From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 97: Unspoken bidding and selling the first

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

"Faster! Faster! Faster!"

Kang Cheng and several pilots who happened to be at a party rushed to the emergency mission scene and saw this scene.

Because the third-generation beast-type armor has to control the floating cannon, the signal interference in this area naturally stopped, and the sky subsystem had room to synchronize information and call for support.

However, in fact, this support mission was generated early.

The violent artillery fire and the hordes of biochemical beasts and lycanthropes just now can be clearly seen even if they mobilize distant monitoring equipment, not to mention the drones that can mobilize satellites and the Federal Skynet.

Therefore, even though there was signal shielding before, Cangqiong's main system had already begun to mobilize more pilots.

As a result, Kangcheng, who happened to be gathering with a few friends nearby, rushed over with his people.

I thought it was some major incident, an emergency.

As soon as the result came, I saw the flying general beating the beast armor violently!

The surrounding biochemical beasts were killed and their blood flowed like rivers.

Seeing the familiar machine, Kang Cheng twitched his lips and gave up the idea of ​​getting closer. He directly picked up the biochemical beasts that wanted to escape from the periphery.

"Warning! The mission information has been updated. It is suspected that a third-generation machine and a special pilot have been encountered. The threat assessment of this mission has been raised to D level!"

At this moment, following Kang Cheng's finger, he stared at it intently for a moment. They were either awe-inspiring or silent, and each one's scalp was numb.

"With that guy here, it's no longer necessary."

Several pilots who were traveling with Kang Cheng were a little confused when they saw Kang Cheng looking like he was about to be ruined.

They came in a hurry, but they didn't pay close attention to the battle situation.

At this moment, the sky subsystem on the pilot's body was resynchronized with the main system due to the lifting of the shield, and the prompt for another upgrade of the mission came.

As a result, the mission has suddenly increased to D level. The beast body armor is not enough. How about directly using the third generation machine body?

The first thing they took was an internship assignment.

"Lao Kang, aren't we going to help?"

Looking at the warning prompt that popped up on the Pilot Association client, the group of people felt their scalps go numb.

I thought that I would only have to deal with ordinary armed personnel and biological beasts.

"Third generation machine..."

Kang Cheng glanced at the flying general who was fighting fiercely with the beast-shaped machine body, signaled, and said helplessly: "And if you look carefully, can we intervene in a battle of this level?"


"It's okay, it seems it's too late."

"That also a third-generation machine?"

If you intervene forcefully, you may interfere with the opponent's rhythm, or you may be accidentally injured by both parties.

The two parties participating in the war had exaggerated skills and speed. They tried to take over, but found that they really couldn't even get in and intervene.

"This is……"

"Further reinforcements have been mobilized. Please try to delay the opponent until reinforcements arrive."

Several people swallowed their saliva and could only pray that the pilot who was fighting the beast-type third-generation aircraft was also a third-generation aircraft.

Otherwise, if the pilot cannot hold on any longer, many of them are still first-generation aircraft, and it may not even be enough to fill the teeth of the beast-shaped third-generation aircraft.

"No, the pilot is only a second-generation aircraft."

Unfortunately, Kang Cheng's shaking head and truthful answer brought them bad news like a bolt from the blue.

"Don't panic, Lin Yu is very strong personally, it should be fine... it should be."

Kang Cheng was very calm at first, but in the end he still lost his confidence.

Lin Yu was very strong.

Especially for him who had just experienced it personally this afternoon.

That kind of experience that makes people feel cold all over, that kind of experience that makes him feel powerless from the bottom of his heart, is enough to make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Therefore, from a perceptual perspective, he had absolute confidence in Lin Yu.

However, sensibility is sensibility and rationality is rationality.

After all, it is a third-generation machine.

The Federation's cutting-edge machine technology is different from the era.

In fact, the gap between third-generation machines and second-generation machines is countless times greater than the gap between second-generation machines and first-generation machines.

This is an unbridgeable gap.

Even if he believed that Lin Yu had defeated a second-generation machine with a first-generation machine.

Let’s not talk about whether there is some trickery or the right time and place. Now I want to reproduce it again, or even use the second-generation machine to fight the third-generation machine.

His rationality and past experience told him that this was simply impossible!

If he is like this, let alone his companions.

After hearing what he said, several people were still pessimistic and had no reaction.

"At least there is no problem now. Isn't this a fight back and forth? At least we should be able to hold on until support arrives."

Not sure whether it was to appease his companions or to strengthen himself, Kang Cheng killed a biochemical beast and at the same time looked back at the direction where the flying general was fighting the beast-type third-generation aircraft, and spoke again.

"Really or not? This is not a joke. Don't you know the pilot? Can you ask through communication?"

Someone spoke up.

But someone immediately refuted the argument: "If a second-generation aircraft is against a third-generation aircraft, the pilot is definitely walking on the edge of a knife. At this time, sending communications to distract people? Don't harm others, we will also suffer." "

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Kangcheng met another escaping lycanthrope, and at the same time interrupted the argument between the two in the communication, leading the lycanthrope to retreat while fighting, approaching the area where the flying general and the third-generation beast-type aircraft were fighting.

After a moment, he got closer and listened carefully while dealing with the lycanthrope.

After listening for two seconds, he heaved a sigh of relief:

"It's okay, we just need to stop these biochemical beasts from spreading and escaping. He should be able to handle it. At least he will be able to hold on until support comes."

He said this with full confidence, without a trace of doubt.

At this moment, it was a double recognition reached in both emotion and reason!

"Have you communicated with him?"

His companions listened to Kang Cheng's inexplicably relieved tone and asked in confusion.


Kang Cheng shook his head.

"Then how do you know he can handle it?"

Someone was speechless.

"I said, Lin Yu is very strong, so strong that you can't imagine."

Kang Cheng chuckled, revealing a touch of indifference and a little self-satisfaction:

"But my last mission was to fight with him, and I also fought two moves in the mecha battle this afternoon, so I know his strength very well. Now he is far from his full strength."

"Isn't this full strength?"

His companions all had question marks on their faces.

Believe? Definitely not.

It's good enough for a second-generation aircraft to barely hold on against a third-generation aircraft.

Not even at full strength?

This guy is probably exaggerating.

"You haven't experienced it yourself, so you definitely don't understand."

Kang Cheng didn't mean to argue, but just shook his head slightly.

The battle between the flying general and the beast armor was very intense, so intense that none of them dared to intervene, and couldn't intervene.

But he was very sure that this was definitely not Lin Yu's full strength.

This guy is still just mumbling normally now.

But he hasn't said "I see him, he's selling his head!"

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