From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 51 The Immortal Dog


A wave of missile attacks was successfully eliminated in mid-air.

Bai Wei, who was driving, did not stand there in a daze. She started the heavy truck at full speed, directly knocked away the jeep wreckage in front of her, and rushed along the mountain road.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After only a few hundred meters, another wave of missiles came.

Such intensive missile bombardment, if it were not for the multi-faceted upgrades in the trip to Paradise Port, plus the Red Bee decoy bombs and the backlight anti-radiation missiles, it would have been a bit difficult for the original Dawn.

But now these are just drizzle for the flying general armor.


The Red Bee decoy bombs and the backlight anti-radiation missiles were fired again.

Infrared guidance technology, because it passively obtains infrared radiation emitted by objects, does not require detection behaviors such as emitting electromagnetic waves, so it has extremely high concealment and anti-interference capabilities while being extremely accurate.

It can be said that in the absence of corresponding targeted means, this is an extremely powerful guidance method, which is widely used on many missiles.

However, this was exactly restrained by the Red Bee decoy bomb.

One Red Bee decoy bomb caused many missile clusters to explode.

Finally, the SEO organization was forced to adjust its strategy and start intermittent bombing in small quantities and multiple times.

This was indeed very effective in consuming the Red Bee decoy bomb reserves of the flying generals, but the threat to the armor was undoubtedly greatly reduced.

With a full 40 Red Bee decoy bombs, plus the occasional ones that missed or were hit by the Fang Tianji, Lin Yu was unstoppable and rushed forward rapidly despite the bombardment all the way.

Occasionally, there were checkpoints and roadblocks set up by the SEO organization along the way.

But in front of a mecha, a fully enclosed heavy truck specially used for battlefield logistics, these roadblocks that no one dared to guard were not worth mentioning at all.

In a blink of an eye, a building complex located in the valley appeared in front of them.

The four sides were surrounded by high walls, blocked by electric grids, and full of machine gun turrets. There were also many missile vehicles parked in the center.

The missile rain that just bombed came from here.

Da da da da da da!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Seeing that the flying general armor was about to rush forward, the roar of many firepowers became more fierce.

In this situation, Lin Yu naturally couldn't let the heavy truck continue to move forward, so he asked Bai Wei and the woman in white to stay where they were. He drove the flying general armor himself and jumped off the roof of the car, carrying guns and bullets and began to charge.

The surging storm of bullets fell on the flying general's black composite armor, stirring up a piece of sparks.

Missiles were detonated in mid-air, or chopped and exploded by Fang Tian Huaji.


A big hole was forcibly smashed in the high wall.

The tall mecha that looked like a god and a heavenly soldier, but was more than a demon in the eyes of the people of the SEO organization, rushed into the base violently and began to wreak havoc.

The missile vehicle that was approached had almost no power to resist. With a halberd or a punch, it was either torn into pieces or rolled away, and was easily solved in an instant.

The machine gun turrets, the armed bandits, and the cyber-transformers with mechanical prostheses were all as fragile as ever in front of the huge mecha.


"Run! Run!"

"Why did you mess with the pilot! Damn it! Why did you mess with the pilot!"

"Are the top leaders full of shit? Why did you mess with the mecha master!"

Fear, resentment, and crying.

Explosions, smoke, and gunshots.

This is not a war.

It is a one-sided picture of slaughter.

The entire base is either a human trafficker or an armed person who helps the evil. Lin Yu has no scruples when he starts to fight. Lu Bu's personality is even more fierce on the battlefield. He is so fierce when he rushes to kill.

"Don't worry about those miscellaneous soldiers! On the left, at the ten o'clock direction, the white building, the top leaders of the SEO organization are going to release the Eternal Dog! Stop them quickly!"

Suddenly, a communication was connected, accompanied by a slightly familiar voice.

The person communicating was the communicator he left for Bai Wei, and the one speaking was the woman in white.

"What is the immortal dog? How did you know?"

Lin Yu frowned slightly, and the speed of the flying generals' slaughter also slowed down.

"I hacked into their communication channel. As for the immortal dog, wait, I'll send you the information..."

The woman in white spoke quickly, and quickly passed a document to Lin Yu.

The document was not about the immortal dog, but a disease.

Canine contagious venereal tumor.

In short, this is a contagious tumor that exists in dogs.

It can also be said to be a venereal disease.

Because this disease is transmitted through mating.

The most important thing is the source of this disease, which is quite interesting.

It is said to be a canine tumor and a venereal disease, but in essence, it is a parasite.

This disease originated at least thousands of years ago, when a certain "ancestor dog" mutated and caused cancer in its reproductive organs. Its cancer cells were transmitted and parasitized into another dog during mating, and this dog infects other dogs.

Because cancer cells have no upper limit to division, this cancerous tumor is almost immortal.

For thousands of years, it has been spreading and parasitizing in dogs, and even formed a special disease name.

That is, canine transmissible venereal tumor.

These cancer cells are essentially the cells of the ancestral dog, which continue to divide and replicate in the parasitic infection for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has achieved immortality in the canine population.

This phenomenon has attracted many biologists, or there are various messy factors such as natural mutations and pollution effects.

In short, this thing finally mutated, and after some tissue genetic modification, the so-called immortal dog cells were finally born.

This thing only needs to parasitize on dogs, and then provide enough food and energy, it can easily create a terrifying biochemical monster.

Therefore, this thing is simply the favorite of various illegal organizations. It is repeatedly banned, and every copy can be sold at a sky-high price on the black market.

This is also thanks to the pursuit of capital for profit. The immortal dog cells are also deliberately adjusted to the second generation of replication degradation like various genetically modified and selected animals and plants.

Otherwise, this blue planet is now full of freaks cultivated by immortal dog cells.

"I'll give you a task, try to get their missile permissions, or get the password."

After taking a quick look, Lin Yu did not dare to delay, and told the woman in white, and then drove the flying armor to rush quickly to the building at ten o'clock.


Violent wall breaking! Forced demolition!

The flying armor easily rushed into the building.

But unfortunately, in the era of intelligence, many things have already adopted automatic control.

At this moment, there was no one in the building.

A dog-like monster with many tumors all over its body, drooling, six or seven meters long, and nearly two stories high, had already escaped from the cage at the previous command.


As soon as it encountered, the immortal dog had a fierce look in its eyes and pounced on it without hesitation. It was blocked by Lin Yu's horizontal halberd, and its teeth collided with the halberd ear moon blade of Fang Tian Huaji, producing violent sparks.

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