From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 195 A large number of accessories

In the isolated computing center in the mecha workshop, Xue Siqiao sat sideways with her plump black silk legs crossed, her hands operating various projected 3D panels without stopping.

Half a day passed like this.


Accompanied by her heavy tapping, just like hitting the spacebar when completing a job, she stood up lazily and stretched.

"Have you found the person?"

Next to her, Lin Yu, who had also spent half a day designing and modeling mechas, raised his head.

"Of course, let's see who's coming."

Xue Siqiao smiled lazily and complacently, her raised arms twisted against each other, stretching her limbs.

"Tell me."

Lin Yu didn't rush to get up, but just lowered his head and continued to sketch on the projected model in front of him, and at the same time calmly motioned Xue Siqiao to continue.

"Zhong Changhe is a wanted criminal, so he must not be seen in public, but in this world, as long as you are alive, you can't leave the Internet, and you will inevitably leave traces on the Internet."

Xue Siqiao continued to move her body lazily, showing her slim curves without caring, while explaining to Lin Yu:

"Since it is not convenient to move on the public Internet, whether it is to conceal your identity or do other things, you must be inseparable from the dark web.

With the information of the pilot social worker database, I followed the clues and found his common identity on the dark web. By the way, I also found a very interesting news."

"What news?"

Lin Yu looked up at her while busying himself.

"This guy should have some big moves and is recruiting people on the dark web."

Xue Siqiao suddenly smiled playfully: "Guess what the result is?"


Seeing her like this, Lin Yu naturally wouldn't spoil the fun, and cooperated with the supporting role to ask.

"He happened to recruit a hacker. I used one of my old aliases, which immediately shocked this guy and helped him get into their organization."

Xue Siqiao smiled and sat back in her chair, then crossed her legs sideways, with her toes dangling slippers.

Dynamic objects always attract extra attention.

Lin Yu restrained his gaze from glancing somewhere, and said calmly: "So, did you get the time, place, and specific plan?"

"That guy is quite cautious."

Xue Siqiao seemed to notice the change in Lin Yu's eyes, and there was a hint of teasing in her smile. She didn't know who he was talking to, but continued:

"At the beginning, he only said that he would talk about the specific plan after the operation began, and only gave a meeting point. I also said that I would only provide online support, so I got the coordinates from him."

Life will always find its way out.

In any era, the development of spears and shields has always been in parallel.

When one technology comes out, there will always be another one to surpass or counter it.

Hackers may not have obvious personal combat power, but they are definitely an indispensable profession in all fields - especially those dark aspects.

The city is full of intelligent machines, various monitoring facilities and identification equipment.

Whether it is creating false identities, covering up various equipment tracking and positioning, or shutting down or interfering with monitoring facilities, opening security doors, etc., they cannot be separated from the support of hacker technology.

Therefore, hackers are particularly popular on the dark web.

Many non-professional hackers will occasionally make extra money on it, and their shadows are often seen in many actions.

In order to prevent identity leakage or being approached by others, most of these people only provide remote technical support.

Therefore, the reason Xue Siqiao found is still very reasonable.

After all, he is an experienced person who has been in these fields for a long time, and he can only be said to be acting in his true colors when doing these things.

"Then you continue to contact them. For the sake of caution, Zhong Changhe may change the time and place of action later."

Lin Yu nodded after hearing this, and asked Xue Siqiao to follow up.

In the next few days, as expected by Lin Yu, Zhong Changhe changed the time and place of action told to Xue Siqiao several times.

However, with the Nantianmen and the Chunyang Emperor Armor, the speed of travel was easily supersonic. Lin Yu was not in a hurry at all, and just waited quietly.

Until the fourth day.

"This time it should be true. Zhong Changhe asked me to start."

In the evening of the fourth day, Xue Siqiao walked quickly to inform Lin Yu.


Lin Yu also walked to the rooftop and asked about the situation.

The base of the Tianting Mecha Group is a 14-story building. He originally rented the 12th floor, and there are two vacant floors above.

Of course, thanks to the Ceylon Magic Building Structure, the 12th floor of this building is actually a street-facing floor facing the suspended street, and it is even completely fine to say that it is the first floor.

Since he has no shortage of money, Lin Yu has rented the two vacant floors above, and the roof is being transformed into an airport for parking the Nantianmen.

Nowadays, even in construction, many times, equipment similar to 3D printing is used, so the construction speed is still very fast, and it is basically completed now.

