From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 48 Bai Ling's whereabouts


Bai Wei sniffed and cheered up.

"Your sister is very cheerful and talkative. She makes me feel..."

The woman in white hesitated in her words, as if she was trying to find an accurate adjective.

"Doesn't it feel like you were captured?"

Lin Yu spoke up and finished her unfinished words for her.

A girl who was abducted by human traffickers is about to face an unknown and gloomy life.

No matter how you think about it, it should not be linked to being cheerful and talkative.

Although they had only been together for two or three days, the woman in white in front of her even knew that the other party had a sister who looked similar to her. This was no ordinary talkativeness.

When a normal person is in this situation, whether he is scared or hysterical, he or she is planning to escape.

But he didn't take the initiative to make friends, chat, and even talk about his family as if nothing happened.

"Yes, Bai Ling didn't give me the feeling that he was arrested at all."

When the woman in white heard Lin Yu's extremely accurate description, she immediately nodded heavily and said, "Besides, I remember what she said when she was taken away..."

"What words?"

Bai Wei hurriedly asked.

"She said... the efficiency is quite fast."

The woman in white imitated and added: "She whispered this to herself, but I heard her."

"The efficiency is quite fast?"

Bai Wei was confused.

"Your sister said it was very efficient, which proves that she already knew it and was waiting for it to be bought. There is a high probability that she even knows who the buyer is."

Lin Yu's brows wrinkled at first, then gradually relaxed.

This is good news.

In fact, he had some doubts as early as the first conflict with the escort force organized by Seou.

The prosthetic body in Bai Wei's body that can automatically release a protective shield cannot be worth any less than the Heart of Kosiche.

Maybe even higher.

Because to achieve that level, a very large amount of computing power is needed.

And this computing power, unless cloud computing is used, is theoretically impossible for a small implanted prosthetic body to meet.

If the prosthetic body was implanted by Sister Bai Wei, then the prosthetic body containing the wireless communication module should not be used under any circumstances.

Living in this smart era, everyone knows the importance of network security.

No matter how incredible the function of a prosthetic body is, if it needs to connect to an external network, the gain outweighs the gain and the consequences are endless.

But if it can be realized without the help of cloud computing, then the value of this prosthetic body is probably countless times higher than the heart of Kosiche.

Because it either contains a chip with stronger computing power than ever before, or it contains some kind of special technology that is difficult to understand.

So, how could Bai Ling, who could take out this thing, be an ordinary person?

How could he be easily deceived and trafficked with his handsome face?

"Sister...she was caught here on purpose?"

The words were spoken so clearly that Bai Wei naturally understood the meaning instantly.

Since everything was within my sister's expectations.

That also proves that she was deliberately sold here.

If this is the case, then at the very least, my sister must have a way to ensure her own safety.

"Do you know what your sister does?"

Lin Yu asked.

Judging from the current signs, Bai Ling's identity is obviously not simple.

Even the matter of being kidnapped and trafficked by the original person was probably done deliberately.

The purpose is to be sold to the Seo Organization through the original hand, and then resold from the Seo Organization to another place.

Knowing this, the purpose is not difficult to guess.

If you buy "goods" from a human trafficker organization, your identity will be absolutely "innocent".

After such a turnaround, it will be difficult for the other party to investigate clearly, and they will no longer trace its origins.

Therefore, Bai Ling most likely wanted to use this to sneak into a certain place.

"My sister? She majored in mecha engineering like me, but she didn't join the mecha engineering department after graduation. Instead, she worked as a mechanical engineer in the prosthetic development department of Lane Group..."

Bai Wei recounted, but soon stopped abruptly.

Apparently, even she herself began to doubt the authenticity of the information.

After all, she just heard from the woman in white a sister who was completely beyond her previous knowledge.

"Forget it if you don't know. I'm just asking. I'll know this when I meet your sister."

Lin Yu shook his head, and then said with a smile: "At least judging from the current situation, your sister is definitely safe. Maybe she is already waiting for you at your home."

"How is it possible? If my sister goes back, she will definitely contact me via communication."

Bai Wei retorted, but the melancholy that had been lingering between her brows was relieved at this moment, and there was an unspeakable smile and excitement on her face.

My sister finally has news.

Or it was good news that she couldn't even imagine when she hinted at comforting herself.

A knot in my heart was completely resolved.

How unhappy she was.

"Brother Lin, then we are now..."

Happy, she looked at Lin Yu again.

A shout of Brother Lin brings unprecedented intimacy and joy.

"I can't leave now. I want to make a complete settlement with the Seou organization. Moreover, leaving them here will cause endless poison and endless troubles."

Lin Yu shook his head with a firm expression.

Scum like the Seou Organization shouldn't exist in the first place.

And since he has already made an enemy, he must be completely killed to feel at ease.

Otherwise, like today or last time in Paradise Port, there will be all kinds of conspiracies and plots, and you will get caught accidentally.

Even if it can be prevented, it will be a long-term trouble.

It is best to cut the Gordian knot.


Bai Wei naturally has a bad impression of the SEO organization. After hearing what Lin Yu said, and thinking of the mecha in the car, she nodded in agreement.

"However, before that, there is still an important thing to do."

Lin Yu suddenly changed the subject and smiled.

"What is it?"

Bai Wei was stunned.

"Let's get to know each other again, Lin Yu."

Lin Yu smiled warmly and stretched out a hand.

Bai Wei was slightly startled, and then a bright smile appeared on her face: "Bai Wei, nice to meet you, Brother Lin."

Holding hands, smiling at each other, time froze, as if it were eternal.

"Are you two listening to me?"

The woman in white looked at the two people's sticky appearance, but she almost fainted.

A bomb has been implanted in my body! Bomb!

It's okay if you don't run! Can you consider the feelings of a dying person like me!

You are still being affectionate in front of me, and you think I am not attached to this world enough, right?

Even if it is all these, it can all be forgotten.

After all, death is inevitable, and there is no point in entanglement.

But from what they said just now, they are not going to leave yet? They want to fight those demons to the end?

Who gave these two young people the courage?


The sourness of love?

"Listen, now is not the time to show off in front of your girlfriend. She may be overwhelmed, but you can't. You will only hurt others and yourself if you show off like this."

The woman in white lowered her voice and warned Lin Yu seriously:

"You have seen how crazy these human traffickers are. If they can't kill you this time, there will be next time, and there are more heavy weapons in their base than you can imagine."

"Then I will go even more."

Lin Yu's smile became brighter.

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