From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 105 Electronic Countermeasures

Three days later.

Ceylon, Lower Town.

An extremely fierce mecha confrontation is taking place.

"Lu Bu, today is the day you die!"

"Come on! Ceylon God King! Kill this hateful guy!"

"Ah, my Ceylon God King, woo woo woo."

"I told you that you can't do it. It's up to me, the Imperial Mecha, to kill him!"

"Emperor Mecha! Damn it! How could my Emperor Mecha lose!"

This is the roof of a building.

Because of Ceylon's magical structure, the roof of this building is just in line with a street, and there are no other buildings on it, so it has become a playground and secret base for nearby children.

Xue Siqiao rushed to the scene and saw this scene.

Unfortunately, now, they have suffered the biggest setback in their lives without a single defeat.

The abominable lord, Lin Yu, the evil leader of Block Street in Lower Ceylon, stood up from sitting cross-legged in dissatisfaction.

"What does bullying mean? I am participating in the competition openly and openly. What does age have to do with the mecha duel?"

"It's just for entertainment."

Xue Siqiao laughed angrily.

It does not refer to the "Mecha Battle" game in the metaverse, but various mecha-shaped robot toys.

"You, a genuine pilot, come to compete with children, and you don't call it bullying? Do you dare to be more shameless?"

Xue Siqiao walked forward speechlessly and found the hateful adult who was hated by all the children.


If people knew that the person they were arguing about was addicted to bullying children, I don't know how wonderful their expressions would be.

Anger, unwillingness, grievance, passion, all kinds of reactions.

A hateful 'sir' actually came to challenge him for two days in a row, defeating all the invincible opponents around him. Today, even the God King of Ceylon and the Imperial Mecha were defeated by him.

The most popular entertainment activity for children in Lower Ceylon is 'Mecha Duel'.

Of course, the intensity has also been reduced a lot, and they are just simple robot toys not much bigger than a palm.

Technology is developing, and toys naturally keep pace with the times.

It is said that it originally originated from underground entertainment activities such as robot duels, but later became quite popular among children in the lower city.

In the past few days, many netizens in Ceylon City are still discussing who is more skilled between Lin Yu and Zhang Wuji, and even look forward to a fight between the two.

But all the children now focused their eyes with hatred on a hateful adult holding a small black warrior-like robot.

"I said, can you please save some face? The whole of Ceylon is in a quarrel because of you, and you are here to bully a child?"

The Ceylon God King, the Imperial Mecha, these are all 'mechas' that are famous among the children in the neighborhood.

Lin Yu laughed, patted his butt, and followed Xue Siqiao back.

Since Xue Siqiao came to look for him, something must have happened.

This place is actually opposite the Tianting Mecha Group's station, across the street.

"You guys, it's true that you protect your shortcomings, but being shameless is really shameless."

Seeing Lin Yu's calm demeanor, Xue Siqiao was angry and funny.

The reason for this matter actually starts from two days ago.

Two days ago, Xiaotian saw these children across the street having a great time competing, so he went over to play with them, but was rejected by them because they were so young and could only moan.

So that day, Lin Yu asked the little Loli to wear a puppy mecha and sneak around in front of them, making these children extremely envious.

This was not enough. The next day, this guy built another remote-controlled 'mecha' and came to challenge everyone.

A serious pilot, even an E-class pilot, the successor of Ceylon's legendary Thunder Strike, and a top-level mecha engineer, came to bully a child.

It's a shame that someone is shameless enough to do this.

"These two points are not in conflict."

Lin Yu shrugged.

"That adult just now was actually a pilot?"

"Hahaha, my Imperial Mecha is the strongest mecha I have ever fought against a real pilot!"

"My God King of Ceylon fought with him twice, and your imperial mecha was instantly killed."

The two left slowly.

But since then, the legend of the evil man "Lu Bu" has been left in Block Street in Ceylon.

Back to Lin Yu.

It's not like he was so innocent and bored that he came to bully children.

The 'Lu Bu' he took out was somewhat different from the robot toys these children played with.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Although it is remote-controlled, it is equivalent to a high imitation pocket mecha.

The main purpose of getting this thing is to upgrade the panel.

"[Electronic Countermeasures] Obtain Clues - Simulation Practice: Conduct ten electronic countermeasures operations of any scale and difficulty. (Completed)."

This is one of the things he gained after learning from the hard experience in the past few days and studying hard at Lane Group University.

During the previous siege of the Furui Biological Research Force, the command and guidance system of the Tianjian tactical cruise missile almost failed due to the electromagnetic interference caused by the electromagnetic deflection force field. It was only the sword-wielding skills of the Chunyang Emperor that saved the situation.

Moreover, the Tianjian tactical cruise missile, the Tiandun ultra-long-range support platform, and the Chunyang Emperor armor all require information transmission between each other, not to mention various cloud computing and remote control in the future.

If you want to ensure that these equipment will not be reduced to scrap due to interference technology, you must master higher-level anti-interference technology.

In this age of the Internet and information, if you don't master the skills of electronic countermeasures and network countermeasures, it's like practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts, and it's all in vain.

This is naturally unacceptable to him.

Therefore, skills such as electronic countermeasures and network countermeasures were also arranged on his schedule early.

Originally, he planned to learn when he went to find Bai Wei a few days ago, but he learned medicine and pharmacy first, and then there was the sudden situation of Miaomiaomiao's disappearance, which delayed it.

As a result, he was disgusted by the high-power signal jammer that night.

So, afterward, he naturally arranged the skill of electronic countermeasures as soon as possible.

Electronic countermeasures, in short, is the confrontation between electronic devices, mainly electronic reconnaissance, electronic interference, electronic defense, such as radar confrontation, wireless communication confrontation, navigation and guidance system confrontation, etc.

Well, by the way, the anti-light anti-radiation missile obtained from Black Snake before can also be regarded as a trick in "electronic confrontation" to some extent.

After all, anti-radiation tracking, which destroys the target fundamentally, is also called confrontation.

The reason why he played mecha duels with the kids these days was to complete the most important condition of "simulation practice".

That's right! He not only bullied the kids! He also cheated!

He secretly applied electronic interference intermittently during the battle!

Of course, he would never tell anyone about this kind of thing.

This matter was kept secret, and only he knew about it!

Even Xue Siqiao didn't tell him!

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