Nan Tian Men naturally stopped at the rooftop airport.

"No need to drive Nan Tian Men. You may not believe it, but Zhong Changhe's target this time is nearby."

Xue Si Qiao held Lin Yu and said, "Besides, you can never guess what his target is."


Seeing Xue Si Qiao's unhurried attitude, Lin Yu was not in a hurry.

She was not someone who could not distinguish the important from the unimportant. She was always very serious when doing things.

Moreover, many operations are originally carried out by hackers. Even if operations are to be carried out, hackers must be allowed time to work.

Since she is not in a hurry, she must have plenty of time.

"The action coordinates given by Zhong Changhe are over Barak Street. I just checked the public network information such as routes and news, and I found such a piece of news."

Xue Siqiao smiled and operated the smart watch, projecting a small page to Lin Yu.

There's nothing fancy about it, it's just a piece of news released two days ago, just mentioned in a few sentences.

In short, a company called "Yuanhang Machinery" issued a document saying that it had reached a cooperation with another company, and celebrated warmly.

And it also stated very casually that the relevant order materials will be delivered one after another starting today.

Xue Siqiao used an intelligent algorithm to slightly screen the location and time, and was able to easily retrieve the message.

But generally speaking, this is a very normal corporate news. The purpose of announcing good business news is to promote and expand visibility, to motivate shareholders, etc. Various companies do not know how many messages they send every day.

"Is there anything weird?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her.


Xue Siqiao nodded: "I checked the shares of Yuanhang Machinery and found that the largest shareholder behind Yuanhang Machinery is Zhong Qihang."

Zhong Qihang, the father of Zhong Fan and Zhong Yunfan, is the founder of Qihang Interactive Entertainment, the predecessor of Turing Interactive Entertainment, and is now the vice chairman of Turing Interactive Entertainment.

"Zhong Changhe is his nephew, but he comes to snatch things from him. It's interesting."

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and then smiled.

This is the development of uncle, nephew and filial piety.

Either Zhong Qihang and Zhong Changhe completely turned against each other and had a deep hatred.

Either Zhong Qihang was playing with his left hand instead of his right, or he was deliberately giving financial support to Zhong Changhe.

Needless to say, the probability of the latter is definitely higher.

Zhong Changhe was once the uncle and nephew of Zhong Qihang, and he was also a famous genius. He was once as famous as Zhang Wuji.

The previous Qihang Interactive Entertainment had just started and lacked the strength to protect itself. The two definitely hit it off.

It can be said that it goes without saying that Zhong Qihang definitely funded and cultivated Zhong Changhe back then.

Even if Zhong Changhe went astray and was wanted later, Zhong Qihang would only openly clear up the relationship and not turn against him.

Even if Zhong Changhe has been able to get away with it all these years, Zhong Qihang's secret funding is probably indispensable.

Based on one's own standards... ah, based on common rationality, the previous large funding was a sunk cost. How could Zhong Qihang give up?

Even if this genius nephew cannot be used openly, he can still turn to the dark side.

After thinking about this clearly, it will be clear to see the operations of Zhong Qihang and Zhong Changhe now.

Yuanhang Machinery belongs to more than just Zhong Qihang. If something is robbed, the shareholders will lose. Zhong Qihang may even make a profit.

Furthermore, it may also be a deliberate funding. Zhong Changhe needs these things, but Zhong Qihang wants to distance himself from the relationship, so he deliberately leaks the transportation route.

Through this method, firstly, Zhong Changhe can get the supplies smoothly, secondly, Zhong Qihang can clear up the relationship, and thirdly, he can get shareholders to help provide money. It can be said that he kills multiple birds with one stone.

"Do you know the detailed list of shipments?"

Lin Yu opened his mouth to ask, with a constant smile on his face.

Of course laugh.

These are all unexpected gains.

Since Zhong Qihang wants to fight with his right hand, he doesn't mind becoming a Jie Taoist in the end.

Anyway, he snatched it from Zhong Changhe, a wanted criminal.

Let’s not talk about whether we knew it after the fact or not. Even if it was stated openly, at most it was just arranging some lawyers to argue with each other.

Furthermore, pilots have a special status, and it is often a common unspoken rule to take some reasonable loot.

If this batch of goods belonged to someone else, he would feel a bit of a psychological burden because of his thick face and dark heart, but if it belonged to Zhong Qihang, then he would have no choice but to say you're welcome.

