From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 117 Combination Technique

"Flying General! It's Flying General!"

"Damn it, this is the first time I've seen the real body of a flying admiral!"

"So handsome!"

Due to the metaverse, many people in Ceylon use avatars or mechanical avatars to travel.

Therefore, the arrival of the dimensional beast did not cause the expected large-scale turmoil.

On the contrary, the appearance of the flying general caused a lot of commotion.

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the aircraft authorized by the Flying General. Now it has actually appeared offline, just like a famous person traveling, and everywhere he passes is filled with joy.

Of course, Lin Yu didn't pay attention to this at the moment.

After driving his horse and leaping all the way, and crossing several cliff-like winding mountain roads, he finally arrived at the coordinates of the incident marked by the sky.

However, as soon as he arrived, Lin Yu found that he had arrived a little late.

Looking at the dimensional beast surrounded by three people, Lin Yu couldn't help but frown.

This is the case with human technological civilization.

But for some reason, none of the three took action immediately.

I don't know if it's because of its slow reaction or because it's just enjoying the fearful struggle of its prey.

"What's your solution?"

Lin Yu did not act impulsively, but connected to the tactical communication with Zhao Xing.

But no matter what, at least he is a human being.

It moves very slowly.

It could be heard that Zhou Hongdong's voice was trying to be calm. He took a deep breath and said, "Use your hands. If you can't kill it within five seconds, the high-energy laser released by its single eye will be enough to cut into pieces of surrounding buildings."

If I remember correctly, it was one of the children who had just played a mecha duel with him on Barak Street.

"Cyclops has the lowest threat rating of D, and it is extremely easy to cause large-scale casualties."

At least, he couldn't sit back and watch such a scene without being disturbed.

The power of the collective can be very powerful.

"what's the situation?"

The frightened cries of children were loud.

The red wind and the gray and blue bodies were in one direction each, forming a triangle that surrounded the incident coordinates in the center.

At this moment, he was lying outside a building. He held half of a woman's body in one hand and put it into his big mouth to chew. The other hand was not idle, he reached into the window on the second floor and took out another child.

In the city, it was the Federation itself that was unable to use powerful weapons.

Lin Yu frowned and took a deep breath.

Just like the Cyclops in some myths and legends.


When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

However, the behavior this giant was performing at this time had nothing to do with humans.

However, the three mechas arranged in three directions seemed to be stupid at this moment, and they were just looking at it.

The body surface is hairless, covered with thick cuticles, and the cuticles are full of cracks.

It was actually a humanoid creature.


A remnant of the wasteland, even a time traveler.

This is also the reason why the Dimension Beast interception is left to the Pilots Association.

His facial features are very human-like, but he only has one eye.

In addition to Zhao Xing who took the lead, two units, one gray and one blue, had also arrived early from the other two directions.

Naked, about five or six meters tall.

A high-energy laser cut will inevitably leave no one alive. The collapse caused by the breakage of the building will increase the number of casualties several times.

Especially the child, he still had some impression.

"The new guy on the other side is E-class pilot Zhou Hongdong. The target this time is very difficult. I hope you won't act rashly and it's best to follow my command."

Zhao Xing just wanted to explain.

But when it comes to individuals, each one is still so fragile.

He didn't know the character of the two pilots on the opposite side, but based on his understanding of Zhao Xing and his positive reaction just now, there was no reason why he wouldn't just sit back and watch.

It is impossible to say how strongly they identify with Ceylon and the Blue Star Federation.

But at this time, a calm and deep voice sounded from a public radio channel used for pilot communication.

Only mechas can better prevent dimensional beasts from going on a rampage and destroy them, and at the same time, they can kill them without using heavy firepower.

Lin Yu asked.

"We have no choice but to wait, wait for a D-class, no, wait for a more advanced pilot who can kill it quickly."

Zhou Hongdong spoke in a low voice.

Lin Yu frowned: "How long will it take?"

"I don't know, but I just saw Zhang Wuji outside the city. If he receives an emergency dispatch from the sky, he should be here in a few minutes."

Zhou Hongdong paused slightly and his voice hesitated.

Zhao Xing finally couldn't help it and interrupted, saying a little restlessly: "A few minutes! I don't know how many people this guy can eat in a few minutes!"

"It's better than hundreds or thousands of people dying!"

Zhou Hongdong's tone was also a little more angry.

Lin Yu listened to the argument between the two and did not express an opinion.

Both of them are actually right.

This is like the famous trolley problem, whether to save more or less, there are reasons for each choice.

"Lin, you...are you sure?"

