From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 238 Bai Ling Appears

"Lin Yu! Something happened!"

Lin Yu was discussing with Qiao Wa how to sell his damaged weapons as collectibles at a high price, when he saw Alena hurried over.

"Where is Tianting Medicine?"

Lin Yu frowned, opened the cockpit, and walked out of the body.

When Tianting Medicine was first established, it was the time when all aspects of business were carried out. It was extremely busy and tedious. Alena basically stayed in the company these days.

She came here at this time, it could only be that something big happened to Tianting Medicine.

"The batch of goods we shipped out of the city was robbed."

Alena looked solemn.

In the past few days, thanks to Todlin Pharmacy and several small channels that had been negotiated before, Tianting Medicine's sales channels in Ceylon have been initially rolled out.

But the various capital giants in the city, no matter what industry, are too competitive.

Therefore, the early development of Tianting Medicine is still based on the original plan, and the wasteland will also be the main market for expansion in the early stage.

Compared with the city, the wasteland has less competition and stronger dependence. Although it is more troublesome in terms of safety, it is definitely a blue ocean market. The two main products, the Starry Sky Disease Treatment Medicine and Hua Tuo Qi-boosting Pills, are also a perfect match.

With the relationship with Wang Xiaoliu, and no harm, Black Snake has naturally already negotiated.

In fact, the first batch of Black Snake's trial small-scale orders have been delivered. Black Snake has tasted the sweetness of the Starry Sky Disease Treatment Medicine and Hua Tuo Qi-boosting Pills and decisively chose to increase the injection.

This is the second batch, and it is also the first large-scale order.

Many other ruling organizations in other gathering places are probably waiting and watching.

As a result, this batch of goods was robbed as soon as it left the city.

"You should know the situation in the wasteland better than me. If we don't handle it well this time, I'm afraid that what awaits us is not orders and cooperation."

Alena frowned and looked serious.

"Okay, I know."

Originally from the wasteland, Lin Yu certainly knew what Alena meant.

The wasteland is a chaotic place with weak order or even no order.

The rulers of the gathering places like Black Snake, apart from some business considerations for their own territory, are essentially gangs or bandit dens.

Previously, he had asked Black Snake to contact the ruling gangs of the surrounding gathering places for discussions in this regard.

But except for Black Snake, the other gang leaders are basically in a wait-and-see state.

This wait-and-see is not just about the profit and loss of this business.

If you can't show enough deterrence, I think they would rather do a business without capital.

If you are not strong enough, even if they are afraid, they can push it to the wasteland mobs and dimensional beasts afterwards.

After all, it is normal for people in the wasteland to temporarily play the role of robbers when they meet fat sheep outside the camp.

It is also difficult to track down the backward and largely uninhabited areas outside the city through any technical means.

"Boss, how about I go? The D-class Heavenly Soldiers Armor is more than enough to deter those wasteland gathering places."

Jova, who had already turned around and left, immediately volunteered to turn back after hearing the two people's discussion.

"If they are coming for the Heavenly Court Medicine, then it is indeed enough. I am afraid that those people have other intentions."

Lin Yu shook his head.

Normally speaking, let alone the D-class Heavenly Soldiers Armor, even the E-class Yin Soldiers are a high-level strategic deterrent in the wasteland.

If it is just a problem of Heavenly Court Medicine, then it can be easily solved by letting Jova or Hawke and others go there. They are mercenaries and are more familiar with the wasteland environment and investigation and tracking.

But I am afraid that those who robbed the goods are not aiming for Heavenly Court Medicine at all.

"You mean... are you coming for Heavenly Court Heavy Industry?"

Aleena instantly understood what Lin Yu meant.

"That's right, and even if it is not, we must treat it as it is."

Lin Yu nodded slightly, confirming Alena's guess.

At the end of the day, Tianting Medicine is still just a small-scale business, with only a small amount of economic value, and to be honest, those who can appreciate this value are not high-profile characters.

But Tianting Heavy Industry is different.

It is true that Tianting Heavy Industry has not officially operated at all, and it is not even a shell company, but with the registration documents, it is already a real new military enterprise in legal terms.

—— In fact, there are many forces that have approached Alena to seek cooperation and investment these days.

