From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 199 Ranked First

"Wow, I'm rich!"

The Nantianmen landed at the base airport, and everyone began to count the spoils, their eyes shining.

"My my, Lin Yu, get to work, I can't wait to drive the D-class mecha!"

Miao Xiaomao happily pounced on the scarlet demon body that had been chopped into pieces by Lin Yu.

"I want a dog mecha too!"

Xiao Tian was also watching eagerly, pouting, her face full of unhappiness.

"Be good, next time, I will definitely build you a dog mecha next time."

Lin Yu had no choice but to pick up the little Loli and touch her head soothingly.

With the hidden danger of Zhong Yunfan and his son, he can't even go out of the city now, so the demand for combat power is still urgent.

Although Xiao Tian has a high combat talent, she is young after all and has a short time to learn.

Not to mention that Miao Xiaomao also has brain-computer interaction equipment, which can directly manufacture a third-generation mecha.

If a dog-shaped mecha is made for Xiao Tian, ​​it can only be a second-generation mecha.

An additional D-class second-generation mecha is obviously far less powerful than a D-class third-generation mecha.

Moreover, although she was given a dog mecha as a toy before, it was just a pure toy made without pursuing combat power.

Because of the fusion of animal genes, Xiao Tian is more inclined to move on all fours than to move upright. Just changing her habit of moving on all fours took Lin Yu a lot of energy.

But no matter how much she adapts to moving on all fours, her body structure is essentially human.

It is not impossible to move on all fours using neural interaction technology, but the core architecture of the second-generation mecha is a bionic body structure based on the neural interaction system.

The body structure of the highly bionic driver can be perfectly mobilized and controlled by finely mobilizing the body.

If there is no bionic structure that matches the two, and it is just forced to move on the ground, it can only be a toy.

If a bionic structure is used, the bionic animal body will not match her human body structure, and it will be very awkward for the bionic human body to fight while lying down, and the difference in structure will also have a great impact on combat power.

After all, humans have evolved for many years to move upright, and everything is for this purpose, rather than lying on all fours like dogs.

But Xiao Tian is obviously more accustomed to the way of moving on all fours by instinct, and her preference is also dog-shaped mecha.

In this way, unless she can truly master the manufacturing technology of the third-generation machine, it will be difficult for Lin Yu to make a suitable mecha for her.

If he really just plays house with the child, he is not so generous as to play house with a D-class mecha.


The little loli made a pitiful and muffled sound, and buried her head in his chest as Lin Yu stroked her.

Fortunately, although she is a little naughty at ordinary times, she is still a very sensible child and did not get angry because of this.

He just looked up eagerly and said, "Then I must make a dog mecha for Xiao Tian next time~"

"Of course, I promise."

Lin Yu smiled warmly and scratched her cheek.

"I'll go help Sister Xiao Miao sort out the accessories."

Soon, the little Lolita perked up, kicked her legs in white socks and white shoes, and signaled Lin Yu to put her down.

After Lin Yu bent down and put her on the ground, she immediately ran to Miao Xiao Miao and Mo Dexian and Bai Wei who came.

"Xiao Tian, ​​come here quickly, grandpa will teach you to recognize the new parts..."

Mo Dexian immediately pulled her over with a kind face.

It's hard to imagine that such an old man who was once famous for his weird temper would show this look.

But the fact is that Xiao Tian has always been the little happy fruit of the entire mecha group, and even Mo Dexian couldn't resist her charm.

First of all, the little cat girl is really cute, and her personality is mainly well-behaved and sensible, with a little bit of just the right amount of mischief, which is naturally very likable.

Furthermore, don't forget that she was recruited as a qualified person for the mecha engineering team.

She was young and knew nothing. It can be said that she was a "qualified person" who got in purely by talent. Her qualifications were amazing.

She usually hung out in the mecha workshop, playing and making noises. In just two days, Mo Dexian was amazed by her and loved her like a granddaughter.

"Boss, with this batch of supplies, can we add two more of our heavenly soldiers?"