Zhao Xing seemed to suddenly remember something. He perked up at first, but then looked at Lin Yu hesitantly.

Lin Yu!

His personal strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

To say that Lin Yu can defeat the Cyclops is a 100% belief.

But if it must be done in just a few seconds...the performance of the pilot's body is there after all.

Lin Yu might be able to win by relying on his skills, but it would never be possible to win quickly.

The most important thing is that the risks and pressures involved are a bit too great.

Failure to do so would mean the death of a large number of people.

Not to mention external public opinion, even the self-blame in the heart is enough to make people uncomfortable.

"Damn it, I told you not to be impulsive! Do you know what you are doing? You are new here, don't listen to his instigation!"

When Zhou Hongdong heard what Zhao Xing said, he immediately became eager and angry.

He didn't know who this new young man was, let alone why Zhao Xing had such mysterious confidence in him.

But he knew that the passion of young people could easily lead to disastrous consequences, and they never considered the consequences and how to clean up the mess in advance.

"Save the many or the few, sacrifice the few or the many, I'm really not very good at this kind of philosophical question."

Lin Yu shook his head.

When Zhou Hongdong heard this, his tense nerves suddenly relaxed slightly.

He believed that the young man should have deliberately pretended to misunderstand the meaning and declined the other person's proposal.

In this way, although the performance seems a bit irresponsible and timid, it is indeed more in line with the 'maturity' he recognizes.

Steady, smooth, and the most precious cold...

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Lin Yu's next words:

"But I think a big fist can sometimes serve as truth."

Not good!

These words immediately made Zhou Hongdong's heart skip a beat, and his expression changed drastically.

Then he saw the ancient general-looking machine opposite him slowly pulling out his weapon.

"Unfortunately, I am quite brave."

The voice remained unchanged, but the intonation changed sharply.

Indifferent and domineering, there is also a kind of arrogance that regards the world's heroes as if they are nothing.

"How sure are you?"

When Zhao Xing heard this, he immediately cheered up.

I don't know when, but Lin Yu's words always felt inexplicably convincing in his heart.

"Eighty percent."

Lin Yu clamped the belly of the red rabbit and horse and set up the halberd.

Zhao Xing suddenly gritted his teeth: "What about me?"

"Ten percent."

Lin Yu glanced at him lightly and said.

"Come on! I will risk my life today! If you dare to lie to me, I will never end it with you!"

Zhao Xing gritted his teeth, feeling quite heroic in bearing the humiliation and risking his life to die.

"Damn it, don't be impulsive! There's no point in having more people than you have. We must kill quickly with absolute advantage..."

Zhou Hongdong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he was worried about angering the Cyclops and did not dare to act rashly.

Besides, he was far across from the two of them and couldn't stop them even if he wanted to.

He could only watch helplessly...

The flying general abandoned his horse and jumped onto Crimson Wind's shoulder.


Ah this...

This was beyond the expectations of everyone present, and Zhou Hongdong's mind went blank.


Zhao Xing and Lin Yu ignored him and started charging directly.

All the thrusters of the Crimson Wind were deployed at full power, and the two rows of orange-red flames spurting out from the back were like two brilliant wings, and the entire body also sprinted out under the huge thrust.

In any case, Crimson Wind is a mecha with an overall rating of F. Its performance in all aspects is naturally not comparable to that of a simple robot like Red Rabbit.

The speed-specialized mecha abandons heavy armor and even overall transmission, and greatly strengthens the lower limbs and propulsion system.

It is true that there is an extra weight of a machine at this moment, but after allocating all the energy power to the vector propulsion system and lower limbs, its explosive speed is still much higher than that of Red Rabbit.

Of course, in this state, his own offensive ability is greatly reduced, and he can only be said to be a bully charging forward, greatly losing the flexibility advantage of a speed-type machine.

But... these are no longer issues he needs to consider.

"Go up the wall and take advantage of the fall."

In tactical communications, Lin Yu gave brief instructions.

Zhao Xing immediately ran diagonally along the concrete hillside with a slight slope without thinking, running higher and higher.


When it reaches a certain height and position, its thrusters explode with full force again, and the entire body supports the flying general and jumps high into the sky.

The two mechas were like a sky curtain flying up, leaving a deeper shadow, and themselves turned into mottled silhouettes of light and dark under the neon lights.

Then, like a falling meteor, it fell suddenly.


When the shadow covered it, the Cyclops had already noticed the attack. He didn't care about chewing, dropped the corpse in his hand, only grabbed the child in the other hand, and quickly backed away.

