From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 209: Sub-fourth generation aircraft

"This is the basic action plan. Next, everyone can also provide comments and additions. You are welcome to speak freely."

Noelle didn't have any sense of bureaucracy at all, and he didn't make any long, stinky speeches.

After briefly stating the goals and plans for the action, he came to an end and acted as if he wanted others to give their opinions.

However, the whole thing was not particularly complicated to begin with. She had already submitted a perfect answer sheet after several days of preparation, so the venue fell into a brief silence.

No one wants to come out to add or offer opinions.

But soon, one person still spoke up.

A person who surprised everyone present.

"I want to make a request."

The one who spoke was Lin Yu, his voice was calm and composed.

Gu Lei and Bao Bao both looked sideways in surprise.

After all, they are just pilots here to support.

Generally speaking, there is no reason to question the Inspection Bureau's operational arrangements.

"you say."

Noelle looked over and nodded.

"Everyone should know that I am mainly responsible for this plan to divert and contain Zhong Qihang's pilots."

Lin Yu did not make the request first, but explained lightly, and then said:

"So, to ensure nothing goes wrong, I hope to obtain the command of the pilots participating in this operation. Secondly, the capture team also hopes to conduct the operation after hearing my confirmation order."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room, especially the agents from the Inspection Department, almost invariably showed strange expressions.

They looked at Lin Yu.

He couldn't help but look sideways at Bao Si, who was sitting in the first place next to Lin Yu.

From a rational point of view, Lin Yu's request was actually very reasonable.

After all, this operation was essentially an attempt to cooperate with him. Only if he successfully led away and restrained Zhong Qihang's pilots could the Inspection Office arrest them.

In order to ensure the smooth operation, it is actually very reasonable for him to command other pilots and even ask the Inspectorate to wait for his orders.

However, this society has always respected strength and status.

As for pilots, strength and status coexist, and they are both inside and outside of each other.

This operation involves a C-level pilot named Bastion. Normally, the pilots must be commanded by him.

This should be the case whether it is from the perspective of strength and status or from the pilot's usual rules.

At this time, Lin Yu stood up and asked for command authority. It was reasonable, but it also gave people the illusion of a gunpowder smell.

"I have no opinion."

On the contrary, Bastion himself behaved more freely. He just glanced sideways at Lin Yu in slight surprise, and then smiled: "Lin Yu is responsible for the operation. It is appropriate to let him take command. I was only here to help."

"I don't have any objection either."

Gu Lei also shrugged and looked sideways at the four people on his left: "As long as you can deal with them."

It is best for the pilots to decide this matter among themselves, so neither Noel nor anyone else in the Audit Bureau spoke out immediately.

After getting Gu Lei's reply, Lin Yu also looked at the remaining three men and one woman.

Naturally, he was not here to fight for power and gain when he came out suddenly.

To put it bluntly, this is a temporary operation of the grass-roots team, and it has no rights at all.

The reason why he wanted command power was, first of all, as he said. The core of this operation was whether he could successfully contain Zhong Qihang's pilots. Only by having him directly command the operation could he ensure that no mistakes would be made.

And another reason...

He glanced at the light blue panel that appeared on his retina. Only he could see the light blue panel.

"[Combat Command] Upgrade Requirements - Strategies: Command and win a battle involving more than 100 people."

"[Combat Command] Upgrade Requirements - Dispatch Troops: Command no less than twenty subordinates to complete a combat mission."

This is the upgrade requirement for combat command to be upgraded to level three.

As the main skill of the Mimic Tota King personality and subsequent driving of the Heavenly Soldier and Yin Soldier armor, as long as there is a chance, you must try to complete it as much as possible.

When he occasionally had free time before, he actually tried to gather the children near his residence to try, but he failed to succeed in taking advantage of the situation.

It seems that the definition of this skill requirement is relatively strict for combat and subordinates.

To truly complete it in a strict sense, the entire Tianting mecha group would have less than twenty people in total, let alone complete a hundred-man-scale operation.

A scale of hundreds of people, in today's highly intelligent technology era, can often be called a small war.

Regardless of the cost, using heavy weapons such as various missiles, robots, mechas, drones, etc., it is definitely not an exaggeration for a hundred people to fight a small war.

Therefore, if some extremely dangerous situations are not considered, this cooperation with the Inspection Bureau is probably the easiest opportunity for him to fulfill these two needs.