Compared to the D-class armor that Miao Xiaomao and Mo Dexian were sorting out, Field and Miller were obviously more concerned about the batch of goods from Yuanhang Machinery in the container.

After all, they didn't have to think about getting D-class armor for the time being.

But if it was F-class and E-class, they might be able to arrange it for them.

This batch of goods from Yuanhang Machinery was also very valuable.

First of all, there was a batch of E-class alloys.

Although there were no particularly outstanding properties, they were very good in terms of strength and heat resistance, and had a wide range of applications. They were indispensable materials for making mechas or various weapons and equipment.

Plus a batch of F-class motors produced by Yuanhang Machinery.

They are enough to make four or five F-class mechas, and can even be used as secondary auxiliary motors for E-class mechas.

They can even be used to make prosthetics.

"We'll see when the time comes. If there are still some merits left, I'll make a few E-class ones."

Lin Yu nodded.

He actually doesn't think much of F-class mechas now.

Even if they are used to make heavenly soldier armor, they should at least reach E-class like the four Yin soldiers.

It's just that E-class armor definitely needs E-class main motors, and other energy modules are also not small expenses. Tianbing armor also needs computing power, and there are many things that need to be added. They can only wait until the budget is sufficient or someone delivers it to the door.

Qiao Wa and the others are naturally aware of this.

But they are still very happy to hear that Lin Yu plans to continue to equip them with armor, even E-class armor.

Lin Yu never makes empty promises. Since it is on the agenda, there will definitely be this day, and it won't be too long.

The main pilots of other mecha groups may still be driving F-class bodies, but they can also be equipped with F-class or even E-class bodies with Tianting. Just thinking about it makes me feel happy.

The ones who are more secretly happy are actually Yingyue and Hawke.

They have already driven E-class Yinbing armor when they practiced these days.

"Lin Yu, come and take a look at this."

Xue Siqiao also waved to Lin Yu at this time.

She is not interested in the gains of mecha accessories.

But she seems to be very enthusiastic about some other places.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yu was worried that something might have happened, so he immediately stopped talking to Qiao Wa and the others and walked quickly to Xue Siqiao's side.

"Congratulations, you are now the top D-class pilot in Ceylon."

Xue Siqiao smiled and showed Lin Yu a list.

That was the pilot social worker database she mentioned before.

In the ranking of D-class pilots in Ceylon, his name was already ranked first.

Zhong Changhe, who was originally ranked first, had disappeared.

In his place was a cold record in his resume:

-One strike, killed Zhong Changhe instantly!

Below him was a name he had just come into contact with.


The daughter of the director of the Inspection Bureau.

A genius pilot transferred back by the military.

Owned machine: Sheriff.

-Fought Zhong Changhe, unfortunately lost.

"So fast?"

Lin Yu's first reaction when he saw these records was awe-inspiring.

Too fast.

Although he did not let Xue Siqiao tamper with the surrounding Skynet facilities because of the intervention of the intelligent brain.

But this mysterious hacker organization actually updated the battle between him and Zhong Changhe in the first place, which is really shocking.

"After all, it is an organization that has the ability to obtain so much pilot data from the entire federation, and it dares to publish it."

Seeing Lin Yu's expression, Xue Siqiao shrugged.

Being able to obtain so much pilot information and even private data is strength.

Disclosing this private information is tantamount to offending all pilots, whether it is because of privacy leakage or dissatisfaction with the ranking, etc., once it is found out, this organization will definitely not have a good result.

In this case, they dare to take the risk of the world, which further proves their strength and confidence.

"Do you know anything about them?"

Lin Yu looked at Xue Siqiao.

"No, I also came into contact with this social engineering database from the dark web."

Xue Siqiao shook her head and said, "In this era, the most abundant thing is hackers, not to mention those messy AI technologies."

In the intelligent era, the more developed information and intelligent technology are, the more hacker technology, as their opposite, will inevitably obtain the best breeding ground and compete with intelligent technology.

It can be said that the more developed a civilization's computer technology is, the more developed its technology will be.

The stricter the rules are, the greater the interests and needs of breaking the rules will be, and the more people will try to break the rules to gain benefits.

