From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 210 The Key Person

The journey was uneventful.

No matter how quick the Zhong family's response is, it still takes time to mobilize manpower.

Furthermore, it is difficult to take action in the city.

Even after leaving the city, Zhong Qihang's men would not dare to move until the Nantianmen landed.

After all, Zhong Yunfan has seen the power of Chunyang Emperor and Tiandun ultra-long-range support platform.

The forces under their command are also mainly pilots and are strong in land warfare.

If a fight was really forced in the air, Lin Yu would definitely be the first to laugh out loud.

But it's a pity that after waiting all the way, I still didn't get what I wanted.

He could only land at the planned location, a barren plain not too far from the north gate of Ceylon.

All that's left is to wait.

"Is this okay? Are you sure they will come?"

In the established tactical communication, Gu Lei and others from the fortress who had also been lurking nearby had some doubts.

"It will definitely come, just wait."

Lin Yu's reaction was indifferent, he just controlled the flying general, standing alone in the middle of the place, drawing swords and horses, recharging his energy.

Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan have been staring at him for so long. As he shows stronger strength, the other party will definitely become more and more jealous.

One hundred percent profit is enough for a businessman to risk his life by selling the gallows on which he hangs himself.

Not to mention that he is just a D-class pilot with no background.

"That's good."

Lin Yu was confident, but the people in the fortress who didn't know the inside story were still unsure.

However, since they have recognized the other party's right to command, they will not go against the grain unless necessary.

Ever since, the group of people were either dormant or grand, waiting quietly.

The moon is like water at night.

Falling on the black and shiny body, there is an inexplicable sense of majestic silence.

At the same time, the Beicheng Branch of the Inspection Office.

"Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan changed their positions and went to a certain place temporarily to attend a cocktail party..."

"Report, the Skynet system has identified multiple mecha groups on the list leaving the city from the North City Gate..."

"Through the analysis of registration data provided by Qianqiong, the suspects include one C-class and five D-class..."

The entire arrest operation team was processing information from all parties quickly, and it didn't take long for the good news to come out.

Although Lin Yu didn't go into details about his grievances with the Zhong family just now, he still had a lot of communication and detailed discussions about the entire operation.

This includes a list.

They were the same pilots who participated in the last battle at Furui Base where the giant dog mecha was located.

It's hard to say anything else. At least the pilots brought over by Zhong Yunfan, especially Kohler Star Carlson, definitely have a close relationship with the Zhong family and his son.

Even if it is an old car, some people value it like a wife.

For a pilot, his customized body is much more important than a car or a wife.

Without the mecha, the pilot is at best an ordinary person who is good at fighting.

Therefore, for pilots, the aircraft body is the basis of their strength and status.

Furthermore, most pilots earn merit, and most of the merit is invested in the aircraft.

It can be said that the aircraft body is the entire wealth of the pilot.

At the same time, it is also the weapon they rely on to fight for their lives on the battlefield.

There is no room for surprise.

If someone drives him away, or even moves his hands or feet a little bit, he will lose everything at least, or die without a life at worst.

Being able to hand over his body to Zhong Yunfan under such circumstances shows the deep involvement between Charson and Zhong Yunfan.

This time, if we want to target Lin Yu, it can be said that Charson is absolutely indispensable.

This was also the reason why Lin Yu had always used C-level as his imaginary enemy.

In order to facilitate the Inspection Office to confirm the enemy's situation, he naturally provided this list to Noelle.

In this way, you only need to let the Skynet system monitor the pilots or vehicles leaving the city, and you can easily confirm the situation and timing.

Of course, these were the close pilots that the Zhong family and his son put on the record. The Inspection Office may not necessarily have the details provided by Lin Yu, but it must have discovered a lot of things in its original investigation.

Otherwise, the fortress would not have been specially found.

Now, it was late at night, but the pilots on the list happened to be leaving the city one after another. It was obvious what it meant.

Lin Yu succeeded!

The pilot-level forces close to Zhong Qihang have been transferred away.

As long as we can catch him off guard, arrest him directly, and then force him to find out the whereabouts of the stolen machines, the entire case will be settled.

"Notification personnel are in place and ready to act at any time."

