From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 53 Metal Printing

"It seems there are many unexpected gains..."

Putting the missile project on hold for the time being, Lin Yu's eyes fell on another prompt.

"[Shooting] upgrade requirements - 100 hits with 100 shots: Kill 100 enemies in a row, and no missed shots are allowed during this period. (Completed)"

"Upgrade requirements completed!"

"Shoot LV1 → Shoot LV2"

"Your shooting skills and experience will be improved. You will gain a weak hit intuition, and you will be able to better grasp the timing when you perform shooting actions."

"You have opened a new upgrade requirement. (Expand to view)"

"Upgrade requirements - Faith: Increase your basic mental attributes to 2 points. (Completed)"

"Upgrade requirements - Sufficient firepower: Win a high-intensity battle with long-range firepower."

"A hundred shots with a hundred hits, killing a hundred with one shot is also called a hundred shots with a hundred hits, right?"

Lin Yu was speechless when he saw the upgrade prompt for shooting skills.

However, judging from the task description, it is indeed completed.

The missiles just launched killed more than a hundred members of the Seou organization.

After carefully experiencing the memory and feelings brought about by LV2 shooting, he found that the experience memory was also very good. Various shooting theories, flight theories, calculations of various interference factors, etc. were all what Lin Yu needed most at the moment.

With this second-level shooting, plus the part of the mecha pilot's armed use memory, the missile engineer should also be able to obtain part of the relevant memory, and basically be able to mimic the personality he wants.

In addition, hit intuition is also very good. It is somewhat similar to the combat intuition brought by level 2 combat. They are both intuition and sixth sense type abilities.

Better timing is more appropriate from the aspect of driving a mecha than the experience and skills brought by shooting itself.

After all, many of them are now intelligent weapons that can track and detect enemies on their own.

Rather than accuracy, timing is the most important thing.

"But... is it already two o'clock in the spirit..."

Lin Yu looked at the new upgrade requirements again, his eyes fell on the three words "Completed" and he scrolled down.

As expected, there is another prompt below, which is the prompt to complete the [Faith] requirement for the exact same fighting skill.

He opened his properties panel and took a look.

"Name: Lin Yu"

"Physique: 1.1"

"Spirit: 2.0"

"Brain area: 1.1"

"Skills: Mecha Engineering LV4; Mimic Personality LV2; Mecha Piloting LV1; Fighting LV2; Shooting LV2;"

"Could it be an influence of state of mind or something like that?"

Lin Yu was temporarily unsure of the rules for improving mental attributes.

In short, before the war started, his spirit was only 1.6, but now it has become 2.0.

After thinking about it, he could only attribute this improvement to his state of mind and other reasons for the time being.

The annihilation of the Seou organization was a complete settlement of the original cause and effect. Firstly, it was barely able to wash away the stigma, and secondly, it was a complete break with the past. Now he really felt refreshed and relaxed.

"Physical fitness seems to have improved a bit in the past few days, and the exercise effect is much better than before..."

Improving attributes is a good thing. There is currently no good way to verify the reason for the improvement, so Lin Yu doesn't dwell on it anymore.

After inspecting the entire Seou organization base and confirming that there were no other remnants, he asked Bai Wei to drive the car into the base and happily searched for the loot.

First of all, in terms of money, this is basically non-existent. After all, most payments are now digital. Although paper currency exists in theory, it no longer performs circulation functions.

But besides money, there are still quite a lot of good things left.

Although several missile vehicles were beaten into shape by the flying generals, many of their components could still be recycled.

Then there are various types of missiles, firearms, and some equipment.

"You must be collecting trophies, right? I, I know they have a secret warehouse!"

When he had finished searching and was about to head back home, a gentle man who had been rescued by him had the courage to come over.

"Secret warehouse? Since it is secret, how do you know?"

Lin Yu maintained basic vigilance.

"I am a missile engineer from Spot Industries. I was accidentally caught here. After they found out my identity, they forced me to produce missiles for them..."

The gentle man quickly explained the whole story clearly.

"I asked how a human trafficker organization can be so wealthy and throw missiles away like they don't cost money."

After listening to the man's story, Lin Yu finally knew where the missiles from the Seou organization came from.

Following this gentle man, Lin Yu quickly found what he said was a hidden warehouse, or a manufacturing workshop.

What was inside gave him a surprise.

A medium-sized 3D metal printer!

In addition, there are many components for making missiles!

Although the 3D metal printer is far less efficient than the industrial assembly line, it is a more versatile manufacturing equipment that is more suitable for individuals and small groups.

In fact, you can guess its use just by looking at 3D printing.

The principle of this thing is very simple. Fill it with metal powder, and then use a laser to melt the powder at a fixed point, so that the powder can be accurately 'carved' into the desired shape.

The upper and lower limits of 3D metal printers are very high, mainly depending on the laser power and processing accuracy. If the power and accuracy are high enough, it can theoretically be used to process any metal parts.

Of course, the efficiency is not high and it is only suitable for small-scale manufacturing.

But the processing accuracy is often better than that of CNC machine tools.

So it is most suitable for processing various precision metal components with low demand.

This SEO organization got this medium-sized 3D metal printer with extremely impressive power and accuracy from nowhere.

And it happened to catch this missile engineer and some other technical talents.

Naturally, it thought of asking these people to help them build missiles.

Although it may not be able to build too high-end ones due to technical limitations, it is more than enough to use these equipment and components to build some basic missiles.

But this happened to be a bargain for Lin Yu.

The SEO organization can build missiles, so he can naturally build them.

Although he has not mastered missile technology yet, it is only a matter of time before he can get missile engineering skills.

Moreover, the manufacturing of mechas and exoskeleton armor also requires metal processing.

This kind of high-precision and space-saving industrial equipment is more in line with his needs than those CNC machine tools.

"You... forget it, thank you anyway."

Lin Yu looked at the ready-made missile engineer of the gentle man and wanted to try to recruit him, but he didn't say anything in the end.

After all, in his current situation, he has no identity or foundation to recruit.

For example: in what name?

Whether it is a company or a gang, it must have a name.

Wang Xiaoliu can still use the name of assistant.

But for a talent like the gentle man who obviously has a good status in the city.

Can he still let him give up his stable life and company position and come to wander in the wilderness with him?

Unless he is forced by force, it is better not to open his mouth, otherwise it will only increase the embarrassment.

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