"Sure enough! These two guys!"

Zhou Hongdong looked at this scene with tears in his eyes.

Falling from the sky can indeed greatly increase the lethality.

But it’s hard to adjust your body shape in the air!

Anyone with some common sense should know that jumping up at will during battle will not only make you a living target, but also make it more difficult to hit the enemy.

By the time the two machines fell, the Cyclops had already dodged them!


Just as Zhou Hongdong was furiously thinking about ways to remedy the situation, something unexpected happened.

The organism is not the human body!

Not to mention the thruster assist!

What's more unfortunate is that Lin Yu also has experience in aircraft tactical design and vehicle adaptability given by mecha piloting.

Who says riding a mecha is not driving a vehicle?

Who says mecha tactics can't be tactics of riding other mechas?

In addition, there are combat skills and experience that have reached their peak after the second reconstruction.

How could he do something he was not sure about?

He had already conceived and calculated everything before taking action.

I saw them jumping into the air, and just as the two machines were about to fall, the vector nozzles of the red wind suddenly changed direction, spurting downward to slow down their fall.

And his arms, however, supported the soles of the flying general's feet from his chest, and pushed them up with all his strength.

The flying general also jumped up in tacit understanding, using the red wind as a stepping stone, and jumped high, rising more than ten meters again.



To the limit!

Slightly suspended in the air.

The high-rising machine was just level with the roof of a building in the distance.

The moon-like light on the top of the building reflected behind the flying general, and also reflected his true appearance from the dark silhouette.

Finally, the rising momentum turned into a falling momentum.


The machine fell again.

But this time it was no longer falling straight down.

Instead, it held a long halberd and spun and rolled.

"This strike! It should be like the halberd at the gate!"

The domineering and arrogant voice resounded.

The flying general's machine spun and rolled for countless times, and fell to a certain height. Just when his upper body was facing upwards, the Fang Tian Ji in his hand was thrown out like a spear that penetrated the stars.



The sound of flesh being cut open.

The sound of a loud explosion.

The two arrived one after another.

A long halberd penetrated the ground, leaving only the halberd handle that was less than the length of a palm, buzzing and trembling.

Looking at the Cyclops again, the figure that was dodging had already stopped abruptly.

Time seemed to freeze again.

In an instant.

The huge body fell to the ground with a bang.


The Red Hare neighed, flew past with light steps, and caught the child that fell from the Cyclops's hands with its back just in time.

And in another direction farther away.

A red figure that had just landed also jumped up again and caught the falling black-armored general.

However, the momentum was too great, and the two were not as lucky as the child.

Even if he was caught, the flying general fell to the ground and rolled far away, and the red wind was also rolled several times, and then he barely stopped his body.

Looking up, a blue and white aircraft just came into view.

"Oh my god, you usually act so resistant, but you two have even developed a combo?"

Sport's shocked voice came from the speaker of the aircraft.


Zhao Xing's face twitched.

If there was one person he least wanted to see this scene, it must be Sport, his bad friend.

This guy, he has been teasing him until now last time, this time... I'm afraid he will be teased for the rest of his life.

"Can I silence him?"

He slowly turned his head to look at Lin Yu and said faintly.

"Whatever you want."

Lin Yu was a little embarrassed at this moment, and couldn't help laughing, supporting himself on the ground and slowly getting up.

"It's too late, everyone has seen it."

Sport looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

"What... Fuck!"

Zhao Xing didn't react at first, but soon his face changed, and he cursed with a green face.


Dimensional beasts invaded, and there were so many pilots fighting in a public area. It would be strange if those virtual players didn't come to join in the fun.

When the Metaverse program was started, as expected, the roads around that seemed to be deserted were full of people.

Although they were virtual avatars and had certain privacy mechanisms, this was on the road. If you walked out normally, you could see them, so they could see them.

"Crap, crap! So cool!"

"The flying general actually has such a cool trick!"

"I've learned nothing!"

"Is this Red Wind? I didn't expect Red Wind to have a hidden combo with the flying general!"

"Ahhhh, I'm looking for friends who play Red Wind to team up with me in a double row!"

As soon as the Metaverse was turned on, the surrounding area instantly became lively, and the cheers and shouts of people who watched the excitement were endless.

Of course, it wasn't just people who were there for fun, there were also many passers-by who were sensible.

Many people were praising and thanking Zhao Xing and Lin Yu. Some praised Zhao Xing for his greatness and stopped others from making fun of him. This finally comforted Zhao Xing.


"...I'm afraid the name of the mount-specific armor can't be removed."

His mouth twitched.

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