From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 64 Blade Mantis

"Are you ready to go?"

Early the next morning, Zhao Xing's logistics fleet, Spot's logistics fleet, plus two trucks from Lin Yu and Xue Siqiao, and the jeep of Qiao Wa and others formed a long queue.

"That's no problem for me, I can hit the road at any time."

Lin Yu nodded seriously.

"Hahaha, relax, it's just watching this kid complete the test."

Zhao Xing laughed when he saw Lin Yu's serious look.


Qiao Wa, Hawke and the others looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"I suddenly had an ominous premonition."

"Me too."

Several people silently stayed away from Zhao Xing, the crow's mouth who liked to plant flags.

I won’t talk about my last trip to Paradise Harbor.

Let's just say that before, a small action that was easy to capture was shocked by this guy's crow's mouth.

No lesson has been learned yet.

"Haha, don't be so superstitious. What era is this? You have to believe in science."

Zhao Xing said he firmly didn't believe his crow's mouth, but seeing the strange looks in Qiao Wa's eyes, he still stopped angrily: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore, let's go."

Everyone got into their cars, and the convoy set off towards the outside of the gathering place.

This time, Spot's mecha loader took the lead.

After all, this trip was for his trainee pilot assessment. Zhao Xing was the invigilator responsible for supervising and caring for the rest. Qiao Wa and the others were just helping out, and Lin Yu was just a helper.

"A tracker has been inserted into the target. You can find it by following the signal. It's not too far from here."

While marching, everyone was also communicating in the established tactical communication channel.

Spot's assessment task is very simple, which is to hunt down a dimensional beast that once fled near the city wall of Ceylon and then escaped.

This dimensional beast has been marked with a tracker in advance, so finding it is not a problem. The main assessment content is combat.

If you successfully hunt it down, you will successfully pass this round of assessment. If you fail, the invigilator pilot will rescue and bring it back.

"What kind of dimensional beast is it? Do you have any information? I haven't encountered it yet."

Lin Yu became somewhat interested.

There were indeed some dimensional beasts that had not been exterminated wandering around in the wasteland, but naturally he had never encountered them.

If they had met, he would have been dead long before dawn, with not even a scrap left.

"It's a blade mantis."

Spot responded and shared a piece of data.

"No wonder."

Lin Yu listened to the name he had heard before, looked at the information carefully, and felt a little surprised.

Blade Mantis, this is a very valuable and extremely threatening dimensional beast.

Its value lies in its two forelimbs, which are similar to long knives. To be precise, they are the cutting edges of the knife-shaped forelimbs.

The carapace strength of this insect-like dimensional beast can only be said to be average, but the strength of the blades of its forelimbs is extremely exaggerated, and it can maintain ultra-high strength despite being extremely thin.

A pressure formula that everyone in junior high school knows, pressure = pressure/stressed area.

This special chitin, which can maintain ultra-high strength despite being extremely thin, can be used to replace many high-grade materials and be made into extremely sharp cutting instruments or small micro-components.

The threat lies in the fact that this dimensional beast has strong growth potential and can continuously transform and evolve through eating.

An ordinary Blade Mantis is nothing, but if it is allowed to transform for a long time, it will eventually be a huge hidden danger.

The two are superimposed, and it is not surprising that the Pilot Association uses it as an assessment task.

"It should be right in front, about a kilometer away. I need to find a commanding height."

The convoy drove for nearly half an hour and stopped in front of a hillside covered with grass.

"Are you going to directly launch a long-range strike?"

Lin Yu and Zhao Xing both completed their armor. When they got out of the car, they saw Spot's blue and white armored body.

"I originally planned to take the long-range specialization route, but it is not very practical to carry out long-range specialization on a small body, so the sniper star only enhanced the detection capabilities and ballistic calculation capabilities."

The blue and white mecha carried a cannon barrel, skillfully picked up a cannonball from the ammunition box at its feet and loaded it into it.

Small aircraft have a limited amount of ammunition, and more ammunition will affect movement. Therefore, handheld weapons are usually used. Only medium and large aircraft with sufficient space will use airborne weapons.

"This guy's family sells missiles and artillery shells. The most indispensable thing is these things."

Zhao Xing's Crimson Wind also walked to the flying general and looked at the blue and white sniper armor: "But, are you sure you want to use this thing directly? If you rely too much on weapons for crushing, the score you will give will be low. ”

"I can't help it. I wanted to play with technology, but I overturned last time."

Spot said, loaded the cannonball with a click, held his breath and began to aim.

"With cannonballs?"

Lin Yu was slightly surprised after seeing Spot's actions.

Artillery shells, that is, ammunition that relies on artillery to launch inertial flight, usually do not have guidance capabilities. A small number of guided artillery shells are only simple guidance and can only fine-tune their trajectories.

This has the advantage that it will not be intercepted by anti-missile missiles such as Red Bee decoys and backlight anti-radiation missiles, and its initial speed is usually faster than ordinary missiles.

Theoretically speaking, this thing is actually quite aimed at mechas who like to bring some anti-missile modules.

It’s just that this theory is a bit difficult to implement.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Without guidance capability and unable to track targets, accuracy becomes the biggest flaw.

When shooting at targets at extremely long ranges, it is difficult to achieve an error of meters, and it is possible to have an error of tens or hundreds of meters.

Pilots are not fools. They are usually equipped with electromagnetic deflection fields, energy shields, physical folding shields, etc. At worst, they can use some irregular movements to avoid aiming, or find shelters, smoke screens to block sight, etc.

Therefore, if you want to use artillery shells well, you either rely on the experience of the gunners and advanced fire control systems, or you can only rely on large-scale bombing, otherwise it is difficult to cause effective damage to mechas that can move and dodge flexibly.

"I am quite experienced in long-range strikes."

Hearing Lin Yu's unexpected voice, Spot smiled modestly, and then fired.


A shell crossed a long trajectory and instantly arrived above a mantis-like monster about four meters long one kilometer away.

Just as Lin Yu wanted to see how accurately he hit it, he saw that the shell directly split into countless small bombs, falling like rain.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The dense explosions could be heard even at a distance of a thousand meters.


Lin Yu pulled the corner of his mouth.

I thought you were going to show off how exaggerated your shooting accuracy is.

So you are showing off your financial resources and the wide explosion range of your cluster shells, right?

"Get used to it, this guy is a big bomber."

Zhao Xing, who was standing by, patted Lin Yu's shoulder comfortingly and said with emotion: "Anyway, at least the goal has been solved. It's just right for us to go back and celebrate..."


"Zhao Xing! I believed you!"

It will be on sale at 12 noon tomorrow. I hope you will support it. Thank you in advance.

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