From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 77: The Heavenly Sword Unsheathed

"Brother, it's already this time, can you stop panting when you talk! Tell me what you're going to do!"

Although they noticed that Lin Yu seemed to have changed, it was a critical moment, so Zhou Xiong, Camacho and others didn't have time to think too much.

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't say anything after he finished speaking, they hurriedly urged him.

The roar under the sound of artillery fire was even more urgent.

"I also know a little about the art of long-range attack."

Lin Yu finally spoke again.

"Know a little about long-range attack?"

Everyone was stunned.

Now the electromagnetic deflection force field is turned on in the underground base of the Furui Biological Research Unit.

Unless it is a targeted special artillery shell, or a remote-controlled guided missile that can continuously adjust the orbit, it is impossible to break through the protection of the electromagnetic deflection force field.

In the sky, a light blue flame broke through the sky.

Small mechas are not mainly based on long-range firepower, let alone those ammunitions with extremely unconventional uses.

The second is that the mecha rushed up and dismantled this thing.

But the base of the Furui Biological Research Unit has already installed an electromagnetic deflection field, so how could it not have an anti-missile system? Once the missile is launched, it is bound to be intercepted.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Sensing the approach of a long-range attack, a large number of interceptor missiles were launched from all sides, rushing towards the flames like an overwhelming force.

The fourth method is also simple. The electromagnetic deflection field consumes a lot of energy, and the equipment is also prone to overheating. As long as it can last for a period of time, it will fall apart.

However, under the fierce artillery suppression of the orc troops, none of these four methods can be done.

The first is special ammunition.

Seeing this scene, Spot and others, who had a glimmer of hope, immediately felt a jolt in their hearts.

There are basically four most commonly used methods to deal with this thing.

"I have been enlightened for eight hundred years, and I have never used a flying sword to take a head."

Lin Yu did not say much at this moment, but just raised his head slightly and looked at the sky.

There is no need to think about targeted artillery shells and rockets, and there is no preparation at all.


He didn't have to wait too long.

Of course, his hands were not idle, and the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand was still accurately intercepting the shells.

Although he had switched his personality, his original body already had the fourth-level fighting skills. The martial arts of the Chunyang Emperor's personality was only high, not low. Even if he was not very comfortable with the Fang Tian Hua Ji, he could easily intercept some shells.

The third is to use heavy firepower with a wide coverage range, which can blast the ball into the sky even if it is slightly deflected.

With so many interceptor missiles, even the most advanced missiles flying in the sky will probably be intercepted and detonated.

As for missiles, in theory, there are many guidance technologies that can track or target targets.

"Just wait and see what I can do."

No one expected that an F-level mission could encounter such fierce firepower and electromagnetic deflection field at the same time.

Just at this time, as the flames flew over, Lin Yu also recited poems in a chic and unrestrained manner.

The flame in the sky, at this moment, seemed to have become a divine sword held by someone, flying up and down, patrolling and mediating, and easily broke through the firepower network formed by the interceptor missiles.

Until this moment, with the flame approaching at a faster speed, Spot and others finally saw its true appearance.

"It's actually... It's really a sword?"

Everyone, including Zhao Xing and Spot, were stunned.

It was actually a flying 'sword'.

Tianjian tactical cruise missile!

The drone matrix system of the Stan Group is essentially a program, which can be loaded on smart glasses, and naturally it can also be changed to the terminal and loaded on the body.

As a second-generation mecha, the flying general armor will not lack a neural interaction system.

Therefore, although it lacks the power of the ideal state of the Pure Yang Emperor Armor to overlook the overall situation and mobilize the ultra-long-range strike platform to send out thousands of swords, it can still basically drive the Tianjian tactical cruise missile.

"You really play with flying swords?"

Zhao Xing and Zhou Xiong Kangcheng were really stunned when they saw this thing.

Spot reacted much faster: "It should be a command-guided missile. Sure enough, Lin's knowledge is completely abnormal."

Dodge so many intercepting missiles in an instant.

Whether it is the exaggerated flexibility of this sword-shaped cruise missile or Lin Yu's exaggerated micro-manipulation and quick judgment ability, it makes him feel a little too outrageous.

But, on the other hand, putting it on Lin Yu who "knows a little bit", it all seems to make sense again.

Anyway, this guy always knows a little bit about everything.

And every time he says he knows a little bit, it's such an exaggerated performance.

Despite this, he still reminded at a very fast speed: "Lin, don't rush to attack, the electromagnetic deflection force field has a very strong radio interference effect, it's best to cruise to the limit..."

The electromagnetic deflection force field not only continuously deflects the trajectory of the artillery shells, but also has a strong interference with radio waves.

Once entering the force field range, even the wireless command guidance system may not be able to maintain normal operation.

After all, the command still needs electromagnetic waves to be transmitted wirelessly. If the missile's anti-interference technology is not enough, the missile will lose control and become no different from an ordinary artillery shell.

The only chance now is to accelerate the cruise missile continuously, increase its kinetic energy to a level that is difficult for the electromagnetic deflection force field of this base to interfere, and rely on inertial flight to kill with one blow.

However, the battle is only a flash of lightning, so there is no chance to issue a warning.

Before he could finish his words, he watched the Tianjian tactical cruise missile head towards the gathering place of the orc troops, which was also the core area covered by the electromagnetic deflection force field.

"Carry the three-foot sword in the box on your back, to show the heavens that people are not equal."

The flying general put his armor together to form a sword and pointed it forward.

The ion tail flame of the Tianjian tactical cruise missile gushed out more and more violently, turning into a dark blue sword light, and flew into the electromagnetic deflection force field in an instant.

However, the scene that Zhao Xing imagined did not happen.

The Tianjian tactical cruise missile seemed to be unaffected. After entering it, the sword light turned and directly crossed the neck of an orc, and flew out from the other side, straight into the sky.


Straight up to the sky, drawing a perfect arc, the Tianjian tactical cruise missile fell upside down again.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

This time, it pierced through the chests of seven or eight beastmen in succession, then broke away from the electromagnetic deflection field and flew straight into the sky again.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

This scene was repeated over and over again. It was only a flying sword, but it made the whole world seem like swords were everywhere.

"Not affected? The electromagnetic deflection field failed? The electromagnetic interference didn't work?"

This situation that went against cognition completely stunned Spot.

His group specializes in manufacturing missiles, so of course he knows a little more.

But it was precisely because he understood that he couldn't understand the current situation at all.

Is the anti-interference technology of this sword-shaped missile so strong that it completely ignores the high-intensity electromagnetic field?

Moreover, how come the electromagnetic deflection field doesn't seem to work on this flying sword?

I don't understand!

This is unscientific!

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