Seeing that Bao Bao and Gu Lei were not the kind of people who were difficult to get along with, he spoke frankly.

The reaction of the two men was as expected.

Now it's up to the other four pilots.

"We don't have any objection either."

"I will try my best to cooperate within reason."

Facts have proved that Lin Yu's recent reputation as Ceylon's first D-level pilot is still somewhat valuable.

Those four are also D-class pilots.

If it were in the past, they would have no problem with the command authority of a C-class pilot, but they would definitely consider it when they met a peer, especially a peer who was not very familiar and had no reputation.

But once the pilot social worker database on the dark web came out and gradually gained a high level of credibility, this bright ranking had a lot of persuasiveness.

Moreover, Lin Yu had previously faced many pilot challenges, and each time he killed them in one move.

This was a reputation earned with real strength.

People like Gu Lei who came from the military may not know.

But as D-class pilots, they who had really watched the previous battle videos could deeply understand the gap that was a bit suffocating.

Any opinions?

I dare not.

According to convention, if peers were not convinced, they could only compete with each other to determine who was better, so as to avoid the situation of pretending to obey but not obeying in the future.

They didn't want to experience the feeling of being killed in one move and then being made into a funny video.

"Since no one has any objection, let's do it."

Seeing that the pilots had expressed their opinions, Noel made the final decision.

Then some details were communicated.

Then, they dispersed.

Not to return home, but to start the action directly.

With the failed attack last time, and Lin Yu's various actions in recent times and not leaving the city, Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan, father and son, must have guessed that he had noticed something, no matter how stupid they were.

Now, the simplest and most direct way to mobilize his pilots is to leave the city.

And if you don't want to arouse suspicion, it is common sense to leave the city quietly at night.

"You all go out of the city and go to this coordinate. Then I will lead Zhong Qihang's people to this location..."

Lin Yu and Bastion explained his simple but absolutely effective plan.

At the same time, he also got to know the remaining three men and one woman.

He Yucheng, Tang Quanlong, Beckman, Betty.

The first two are Ceylon's sixth and seventh D-level pilots.

The last two were more than ten people, but they were siblings who had received the same transformation and training since childhood, and their cooperation was extremely strong.

There were no troublemakers.

They were all serious and experienced pilots.

The Inspection Bureau was still quite reliable in selecting people.

Therefore, after getting to know each other a little and explaining the plan, the few people split up and each mobilized their own armor and logistics vehicles to go out of the city to the target location.

After Lin Yu returned to the base, he also mobilized all the members to prepare to leave the city.

It was late at night, and under the cover of night, the Nantianmen rose high and headed straight for the nearest north city gate.

This movement was to stir up storms from all sides

"Dad, there was news from Shadow that the aerospace ship of the Tianting Mecha Group quietly went out of the city!"

In the middle of the night, Zhong Yunfan was awakened by a call from his subordinates, and he was shocked to pass the good news to Zhong Qihang.


Zhong Qihang, who had finally fallen into a shallow sleep, jumped up from the bed almost instantly.

Judging from his expression, he was even more excited than Zhong Yunfan, and even had a bit of fanaticism in his expression.

He was the original creator of the algorithm chip technology.

Therefore, no one knew the power of the algorithm chip technology better than him.

As a result, he now encountered a monster that could rival a supercomputer with human power.

To be honest, it was not surprising that he was so fanatical.

And with the repeated confirmation of Zhong Changhe and the subsequent challenge pilots, this enthusiasm was pushed to the extreme.

No matter how he did it.

As long as he could be caught.

As long as he could be caught.

The algorithm chip technology will surely be taken to a higher level.

He will also use this to lead a new revolution in mecha technology!

This will be a new era revolution that surpasses the third generation of mechas, and should be called the fourth generation of mechas!

In the future, all pilots will only have two types!

One is a pilot equipped with algorithm chip technology.

The other is a cannon fodder without it!

If you can promote this wave of change with the attitude of a leader.

Not to mention becoming the leader of a single company, at least their new group will grow rapidly by taking the lead.

Perhaps, in the future, they will create a true fourth-generation mecha, completely kick the so-called pilots into the dust of history, and the honor of engraving themselves in history will also belong to them.

No, it should not be called the fourth-generation mecha at that time.

Instead, it should be a brand new thing that completely buries the so-called mecha and pilots and completely enters the era of intelligent weapons.

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