From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 197 Three Solutions


The Sheriff's giant sword was about to hit the chest and abdomen of the red demon machine.

But something strange happened.

The scarlet machine was clearly knocked open and had no time to react, and it was even more difficult to adjust its posture. Suddenly, as if a blessing came to its mind, its posture turned sideways as if it was forced to twist.

By turning sideways, it naturally avoided the giant sword stabbed by the Sheriff.

The long knife in his hand was also retracted and placed in front of his chest, and passed by the sharp blade of the giant sword, creating dazzling sparks and clanging sounds.

In this way, of course, it could not fully resist the huge force carried by the giant sword.

But it also bought it a short breathing opportunity.

The scarlet machine was able to successfully complete the entire sideways evasion action and completely dodge the attack.

Then, it counterattacked like a storm.

"You are quite capable of letting me use my true strength."

The cold words came from the loudspeaker of the machine, and the violent offensive became continuous.

The girl driving the sheriff was still so light and orderly.

The scarlet machine driven by Zhong Changhe was no longer as fierce and fierce as before.

His attack became faster.

It also became more sophisticated.

It seemed unsystematic, but in fact, every move was like a stroke of genius.

If you must use an adjective.

That is, standard and efficient.

Every move is standard, just like ordinary people walking casually compared to soldiers marching, which can be distinguished at a glance.

Every attack and parry is like a well-thought-out choice of the best and most efficient solution.

Times have changed.

Just now, the girl was very clever, steadily building an advantage, little by little, but unwaveringly winning.

At this moment, Zhong Changhe's offensive is continuous, like a strong wind, like a rainstorm, always stirring up the lonely boat.

The stability gradually turned into disorder, and gradually became helpless and precarious.

While the two were fighting, the Inspection Bureau and the bandits were not idle either.

The Inspection Bureau continued to suppress the bandits with firepower.

But those bandits were also brave and brave, and they were evenly matched.

Some bandits took out their hands and quickly dismantled the container. The closed heavy truck at the beginning also rushed over, and a hook shot out from it, hooked the container and pulled it directly into the rear cabin.

After everything was done, the engine roared, and many bandits also jumped on the truck with their own skills and rushed away.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Changhe did not want to fight, and also swung away the "Sheriff", ran a few steps and jumped into the car.

The car drove away.

The agent of the Inspection Bureau hiding in the dark rushed out with an annoyed look.

After all, there was a fierce exchange of fire just now, and he must have found a bunker to hide, so it was naturally a little slower to come out.

Besides, those ordinary bandits are only secondary after all. The key to the victory or defeat of the battle lies mainly in the pilots of both sides, so they did not make too many additional arrangements.

The more you do, the more mistakes you make. Too many arrangements will inevitably reveal loopholes and have no meaning.

If Miss Noel can defeat Zhong Changhe, everything will naturally settle down.

If they cannot defeat him, they will not be able to stop a mecha that wants to escape.

At the beginning, the situation was indeed very good.

Who would have thought that this damn Zhong Changhe actually hid his strength.

And he is so strong.

You should know that Miss Noel used to be able to fight against opponents of higher levels with a standard mecha.

The "Sheriff" she is driving now is a mecha specially customized for her by the military. When she was transferred back to the Inspection Bureau, she spent a lot of money to redeem it at her own expense.

As a result, she was only evenly matched with Zhong Changhe.

No, evenly matched is a bit of a flattering statement.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Miss Noel's disadvantage was already very obvious just now.

If they continue to fight, she will definitely lose.

"Ms. Noel, what should we do now?"

A Level 5 agent who was responsible for assisting the command walked hesitantly to the vicinity of the "Sheriff".

"Request the intervention of the federal intelligent brain and check the monitoring and lines along the way. I don't believe they can run far."

Noel put the giant sword back behind her, and the magnetic suction system immediately absorbed the weapon.

Then she was also swift and resolute, and immediately called her own body loader on standby in the distance to chase along the way.

The federal intelligent brain controls many intelligent facilities including Skynet.

However, the computing power of the intelligent brain is very precious, and it is impossible to put it on the details of the city all the time.

Therefore, the Skynet system in the normal state often relies on its own program to run independently.

This also gives many hackers an opportunity to take advantage of, allowing some hackers who are obviously not very high in level to have a certain impact on the Skynet supervision system.

But if the federal intelligent brain intervenes, even if it is just an insignificant sub-body, it is enough to instantly reverse the situation and complete the attack and defense transformation.

