threat than a low-intelligent dimensional beast of the same level.

He was able to defeat Miao Xiaomiao and Cyclops one after another with a flying general that could only be considered an F-class aircraft. The essence of this was that he used skills to make up for the disadvantages of the aircraft's performance, and the two were weak in skills.

If it were a veteran pilot who had completely modified the aircraft to D level, even if his combat skills were not as good as his, he would definitely have rich experience. In addition, he would not necessarily be able to take advantage of the overall performance of the aircraft.

The essence of skills is that Potian is just hit and dodge. With the huge disadvantage of the machine's performance, all skills can do is try to make up for the gap.

Once the performance gap is large enough, or if there is not enough technical gap with the opponent, then he will definitely lose.

After all, the opponent may have countless opportunities to make mistakes, but as long as he makes one mistake, he will lose the whole game.

Not to mention that there are various factors such as the right time, place, people, and even luck, which may have a decisive impact on the situation of the battle.

Adam was able to kill all his fellow pilots when he defected, and he is still at large despite the wanted orders of the Association and the Federation, as well as the forces he had previously fought with, and Turing Interactive Entertainment and other forces. His strength should not be underestimated.

"Haha, I'm just talking. It's a D-level mission. How could there be no D-level pilots involved? If there were no D-level pilots, Cangqiong would not let us die."

Seeing Lin Yu's solemn look, Zhao Xing comforted him: "We are just joining in the fun to clean up the small fish. Adam will naturally... Woo! Woo!"

Lin Yu gave a look, and Spot understood what he meant, and hurriedly covered Zhao Xing's mouth.

This crow's mouth, once it opens its mouth, it will definitely be bad news.

"What are you doing? I've already said that it was just a coincidence. Qiao Wa and the others were just exaggerating."

"What we encountered were all normal risks and accidents during the mission. You can't blame me just because I said something, right?"

After finally getting out of Spot's poisonous hand, Zhao Xing was full of frustration and grievance.

In this regard, Lin Yu and Spot just looked at each other in silence.

Now only this guy still firmly believes that it is not his problem.

Even Lin Yu sometimes has to be skeptical.

After all, these are all personal experiences.

Fortunately, the metaphysics did not come true this time.

At midnight, the assembly point welcomed three groups of convoys again.

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