"Don't worry, no matter what their purpose is, there are so many pilots in their database, it's impossible that they just happened to target us."

Xue Siqiao's somewhat serious expression returned to a smiling look, and he comforted her and said, "Anyway, no matter what, you should be famous now."

"Haven't you heard the saying that people who are famous are prone to gossip?"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes unhappily.

Fame is naturally a good thing.

Mimic personality needs fame, even if it is the original body, it will also help to enhance the fame of personality in the future.

Secondly, the sale of authorized mecha bodies for mecha battles and other derivative authorized endorsements also need fame.

If you do business yourself, fan economy is also a huge source of income.

If you are employed, your fame will definitely increase the price offered by the employer.

Even if you start a company, fame obviously has very considerable promotion benefits and image enhancement effects.

Especially this last one.

The capital of this world has developed too terrifyingly along with the political system and intelligent technology.

There are giant capitals in all walks of life and all aspects.

Internet companies are even more abnormal, using abundant cash flow and a large number of users as capital, and wantonly extending their tentacles to any field they can reach.

Therefore, in this capital world, even the bottom level of starting a company is extremely fierce, and a normally established small company cannot survive at all.

In this case, using the identity of a pilot to cultivate fame and image, and then using it as a springboard to establish your own company brand, can be said to be a rare and valuable way to success.

A different and replicable path to success.

There are many pilots who started out this way.

Even in his memory on Earth, there are countless examples of brands that have used the fame of fans to achieve success.

Let alone the typical ones, there are too many celebrities and bloggers who cut leeks after becoming famous.

Lin Yu just happened to be planning to set up a pharmaceutical company to make some money.

If there is an opportunity, he will definitely enter the mecha and military industries in the future to establish his own accessories acquisition channels, and even establish a complete high-end mecha industry chain.

Therefore, fame, an excellent breakthrough, is also very important to him.

However, as the saying goes, being famous has its advantages, but it will also be more disadvantageous.

"Forget it, it's a good thing after all, so I'd better improve my strength first."

Thinking about the possible negative impact of this incident, Lin Yu finally suppressed these thoughts and started to adjust the design of the Skyhawk with Mo Dexian and Bai Wei.

In this world, companies need more than just operations to survive and develop.

There are also technology and force.

Without a powerful AI and supercomputing center, many things will be restricted, and even be used as a backyard by various giants or hackers.

And force...

There is no way, with the development of technology to this extent, martial virtue is too abundant.

Let alone mechas, let alone the firearms that can be seen everywhere, even prosthetics that are supposed to be medical devices can be used as a means of killing far beyond that of ordinary people.

Even many household items, housework and even entertainment robots, if they are maliciously modified and controlled, it is easy to kill two people.

There are all kinds of technical videos on the Internet, all kinds of teachings that are not afraid of trouble, and daily necessities can become qualified killing weapons with a slight modification.

To put it bluntly, if you take a battery and modify it and throw it out, it will be a bomb that can kill several people.

In this case, ordinary people are still okay, but it is not realistic to expect capital to play business wars honestly.

Otherwise, major companies and groups would not spend huge costs to train their own pilots.

What's more, some people have set up security companies specifically to raise private soldiers openly, with a lot of cyber modifiers and biochemical modifiers.

In the next two days, Lin Yu focused on the design of the Skyhawk.

The first draft needs to be modified according to the existing materials seized, and the corresponding missing parts and materials need to be purchased from the Pilot Association as appropriate.

These are huge projects for other engineering teams. It is unknown how much time it will take to discuss and connect.

But for Lin Yu, he can be the whole team by himself. The whole design drawing is basically from his hands. If there is a problem, he can change it at will. With the fifth-level mecha engineering, the efficiency is surprisingly high.

It took two days for him to lead Mo Dexian and others to brainstorm and complete the new design drawing, and then officially entered the construction stage.

Lin Yu didn't plan to go out before the construction of the Skyhawk was completed, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

People are popular and there are many troubles.

The trouble finally came on the third day.

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