From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 75 Red Hare among Horses

"What kind of cooperation? Do you two have any special combination skills?"

The conversation between the two quickly aroused the curiosity of Camacho and Diana.

"It's nothing, just a little joke I made in private before."

Of course, Lin Yu couldn't really embarrass Zhao Xing in front of so many people. He changed the subject directly and said to Zhao Xing: "Don't worry, I'm prepared this time. It doesn't need to be the same as the previous two times."

"So much the better."

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Zhao Xing was still a little suspicious, but his expression finally became much more relaxed.

"Let's get down to business first."

Lin Yu became serious and said: "The active radar may be detected by the Furui Biological Research Force, but it is difficult to directly touch a body as big as ours. Therefore, everyone is ready for battle, and Eureka detects and synchronizes battlefield data. "

"no problem."

Camacho responded, and the others took up arms and prepared for battle.

But after all, none of them have real long-range specialized armor. There is no such thing as a powerful missile nest. Using only a handheld artillery launcher, the limit is to be able to launch one or two shells in a short time.

Ivanov's Winter Bear is even simpler. He takes off a thick folding shield from his back and expands it like a corrugated ring wall of several meters.

Camacho immediately understood and activated his own body's active radar.

Lin Yu gave an order.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

It's like poking a hornet's nest.

But, that's all.

Swish swish swish!

Without much command, basically all airframes are equipped with certain anti-missile modules. At this moment, they are all showing off their magical powers to intercept the incoming missiles.

Take a preemptive strike and destroy several hidden defense facilities in an instant.

"The battlefield terrain has been synchronized."

The ear-piercing air defense sirens instantly resounded through the sky, and the automatic turrets and missile silos that had not been destroyed immediately responded with a more violent attack.



Lin Yu gave an order, and the three machines started to attack at the same time. The shells and missiles quickly locked onto the defense facilities.

Eureka is a machine specialized in reconnaissance, so its detection capabilities go without saying, but the active radar can also be easily detected by the enemy while emitting electromagnetic wave detection.

The heavy-duty machine body held up the ring-shaped wall shield and headed towards that station with heavy shoulders.


There was no redundant command, but everyone was not without combat experience. They consciously used the Flying General and the Winter Bear as the vanguard, the Whiteboard and the Four-Handed Balrog behind, and the Crimson Wind and the Riot Rose as the flanks. The Sniper Star and the Eureka escorted from behind.

I have to say that having such a machine by your side really gives you a sense of security.

The sporadic cannonballs that were about to hit were intercepted by the wall shield, causing the Winter Bear's body to tremble.

Soon, a terrain data covering the surrounding battlefields and complete three-dimensional modeling was synchronized to everyone's body. At the same time, many hidden or underground defense facilities were also identified and marked by the system.

"Sniper star, whiteboard, Eureka, penetrating shells, destroy the automatic turret."

However, compared to the Winter Bear, the performance of the Flying General is obviously more eye-catching.

clang! clang! clang!

There was a constant sound of metal colliding.

I saw the flying general swinging his armored halberd so tightly that it hit the cannonballs one after another.

Although the huge impact force made Fang Tian's painted halberd made of high-strength alloy tremble endlessly, as if it was about to be released at any time.

But the cannonballs were also split by the extremely sharp blade of the halberd. The projectiles were either detonated or split into two, but none of them could hit the armor.


"Fuck you!"

Occasionally, when someone glances at it distractedly, they can't help but let out a classic exclamation in their native language, and they are so stunned that they seem to pop out of their eyes.

Splitting cannonballs with bare hands is too exaggerated.

Although this bare-handed quotation mark is made with the help of mecha, the difficulty is the same.

Airborne radar alone cannot completely lock the flight trajectory of artillery shells in advance.

Even if it can be locked, people still need to check the data, be able to react, make moves, and accurately hit the shells.

There is no need to count too much, just these few things, the difficulty is at an inhuman level.

At this moment, they finally understood the value of Zhao Xing's calm words before, "The strength is still above mine."

Does this just mean that you are stronger than you? You kid is so damn good at putting gold on your face!

If it weren't for the fierce fighting and danger, there would be no room for nonsense in the battlefield. At this moment, I am afraid that Camacho, Diana and others would have to despise Zhao Xing.

"Those who can keep up will charge with me, and the rest will form in threes and threes."

When the round of artillery fire first subsided, Lin Yu felt calm and calm.

This general is the invincible general who leads thousands of troops. Isn't intercepting a mere rain of arrows a routine operation?

Rocket thrusters for artillery shells!

Rockets are arrows too!

Back when he was still using a first-generation machine, he could hack micro-missiles, let alone now that he had switched to a second-generation machine whose speed and response were countless times faster, and he also had level 4 combat skills.

The fourth-level fighting skills alone are not inferior to Lu Bu's personality. The superposition of the two proves it to another level. There is also the combat intuition and hit intuition given by fighting and shooting, the fuzzy ballistic prediction of the artillery detection radar, and it is normal to split the shells. but.

In addition, Fang Tian's painted halberd had also been transformed using the blade chitin of the Blade Mantis in his spare time.

The sharp blade combined with the machine's tens of tons of force can easily split high-density alloys.

Let’s get back to the point.

During the interval of ammunition replacement, the artillery fire did not stop but became much less frequent. Lin Yu gave an order and started to charge.

Oh, there is no horse yet.

But there will be one soon.

"Red Rabbit!"

After rushing out a few steps, the flying general slightly bent his knees, jumped high, and shouted.

The Red Wind machine that was originally ordered to follow the charge trembled slightly, paused for a moment, and still moved towards the flying general.

However, the next moment he saw the heavy armor on the flying general's body disintegrate, float and rotate, and fly and deform, and quickly condense and assemble under the armor's crotch.

"Calling the Red Rabbit system..."

"Switch to vehicle form."

"The vehicle rapid deployment system has been activated."

"Deployment completed."


A warhorse neighed, and a tall mechanical warhorse condensed and formed under the crotch of the flying general's armor.

The flying general fell with gravity and landed on the back of the mechanical warhorse. Then the mechanical Red Rabbit carried the flying general to the ground, setting off a round of impact and smoke.

After landing on the ground, Red Hare started to gallop without stopping, with four hooves bringing ion flames, and rushed forward.

"Damn! There is still this trick!"

"Who designed this armor! Ten seconds, I want to know the name of this mecha engineer! I want it too!"

Kangcheng, Camacho and others all had bright eyes.

Spot laughed again: "Hahaha, damn, damn, Zhao, it seems that you are going to be unemployed."

"I am Lu Bu, who dares to fight me!"

Galloping on the horse, Lu Bu's personality memory seemed to be completely awakened at this moment, as if he had returned to his invincible battlefield, and couldn't help but roar wildly.

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