It's just that it's hard for ordinary people or events to have this authority, and it's even harder to apply for approval.

But... who can blame her father for being the director of the department.

It's said that even in the military, he is favored by some bigwigs.


"Damn, this time the Inspection Department's scene is not so big, fortunately we retreated quickly, we were almost caught by the intelligent brain."

Not long after, Xue Siqiao breathed a sigh of relief with some cold sweat.

Zhong Changhe and his team's retreat was not a blind run.

These hackers still had to provide cover and concealment along the way.

As a result, she found something wrong halfway through and quickly pulled out.

Fortunately, she pulled out early.

If you are really targeted by a sub-body of the Federation Intelligence Brain, it will be difficult to escape.

"Okay, wipe off the sweat."

Lin Yu smiled and handed over a tissue.

"The Federation Intelligent Brain is purely about cheating because of its computing power. If I had Xiaomiao's brain-computer interaction equipment and auxiliary AI, I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

I don't know if it was because he felt he had lost face, but Xue Siqiao didn't take the tissue immediately, but muttered half an explanation.

"It's very powerful. If it were me, I would definitely be grabbed by the brain's tail."

Lin Yu chuckled and comforted her. At the same time, he directly put the tissue in his hand to her forehead and wiped the sweat on it.

"What's the use of wiping your forehead? What's wet with sweat is your back."

Xue Siqiao was a little confused by this seemingly intimate action, her eyes averted for a moment, and then she snatched the tissue from Lin Yu's hand with feigned disgust.

"Actually, I don't mind helping you with your back."

Lin Yu shrugged slightly.

Of course, the jokes are just a sideshow.

It’s still business that matters.

After saying that, he got up and headed to the hangar on the Nantianmen.

Of course, the current Nantianmen is no longer stationed.

As early as Zhong Changhe broke out and the "Sheriff" showed its defeat, he had already recalled Qiao Wa and others, and after they boarded the ship, the Nantianmen also set sail.

Space ships are definitely many times faster than ordinary vehicles running on the ground.

Coupled with the magical urban structure of Ceylon, flying in the air is even more advantageous.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible for Zhong Changhe to escape his pursuit.

It's just that Lin Yu wanted to wait for him to escape farther and more remote, so he didn't rush to catch up.

"Qianqiong discovered that Zhong Changhe, a D-class pilot wanted by the federation, was suspected of piloting a mecha to carry out robberies and escaping from the Inspection Office's pursuit..."

On the way to the hangar, Lin Yu was not idle either.

The habitual backhand comes first with a wave of reports.

Although the Pilots Association does not have the power to enforce laws in the strict sense, it will be under its control once the impact is too great or illegal mechas appear.

After all, only mechas can fight and stop mechas.

Moreover, it also functions as part of a violent organization, responsible for blocking unconventional combat forces such as dimensional beasts and mechas.

"The information you provided has been comprehensively summarized. After calculation, the target has been determined to be the federal D-class wanted pilot - Zhong Changhe."

"Tentatively assign D-level mission: Apprehension"

"Please cooperate with the Inspection Office to intercept/capture/kill Zhong Changhe. After the mission is over, merit rewards will be calculated based on your contribution."

"Cangqiong will use subsystems to access your body to monitor mission progress, and evaluate and correct mission levels in real time..."

This time Cang Qiong responded very quickly.

The pilot was seriously wanted, and he had just committed a robbery. The Inspection Bureau was pursuing him. Qian Qiong came up with this result without any calculation.

"You get two paychecks for one job. No wonder they all like to get a part-time job in the Pilots Association."

After seeing the message from Cang Qiong, Lin Yu also whistled happily.

Then he walked into the hangar and checked the situation through the control and display system in the hangar.

"It should be almost done."

After estimating the distance and looking at the nearby area, Lin Yu began to order the Nantianmen's shipboard autopilot AI to speed up the pursuit.

Zhong Changhe ran all the way to the lower city area, apparently planning to leave the city.

This area happens to be relatively remote, with almost no pedestrians, and the people from the Inspection Office have also been separated from each other. It is a good time to engage in battle.


The Nantianmen accelerated with all its strength.

In an instant, they arrived in front of the enclosed heavy truck where Zhong Changhe and others were speeding.

Lin Yu had already entered the pilot's cockpit.

"The deployment of the second-generation flying commander armor has been completed."

"Self-test completed! All modules are operating normally!"

