Bai Wei's reply caused a brief silence between the two.

After all, Bai Wei's sister is actually a topic that both of them are trying to avoid now, and it is also a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

In fact, there was a point where both of them were deliberately avoiding it in a tacit understanding.

It has been a full month since the original man tricked the girl, and the kidnapping and trafficking of the girl's sister was only a month ago. So far, more than two months have passed.

After such a long time, even if the headquarters of the organization behind Rupert can be found, the girl's sister may have been resold long ago, and it is more likely that she will not be able to withstand all kinds of torture and die.

However, Bai Wei's words just now gave Lin Yu a glimmer of hope.

Being able to come up with a prosthetic body equipped with this high-end energy shield technology, it seems that her sister is not as simple as she seems on the surface.

No matter how bad it is, Bai Wei can have this kind of prosthetic implant, but her sister doesn't?

It is probably because of these reasons that Bai Wei herself can maintain hope and rationality in the current situation.

If there really was no hope, it would be impossible for the two of them to face each other so calmly now.

"Forget it, we've been delayed long enough, don't want anything else, let's go."

Skipping this rather serious topic, Lin Yu was no longer in the mood to continue searching for loot.

Bai Wei and Harold the hyena boarded the fully enclosed truck, while Lin Yu did not board the truck yet. He drove the Dawn Mecha to clear the way. The two quickly headed for the camp exit in the rising sun.

"Master Zhang, stop looking and hide quickly. The mecha is coming. I don't know if it's the evil star sent by the federation or which group. Be careful and get burned..."

In the dilapidated scrap station, a neighbor who saw the mecha hurriedly avoided entering and winced and pulled the old man Zhang.

However, Old Man Zhang did not reply. He just stood blankly at the door, staring dumbly at the old mecha running past his door.


A mecha assembled from scrap parts!

"It's shouldn't be..."

Even though the Dawn driven by Lin Yu had disappeared from sight, Old Man Zhang was still staring at the direction in which it was leaving, muttering absentmindedly.

"Master Zhang, you..."

The neighbor gently pushed Mr. Zhang again.

"Where did this mecha come from? Have you seen it?"

Old Man Zhang suddenly spoke up, his tone unconsciously showing a hint of urgency.

"Over there on Squirrel Street, I heard that someone suddenly rushed out from someone's house and fought his way out of another unknown force's siege..."

The neighbor responded honestly.

"Fuck! It's really that kid! It must be that kid!"

Old Man Zhang's hands trembled with excitement, and as if he was waking up from a dream, his face turned a little red, and he ran outside.

Looking at that posture, he even seemed to want to chase Lin Yu.

It's a pity that the mecha was running so fast, and there was no trace of it on the street at this moment.

He could only pursue him for a few steps before he panted and stopped, sighing with regret.

However, Lin Yu actually did not leave the camp at this moment.

Because as soon as he reached the door, he was blocked by a group of people.

"Black Snake Gang, you want to stop me?"

Lin Yu recognized the attire of these people blocking the road, his voice was cold, and the scarlet in his eyes seemed to become even darker.

These people are the security team of the Black Snake Camp.

Of course, this is just a nicer name. It is actually the ruler of this camp, the armed force of the Black Snake Gang.

"Don't get me wrong, we have no hostility towards you."

Among the security team, a middle-aged man with a solemn face and an oriental face emerged from the crowd.


Lin Yu just laughed and didn't want to speak.

No hostility?

The armed forces of the human trafficking organization behind Rupert can come in on a large scale. Who would believe that the Black Snake camp has no collusion with them?

"Sir, you must know that this is a wasteland. The entire wasteland is a mixture of fish and dragons. Few people are absolutely innocent. If we want to maintain the Black Snake Camp, we must not be too lenient."

The serious middle-aged man seemed to have guessed what Lin Yu was thinking, and explained: "The Seou Organization has a habit of coming here for repairs and transportation of goods. We did not expect that the other party would conflict with you, let alone..."

"I didn't expect them to encounter such a tough idea like me, right?"

Lin Yu chuckled.

"Ahem, I didn't expect that our little Black Snake Camp could produce a genius like you."

The serious middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, but he regained his composure and corrected him seriously.

"Okay, I believe your statement for now."

Lin Yu nodded slightly, glanced around the crowd, and then returned his gaze to the serious middle-aged man: "Since you have no hostility according to what you said, what are you doing to stop me?"

"If your Excellency asks, I will get straight to the point."

The solemn middle-aged man cupped his hands and said, "I'm Black Snake. I stopped you because I wanted to negotiate a deal with you."

"Are you the Black Snake?"

Lin Yu was slightly surprised.

Listening to the name, he originally thought that the boss behind the Black Snake Camp would be a sinister and vicious person, but he never expected that it was actually this middle-aged man who looked a bit serious and old-fashioned.

But this surprise only flashed in his mind for a moment, and he quickly answered: "What kind of deal?"

"I just asked about the whole story. If what I expected is correct, your next step should be to find the base headquarters of the Seou organization?"

Black Snake's words were a bit literate, which would probably be to his liking if Lin Yu still had Lu Bu's personality at this moment.

Although he was asking, he continued without waiting for Lin Yu to answer:

"Your mecha can indeed defeat ordinary troops, but it is essentially just the most basic mecha made of scrap parts, and most of the armed modules of formal mechas are missing.

With just alloy armor, you should not be able to withstand heavy weapons. This time, Hyena Harold and his men went out to escort goods and did not bring heavy weapons, but their headquarters definitely cannot have them.

Excuse me, if you are trapped in a siege or a long battle, you will probably die."

"From what you said, can you help me?"

Lin Yu did not comment.

Dawn is indeed not a real mecha.

No matter how clever his design is, it is just a pile of scrap parts.

And compared with real combat mechas, Dawn lacks too much, armor system, shield system, flight system, anti-missile system, radar system, various thermal weapons...all missing.

The current Dawn is equivalent to a blank slate, the most basic bare metal in mecha, or an antique bare metal that is on the verge of being scrapped.

But there is no way, it is really difficult for a good cook to cook without rice. Those things are either high-end technology or military technology, and it is basically impossible to dig them out of the garbage mountain in the scrap yard. He can't just make them out of thin air.

"This is the deal I want to discuss with you. After the deal is done, I am willing to provide a set of Red Bee decoy bomb modules and a batch of anti-light anti-radiation micro missiles."

Black Snake smiled slightly and clapped his hands again: "Of course, before that, in order to show our sincerity, I also prepared three Star Dome Inhibitors for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came up with a low-temperature storage box behind him, opened the box, and revealed three translucent needleless syringes that were still emitting white mist.

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