From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 46 Missile Engineering

"Forty Red Bee decoy missiles, ten anti-radiation missiles, two missile nests and a launch tube. It seems that Black Snake has really spent a lot of money."

After counting all the things, Lin Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Not to mention the Red Bee decoy missile module and the small missile launch tube, the forty Red Bee decoy missiles alone are worth eight million.

Ten anti-radiation missiles are at least five million.

All these things together are worth more than twenty million.

Originally, Black Snake promised to go to Paradise Port with Zhao Xing, which must not be so much.

After all, Zhao Xing only gave five million.

He didn't even make a detailed agreement on the number with Black Snake. He thought that having a dozen missiles for self-defense would be enough.

The reason why it is so generous now is, needless to say, it must be because he said he would take Wang Xiaoliu as his assistant.

I can only say that parents are pitiful.

Although Black Snake said that he would tolerate being beaten and scolded, he must still love his son in his heart.

He worshipped Wang Xiaoliu as his godfather and gave him generous gifts. The purpose was naturally to make his son's life easier and learn some real things from him.

After understanding this, Lin Yu was a little amused.

You know, in fact, he thought of actively recruiting Wang Xiaoliu because of his talent.

Who would have thought that he could not only easily recruit him, but also receive such a generous "apprenticeship gift".

"It seems... Black Snake has thirteen sons?"

Lin Yu groped his chin and couldn't help but have a thought.

Of course, as a promising young man in the new era, he finally let this idea stop at a thought.

Besides, Black Snake couldn't be so stupid. If he really took in more than a dozen sons in one breath, let alone giving him gifts, it was still unclear whether he agreed or not.

After loading all the things onto the heavy truck, Lin Yu did not continue to delay in the gathering place of Black Snake. After purchasing some daily necessities, he took Bai Wei on the journey to the headquarters of the SEO organization.

As for the specific location, this was naturally asked from the hyena Harold a long time ago, not to mention that he had tortured several people in Paradise Port before.

The headquarters of the Seo organization was built in a valley, about two days away from the gathering place of black snakes.

On the way, Lin Yu asked Bai Wei to drive, and he continued to modify the flying armor.

Of course, there was still a big war coming, and he couldn't make too many changes. It would take more than a day to fully upgrade to the second-generation armor.

What he did during this period was to further optimize and upgrade on the original basis, such as replacing the energy and core motors with stronger models on the steel wings, and adding two red bee decoy bomb modules to the shoulder armor, etc.

However, I didn't expect that there would be some unexpected gains in the process.

"You have triggered the skill acquisition clue - Missile Engineering."

"Get Clue - Theoretical Foundation: Master the basic knowledge related to mathematics, mechanics, aerodynamics, control and information technology. (Expand to see details) (Completed)"

"Get Clue - Practical Knowledge: Disassemble any ten different types of missiles."

"Get Clue - Explosion Art: Launch ten missiles of any type."

During Lin Yu's modification and debugging of the two missiles, a new skill clue emerged.

"Not bad, not bad, another knowledge skill. If I can get it, I can design missiles myself in the future, just in time for the new armor."

Seeing the new skill clue, Lin Yu instantly raised twelve points of enthusiasm.

After all, the new exoskeleton armor he planned to make was intended to be mainly used for long-range missile strikes. At this time, being able to get the skills of missile engineering is tantamount to making his plan perfect again.

After a careful look at the acquisition clues, the difficulty is not great.

Theoretical foundation, this has been achieved directly. After all, whether it is mecha engineering or mecha driving, or even shooting skills, all contain various mathematical, mechanics, and aerodynamic knowledge, which is more than enough to meet the conditions.

Disassembling and launching ten types of missiles, these two tasks can be completed simultaneously. If there are missiles to disassemble, there will naturally be missiles to launch - if he can put them back in the same way after disassembling them.

Red Bee and Backlight are already two types. For the rest, let's see if the SEO organization can seize some.

If it doesn't work, get some money and ask Black Snake.

Since Black Snake can get the Red Bee decoy missile module and the Backlight anti-radiation missile, it should not be a problem to get some more common and more useless ordinary missiles.

"Brother Lin, let's eat..."

The next day, at night, it was still a wasteland camping, the moon was dark and the stars were sparse.

Unlike Zhao Xing, who was rich and had a motorhome with him, Lin Yu, who only had a heavy truck full of equipment and two mechas, could only bring some fast food, which was slightly heated by Bai Wei and counted as a meal.

However, tonight when Bai Wei brought the hot dinner over, Lin Yu did not take it, but moved his ears and frowned to look at the mountains and forests not far away.

"He's going over there!"

"Damn it! I can't catch up! Shoot! Just kill him!"

A faint shout and chase sound came from the forest, along with the rustling sound of people walking through branches and weeds and the lights that were particularly clear in the moonless night.

"Get in the car first."

Lin Yu pushed Bai Wei into the back of the heavy truck and took out an electromagnetic gun from it.

This thing was seized from the escort troops of the Seou Organization before.

However, this thing has a fingerprint lock, and only those with authenticated permissions can use it, so Lin Yu didn't take many. Later, when he came back, he asked Hawke to reset the gun permissions.

The main battle mecha is not very useful. The main purpose of taking it is to brush up the shooting skills.

"Start the tactical eyepiece mode, night environment."

Put on the smart glasses obtained from Xu Xiaotu and mobilize the image processing program in it.

The scene in Lin Yu's field of vision quickly refreshed layer by layer, higher brightness, higher contrast, processing noise... After a series of automated processing, the dim night became a little brighter.

"I just arrived nearby, and I didn't expect to meet the real owner. That's good, it saves trouble."

Seeing the people walking through the forest through the smart glasses, Lin Yu immediately smiled coldly.

In the forest, the first one was a woman in white who was wearing a standard hospital uniform or prison uniform. At this moment, she was fleeing in a panic. Her exposed face and arms were scratched with countless scars, and there were many purple bruises.

Behind him was a group of fully armed pursuers. Judging from their attire, they were the same as the escort troops they encountered at the Black Snake gathering place last time.

In addition, this place was very close to the headquarters of the SEO organization, so there was no need to guess the identities of these people.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

At such a close distance, Lin Yu did not even need to mimic Lu Bu's personality. With only the first-level shooting skill, he easily started to shoot accurately.

The vision enhancement and image processing of the smart glasses, plus the experience and intuition brought by the shooting skills, made it too easy to hit the target.

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