"Current energy remaining: 100%"

The eyes of the black-armored god general who was kneeling on one knee lit up with red light.

"Start the deity system."

Lin Yu moved his limbs, stretched out his hand, grabbed the Fang Tianji standing next to him, and ordered at the same time.

"Calling the divine system..."

"The deity system has been initialized..."

"Armor delivery is about to begin..."





The bottom deck under the armor suddenly opened.

The entire fuselage of the pilot fell straight down.

The wind howled.

The descending system automatically fine-tunes the posture, guides the airflow, and reduces the falling speed as much as possible.

But, after all, it is not a real high-power propulsion system.

It is obviously impossible to significantly reduce the falling speed of a mecha that can easily weigh one to twenty tons.

In addition, the delivery height is not high enough and there is not much time for buffering and adjustment.

Therefore, the entire flying general's fall was like a huge meteorite.


Dropped from high altitude.

The shock wave spreads.

Countless gravel and smoke were thrown up.

In order to ensure high-altitude construction, Ceylon's very high-quality ground was directly smashed into a huge deep pit.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and the black-armored god general who was kneeling on one knee emerged from it, slowly stood up straight, and stared coldly ahead.

Sink shoulders.

Dropped elbow.

The time is just right.


It was as if a scene not long ago was reappearing.

The enclosed heavy truck that was speeding in hastily was forcibly stopped by the black-armored god general.

The entire front of the car is deeply sunken, wrapping the entire aircraft body into it.

Then he was grabbed by two mechanical hands covered with black armor on both sides, and they exerted force suddenly.

Crack~ Crack~ Sizzle!

The metal groaned with difficulty, but was inevitably torn apart suddenly.

The entire front of the car was torn in half.

Then he did not take the next step, just took the halberd, slammed the ground, and ignored the front.

"It turned out to be you."

Behind the heavy truck compartment, the scarlet devil-like body driven by Zhong Changhe also jumped out and slowly walked to the front.

"Oh? It seems that you know me?"

Lin Yu was slightly interested, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's just garbage ranked below me."

Zhong Changhe sneered: "Let me tell you today, I rank first in D-level because the upper limit is first, and you rank second, but you can only rank... second!"

The last two words, the tone became heavier, and his body also exploded.

The first move was "full force"!

It turned out to be the social worker database ranking that Xue Siqiao mentioned...

Hearing Zhong Changhe's words, Lin Yu also knew where he had heard of him.

"Heh, it seems that Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan don't trust you very much."

Lin Yu snorted, raised his halberd, and easily blocked Zhong Changhe's sword.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing the names of Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan, Zhong Changhe, who was already a little surprised by being easily blocked, paused for a moment.

"If they trust you enough, they should have told you about me."

Lin Yu sneered.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhong Changhe's voice became low.

"Three moves."

Lin Yu held the halberd in one hand, still blocking Zhong Changhe's long sword, and stretched out three fingers with the other hand.

Zhong Changhe: "What?"

"You can only hold on to three moves in my hand at most."

Lin Yu smiled.


Zhong Changhe was instantly furious, and attacked with "full force", rushing forward.

The next moment.


Before he could see what happened, Lin Yu's Fang Tian Hua Ji had already cut off one of the scarlet armor's palms, and then penetrated its jaw from bottom to top.

"It seems that I overestimated you."

Lin Yu said lightly.


With a light push, the scarlet mecha also fell to the ground.

Zhong Changhe was only driving a D-class mecha.

For mechas of the same level, the flying generals made by him can suppress them in terms of performance.

As for skills, it goes without saying.

Although Zhong Changhe can indeed be called a genius.

But now, he has level 4 combat, level 4 medicine, level 5 mecha engineering, and even the skills after Lu Bu's personality reconstruction, or the pinnacle of surgery of Hua Tuo's personality.

He has too many BUFFs on him.

Not to mention the body crushing, even if the body has some disadvantages, he is invincible among the same level.

It is hard to say whether there is any opponent who can compete with him in close combat skills.

Even if Zhong Changhe used his full strength, he actually relied on the computing chip.

And it seems that the upper limit of his performance is only equivalent to Adam last time.

At most, it is the same level as Lu Bu's personality before his reconstruction.

Against other people, it can be said to be very strong, even ridiculously strong.

But against him...

If it is combined with a C-class machine, it will be very tricky. He is not particularly sure now.

But if it is just a D-class machine.

Adam has already made a typical demonstration.

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