It’s just that Lin Yu doesn’t intend to let others intervene in his company at all, and naturally gives these people a refusal without any room for maneuver.

If commercial negotiations don’t work, then the tricks that follow are predictable.

Fake business war: intrigue, alliances.

Real business war: armed attacks, hacker intrusions.

The development of science and technology has brought about the inevitable loss of control of force.

From high-energy batteries that can be seen everywhere to prosthetics that are nominally medical devices, to various biological transformations and mecha warships, the current martial virtues of the Blue Star Federation are too abundant.

There are various mercenaries, assassins, bounty hunters, underground organizations, gangs, or legal consulting companies, security companies, logistics companies, etc. Violent groups are also emerging in an endless stream.

At this time, the Tianting Medicine was robbed, maybe it was a trick of some force to force it to submit.

Even if it is not, I am afraid that there are many forces waiting to make a move to see the strength of Tianting.

These people can seek military business qualifications and try to enter the military industry. They know that the Tianting Mecha Group is behind them and still use force, so the strength behind them is definitely not weak.

A single E-class or D-class armor may not be able to shock them, and may even fail.

After all, the Heavenly Court Mecha Group is openly D-class. If they are really coming for them, they cannot fail to make adequate preparations.

In front of the wolf pack, even if they show weakness, troubles will inevitably arise in the future.

"In this case, I will ask Hawke and others to prepare."

Qiao Wa understood Lin Yu's meaning and directly called all the troops to go out.

Of course, it was only Qiao Wa and other combatants plus Xue Siqiao.

Miao Xiaomiao, Bai Wei, Mo Dexian and others still had to stay in the base.

After all, there are many projects that need to be promoted at present, and they are also helping Zhao Xing and Spot to modify the body.

However, before leaving, Bai Wei hurriedly boarded the Nantianmen.

"Lin, Brother Lin, I want to go too."

Bai Wei, who trotted all the way to the roof, was a little out of breath. She supported her knees and panted, and swallowed hard before she spoke with difficulty.

"Slow down, no hurry."

Lin Yu patted her back to help her breathe, and waited until she breathed evenly before asking: "Why did you suddenly think of going together?"

After a long time together, he knew Bai Wei's character very well.

This girl, most of the time, is so "sensible" that it makes people feel a little distressed.

If there is no more important reason, she is afraid that she will silently endure things when encountering them, and she is unwilling to cause trouble to others.

This time they set out to track down the robbed goods, and she can't help much, and it is impossible for her to suddenly have to follow on a whim.

"Sister, sister sent me a location, in the wasteland."

Her expression was a little anxious, and with a little joy.

"Your sister? Bai Ling?"

Lin Yu couldn't help but stir up a wave of waves in his heart when he heard it.

After all, Bai Wei's sister, the woman who was sold by his original body and has no news until now, this can be regarded as a common knot between the two.

If there is news, everyone will be happy.

"Only one location? Did you say anything?"

Lin Yu asked.

Speaking of which, he was quite curious about Bai Wei's sister.

The other party went to great lengths to borrow a wasteland human trafficker to enter the SEO organization, and then was resold by the SEO organization. After going through such a big circle, his purpose must be great.

Moreover, the shield-generating prosthetic technology on Bai Wei's body was even more extraordinary.

If we could know its source or principle, we might be able to upgrade the fixed hemispherical shield on the flying general into a protective shield that could truly cover the free movement of the body.

Adding a layer of highly versatile energy shield to the composite armor and reactive armor of the mecha, its improvement in the body's defense and practical value is unimaginable.

This technology is concentrated on an implantable prosthesis, which is definitely A-level in terms of prosthesis rating, and may even be called an S-level prosthesis.

Even if it is a large device placed on the body, it is probably at least B-level or above.

After all, Zhong Fan spent a lot of resources to modify the Viking Battle Axe, which was just a fixed shield generator.

The device that can be installed on the body to generate a deformable and movable shield must be at least Class B.

This does not include the special technology of the prosthetics in Bai Wei's body.

Concentrated on a mere prosthetic that can be implanted in the body, it either has an unimaginably advanced miniature computing power component, or it has some way to replace or reduce the computing power requirement to a terrifying level.

If the principle can be figured out, no matter which one it is, it will greatly benefit various technologies that require computing power.

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