"The view around the sanatorium is too wide. We can't get any closer. It's up to you guys next."

Lin Yu and Zhao Xing's car stopped at a distance from the sanatorium, and Zhao Xing's voice came from the communication channel of the tactical headset.


Qiao Wa didn't say anything nonsense, just issued a calm action order.

"Good luck to you."

Zhao Xing didn't say much, just said a blessing, and then fell into silence.

"Wish you all the troops to take the lead!"

A calm and domineering tone sounded in the communication channel again.


The Qiao Wa team was stunned for a moment, but fortunately, they got used to Lin Yu's completely different style of words and deeds when he was in combat mode during the past few days.

"Brother Lin in combat mode feels so cool."

Only Xu Xiaotu's slightly jumpy voice sounded in the communication band.

"Armor deployment complete."

"Interactive system testing in progress..."

"Interactive system is functioning normally..."

"All modules of the machine are functioning normally..."

In the closed compartment, Lin Yu has already entered the cockpit of the mecha, sitting cross-legged, holding his spear in his hand.

The members of the Jova team were fully armed and blended into the night silently.

"Ten o'clock direction, secret sentry, Yingyue, cleaned up."


"Three o'clock direction, treatment building, upper three left four windows, Field."


"Aleena, Xiaoxiao, send Hawke to the building, there is a wiring box over there, which can take over some of the surveillance."


"You have about twenty seconds, and a patrol team will pass by in twenty seconds, hurry up."


The Jova team's communication was constantly heard in the communication channel, brief and efficient, and orders were strictly enforced.

Only at this time could Lin Yu deeply feel that this was an extremely elite mercenary team.

Qiao Wa and his companions, who had officially entered the operation, had completely lost their usual laughter and joking. Everyone was silent and capable.

Moreover, their preparations were obviously very sufficient, and it was not just as simple as finding the location of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Qiao Wa and his companions knew every sentry post very well.

Either let Shadow Moon, who was good at assassination, kill him.

Or let the sniper Field use the low-power and noiseless electromagnetic sniper rifle to kill him in advance.

For a while, everyone was unstoppable and sneaked into the deepest part of the sanatorium.

"Search for targets in a dispersed manner, the old rules, 100 meters."


Two minutes later, Qiao Wa's voice sounded again.

Not long after, Yingyue's slightly indifferent voice sounded again: "The target Larudo was found, sleeping, breathing and heart rate are normal."

"Yingyue, take action, retreat immediately after killing the target, and be ready to break out at any time."

After Qiao Wa instructed his team members, he said to the communication channel: "Mr. Zhao, Brother Lin, please be ready to attack as well."



The two short responses brought an unparalleled sense of security.

With a first-generation mecha and a second-generation mecha as backing, Qiao Wa had never fought such a confident battle.


"The target is dead!"

Soon, Yingyue's bland report sounded in the communication channel.


Qiao Wa quickly gathered and retreated without hesitation.

"I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Zhao Xing's slightly relieved voice also sounded in everyone's ears at this time.


As soon as he finished speaking, a high-pitched and piercing alarm sounded suddenly, ringing through the night sky.




"Mr. Zhao, if you don't speak, no one will think you're dumb."

"Don't you know you can't randomly plant flags before the mission is over?"

The communication channel was instantly like a pot of boiling water, and the Qiaowa team was swearing in unison.


Da Da Da!

Da Da Da Da!

After the high-pitched and piercing alarm sounded, fierce gunfire roared, and the flames that cut through the sky immediately broke the silence under the night.

"It's okay, Larud has been dealt with, and the rest are just trash. I'll attack and support immediately."

Zhao Xing also knew that he planted the flag a little inappropriately, and quickly apologized.


"Fuck! I'm a dog if I take your mission again in the future!"

"I told you not to plant flags! Damn! Mecha!"

"Hurry up and support, the other side may have a reserve pilot, and the mecha is out! Fuck!"

"I'm going to die and I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Zhao Xing's words immediately made the communication channel completely exploded.


Hearing the voice on the communication channel, Zhao Xing's face also changed slightly: "Hold on, I'll be there soon. The reserve pilot is not a problem. Mechas are usually tailored according to the combat style. If Larud is not driving it himself, it will not be able to exert much power."

As the voice came out, a streamlined mecha painted red broke out of the closed heavy truck next to Lin Yu and rushed towards the sanatorium.

The red mecha was so fast that it didn't look like a heavy metal creation. There was even a thruster on the back that sprayed orange-red flames to help. Although it was not enough to propel the mecha to fly, every step was like a leap, flying more than ten meters away.

"Flying General, take over the car and follow."

Because of the influence of Lu Bu's personality, Lin Yu was very calm. He did not choose to run like Zhao Xing's Red Wind, but let the mecha's intelligent system take over the truck and start automatic driving.

Well, by the way, Lu Bu's armor was renamed by him, and now it is called Flying General Armor.

The reason is simple, it is more high-end.

Zhao Xing's Red Wind is obviously a specialized speed-type armor, and it is assisted by thrusters. Flying General Armor is obviously incomparable.

Influenced by Lu Bu's fighting style, although it has not really changed to completely abandon the mobility of the lower limbs, it has become more focused on strengthening the upper limbs after many adjustments. If he runs over, the daylily will be cold.

Fortunately, there is a car to drive, so he doesn't have to run stupidly on the ground.

The vehicle sped all the way, faster and faster, and in the end, Zhao Xing turned his head with a confused face, watching a closed truck rushing past him, and smashed the sanatorium wall with a bang.


The car crashed into the wall and then braked suddenly and spun around. The door of the rear compartment was opened, and a domineering black shadow painted in bright black broke out of it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Yu held the Fang Tian Hua Ji and quickly looked at the battlefield.

The sanatorium was very empty, and many places had become ruins. In the center of the ruins, some of Qiao Wa and others were fleeing in a panic, and some disappeared.

Qiao Wa himself was carrying a rocket launcher that he found from nowhere, while firing at a silver-white mecha and quickly retreating to Lin Yu's side.


Lin Yu did not hesitate, and rushed forward quickly, holding the Fang Tian Hua Ji and instantly blocking the way of the silver-white mecha.

"Your opponent is me!"

Before Lin Yu could take action, Zhao Xing's red wind rushed in from outside.

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