Noelle was in high spirits and immediately notified the arresting personnel to prepare.

But there was no direct action.

After all, the agreement was to wait for news of Lin Yu's actions.

It is true that they have to wait until those pilots engage in battle with Lin Yu and his group before arresting them.

Zhong Qihang probably hid a whole battalion of mechas.

There is no room for error.

If we wait for it to react, and really mobilize this power to kill everyone, it will definitely cause a big mess.

"By the way, where are Barbossa's movements?"

After giving the order, he calmed down a little and remembered the intelligence he had communicated with Lin Yu before. Noelle asked the intelligence personnel again.

Lin Yu's method of luring away Zhong Qihang's pilots was simple and crude.

She didn't know why Lin Yu was so sure and could contain these people so easily.

But through the intelligence from the Inspection Office and Lin Yu's words, she still had a general understanding of the power that the Zhong family and his son could mobilize.

If you really want to count, the Zhong family still has Zhong Fan, and there is also the Viking battle ax Barbossa who has close contact with Zhong Fan.

Lin Yu had actually reminded her when discussing with her just now that she had to be prepared on both sides.

No matter how much conflict he has with Zhong Yunfan, Zhong Fan is still Zhong Qihang's son.

Since Zhong Yunfan was able to persuade him to join forces with the Yin Furui Biological Research Force last time, there is no guarantee that he will not get involved this time.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yu would definitely have included Zhong Fan, provoked first, restrained Barbossa, and even tried to provoke him to participate, and then lured Charson and others out of the city to solve the problem.

But this time there is an inspection office and a fortress, and we know that Zhong Qihang may have hidden an entire mecha battalion, so it must be kept secret, so it is difficult to do anything to Zhong Fan, so as not to alert the snake.

In this way, Barbossa and even Zhong Fan may have other hidden powers, which is a huge hidden danger in this operation.

But it's a pity that C-level pilots are not a cabbage.

As high-level pilots in the first three sequences, their numbers are already very few.

There are even fewer people who happen to have some free time and are in the city.

Furthermore, many mid- to high-level pilots are entangled with major groups.

Various technical cooperation, business dealings, investments and shares, and even armed forces cultivated by major groups.

It is extremely difficult to find one of these few pilots who has a relatively clean background, is reliable enough, and is not prone to leaking information.

What's more, funding is also an issue.

Lin Yu could even apply for military industry business qualifications, let alone hire a C-level pilot.

Although it also has an official component, as an independent organization, the Pilots Association does not work for nothing or even pays for it.

If a D-class pilot were to achieve three thousand merit points based on the highest reward offered by the Pilot Association, it would cost at least hundreds of millions in funds and supplies.

If a few D-class pilots come down, it will cost hundreds of millions.

This does not include the cost of hiring the C-level pilot from Fortress or even the expense of human support.

Recruiting a C-level pilot requires more than just three or four thousand meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, the people invited would not be just Bastion, a C-class person, and six D-class people, including Lin Yu and Gu Lei.

If conditions permit, who wouldn't want to be so powerful that they can directly call a dozen high-level pilots to push it over.

But the reality is often far from the ideal.

In this increasingly distorted capital era, federal agencies are often at a disadvantage compared with major capital.

After all, their funds are distributed from above, and they cannot compare with the capital groups that are making money every day.

Technical aspects often rely on various groups.

Not to mention, the upper-level people who really control the decision-making power and the distribution of their funds are essentially all kinds of capital.

Even the military department has suffered many difficulties in this regard, let alone an urban security agency like the Inspection Office.

"Team leader, Barbossa is still in the city and was picking up girls in a nightclub just now..."

Fortunately, the intelligence officers gave quite good news.

"That's good."

Noelle tilted his head slightly, seeming to be a bit worried and sighing.

She couldn't help but think of the private conversation she had with Lin Yu earlier.

"What if Barbossa really comes?"

"I'll take care of it."


"if not?"

The conversation was plain, as if everything was taken for granted.

After coming back to his senses, Noelle raised his head slightly, looked towards the window in the distance, and murmured to himself:

"There is a lot of debate on the Internet about whether this guy can handle C-level... I hope nothing really goes wrong..."

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