"Mainly a batch of E-grade alloys, and then various types of motors. The motor craftsmanship of Yuanhang Machinery is not too high, it is basically F-grade, but the quantity is quite considerable."

Xue Siqiao obviously understood Lin Yu's thoughts and also smiled.

"Isn't it true that whatever is missing comes?"

Lin Yu looked at him and smiled, his expression getting brighter.

Motor, this is the core of the power output of a mecha.

Second-generation mechas and above have basically been replaced by pure motor transmission, and the entire power system is composed of large and small motors of different powers.

The various small and micro motors of F-class are one of the core accessories for manufacturing F-class mechas.

Even E-class mechas are in high demand.

After all, even if it is an E-class mecha, most of its components are composed of E-class accessories.

In addition to the main power requirements of E-class motors, auxiliary motors are still needed in many places. It is suitable to use F-class motors as secondary motors for these auxiliary and adjustment purposes.

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

After learning about this batch of supplies from Zhong Qihang, Lin Yu was naturally not in a hurry.

Anyway, we have to wait until they succeed before taking action.

"Jova, call Miller and Hawke over."

Gathering the members of Qiaowa's team, Lin Yu began to arrange tasks in an orderly manner.

Barak Street is right next door. If necessary, he doesn't even need a transport vehicle, he can rush there in a short time with his armor on.

However, now that we have heard about the batch of supplies from Zhong Changhe and Zhong Qihang, we must wait and see for a while and wait for the situation to develop.

Xue Siqiao had already infiltrated their interior, and was supposed to work with other hackers hired by Zhong Changhe to take care of various surrounding monitoring facilities.

With Xue Siqiao's level, it shouldn't be a problem to keep track of Zhong Changhe and the others' movements without the knowledge of other colleagues and using surveillance cameras.

Mainly in the follow-up.

He planned to stay behind, and of course he had to wait until Zhong Changhe was able to evacuate.

Therefore, someone still needs to track Zhong Changhe's movements and find their lair.

"Shadow Moon, leave it to you, okay?"

Lin Yu looked at Shadow Moon.

He had already completed the transformation of his prosthetic body that he had promised before.

Now Shadow Moon is equipped with a low-power stealth system similar to the Yin Soldier armor. It is also good at concealing attacks and spying on information, so it is suitable for tracking.

If that doesn't work, four Yin soldier armors can be sent out by then.

It's just that he doesn't plan to completely expose the four Yin soldier armors for the time being unless necessary, at least not to expose the stealth system.

After all, we have to face Zhong Qihang and his son in the follow-up. It is always good to have more trump cards without leaking.

"no problem."

The Shadow Moon man nodded without saying much.

"Very good. Once the task is completed, your monthly payment for Gubenpeiyuan tablets will be doubled."

Lin Yu snapped his fingers and promised a reward.

But this reward made Yingyue, who was already paralyzed, a little unable to hold back, and her face turned red.

Qiao Wa and others also showed joking smiles.

Gubenpeiyuan tablets were actually the medicine that Lin Yu made a few days ago.

The main purpose is indeed to strengthen the body and strengthen the body. Although it cannot really greatly enhance physical fitness, it is very good for recuperating the body.

However, compared to this excellent nourishing and nourishing effect, it is its 'side effects' that apparently concern Qiao Wa and others more.

After learning about the joke about Yingyue's eagerness to 'help' at that time, these bad friends were shocked and also ridiculed.

"Be serious."

Lin Yu quickly stopped their laughter and continued to give instructions:

"Qiao Wa will lead the people to support Shadow Moon. You are all old teammates, so I shouldn't need to say anything more. Some non-armored units will also be handed over to you by then."

"no problem."

Jiao Wa also immediately nodded seriously and led his team members out of the station.

He was a qualified and experienced commander, and Lin Yu didn't need to worry about commanding this kind of team.

Soon, everything began to be executed in an orderly manner.

Zhong Changhe hired more than one hacker, not only to let them cooperate, but also to restrain each other.

And the technical level of these people is indeed not low.

Xue Siqiao lowered his level and joined forces with these hackers, and quickly took care of all the surrounding surveillance.

But at the same time, she also simultaneously transmitted these surveillance images to the Nantianmen.

Lin Yu boarded the Nantianmen and quietly followed its developments through the projection equipment in the cabin.

First, a few closed heavy trucks came quietly and parked everywhere, forming a net-like situation intentionally or unintentionally.

Then, on the road ahead, Yuanhang Machinery's transport truck was slowly coming.

"No, Lin Yu, there may be a third party!"

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